Monday, September 30, 2019
Coca Cola vs Pepsi: Background
Research Proposal |Student Number: | PROVISIONAL TITLE |Coca Cola Vs Pepsi: how a competitive brand proliferation has determined their dominance in the global soft drink industry? | BACKGROUND | | |It is not a foreign notion that both Coca Cola and Pepsi have been competing with one another in the global soft drinks industry for many years.From the | |early stages, of both the drink brands development from 1910, when Pepsi took on Coca Cola in the American carbonated drinks market franchising 24 | |states[1]. Too the current day in which Coca Cola this year celebrated, 84 years of being the official sponsors of the Olympic Games. As well as Pepsi | |wining the bid for sponsorship of the Superbowl halftime show once more; with last year’s show being viewed by an estimated 114 million globally. 2] | | | |Their soda war has been raging for over a century. When Caleb Bradham created Pepsi in 1898, Coca Cola had already been incorporated for 6 years by Asa | |Candler who purchas ed John S Pembertons Coke recipe, and was selling a million gallons a year. By the time Pepsi had franchised 24 states; Coca Cola had | |established bottling plants in Cuba, Canada and Panama and understood the power of advertising. Ploughing large amounts of profits into marketing with | |D’Archy Advertising Company.Over the next 20 years Pepsi suffers two bankruptcies the first in 1923, the start of World War I (WWI). When government | |policies on sugar rationing left the company with no other viable option and Pepsi Cola was sold to Craven Holdings Corp. After two years the trademark | |went bust once again in 1931. Here though good fortune comes in the form of Loft Inc a candy store chain, with its intuitive president Charles G Guth; | |they initiate the first competitive pricing strategy between the two firms. Pepsi Cola introduced the 12 ounce bottle for 5 nickel in 1933.With profits | |rising Pepsi produces their first advertising campaign for radio and jukebox: †˜Pepsi Cola Hits The Spot, Twelve Full Ounces That’s A Lot, Twice As Much For| |A Nickel, Too, Pepsi Cola Is The Drink For You’. During this time Coca Cola has established bottling operations in Bordeaux, Paris, Philippines’ | |establishing a global distribution network of resources. Resulting in a huge group investment of $25 million persuaded by Ernest Woodruff who would become| |President of Coke in 1923. The investment spurs Coke to spread to Australia Norway and South Africa. | | |By 1959 Coke is now a registered trademark under the name of The Coca Cola Company, their first ever television commercial has been advertised and the | |company’s distribution network crosses 100 countries and 1700 plants. From the 1940’s onwards Pepsi have learnt from previous events and at the beginning | |of World War II (WWII) purchase a sugar plantation in Cuba to avoid disruption to business. They have also developed their products container to a can, a | |m ore progressive and modern aversion from the traditional heavy glass bottle.By 1959 Pepsi was now available in a 120 countries; differentiating their | |target market the youth nicknamed the ‘sociables’. At this point, for the first time both Coca Cola and Pepsi Cola are equals. In the sense they have | |established equally strong global distribution networks and have similar levels of assets. | | | |Albeit in 1960 Coca Cola was not complacent with sharing the lime light with Pepsi Cola, and initiates a merger acquiring Minute Maid Corporation in | |response.This causes a domino effect over the next few years with Coca Cola introducing Sprite and Diet Coke. Pepsi Cola merges with Mountain Dew adding | |to their trademark and then merging into the snacks industry with Frito Lay Inc creating PepsiCo Inc, as well as introducing Diet Pepsi. Both brands have | |continued to develop and expand. To this day The Coca Cola Company is consists of over 400 brands[3] and Pepsi con sisting of 22 food and beverage | |brands[4]. | | |Although Coca Cola and PepsiCo are prestige brands, they both remain global market powers in a vigorously competitive soft drinks industry, valued at total| |value US$30. 3bn by 2008[5]. Their success is down too their strategic behaviour in response to changes in the market structure, changes in market demand | |and product development over the last 84 years. Both brands have practiced archetypal methods such as pricing strategies, mergers, product | |differentiation, in order to compete with one another for market dominance.To such an extent the market has developed into an oligopoly, in which they | |hold a large market share stifling other competition. This type of competition is discussed in great detail in the Journal of Economics and Management | |Strategy, where company strategic behavioural responses are explained by using various oligopoly competition theories such as Cournot, Bertrand competition| |and Pure strategy Nash equilibrium games. Some of the articles within the Journal are specific to Coca Cola and Pepsi, proving that my topic is both | |contemporary and relevant. 6] The journal also embarks on the effectiveness of constant research and development to maintain product differentiation in the| |market. [7] The journal contains articles relevant to the soft drinks industry[8] and articles that can explain certain company actions like recipe | |patents[9]. | | | |Coca Cola and Pepsi’s century long soda war can be analysed stage by stage, each brands reaction to the other is a carefully thought out plan in which the | |sole purpose is ultimately to overcome the rival brand last move in a continuingly competitive game. RESEARCH QUESTIONS AND OBJECTIVES |The main objective of this piece of research is to examine the strategically competitive decisions made by both Coca Cola and Pepsi over the last 84 years;| |that have developed both brands into establishing themselves as significant pow ers in the global soft drinks industry. | | | |My aim is to go through both brands commercial history identifying key events and competitive moves, such as the first pricing strategy instigated by Pepsi| |in 1933, and Coca Cola’s merger of Minute Maid in 1960.Using officially endorsed company literature to establish a thorough history since 1986 to the | |present day. Such texts as ‘For God, Country and Coca Cola: The Definitive History of the World’s Most Popular Soft Drink’[10] and ‘Pepsi 100 Years’[11] | |and each corporations global web sites (www. pepsico. com/www. coca-cola. company. com) will be essential to collating a empirical investigation. | | |Once I have compiled a detailed history for both companies, it will be clear that there are certain strategies that have been used to increase either | |brands market power. I will use microeconomic theory with the aid of scholarly papers, journals and market records (some of which I have referenced in my | |background) to explain the reasoning behind instigating the strategies and why they were a success to either Coca Cola or Pepsi brand proliferation.I have| |already outlined briefly a few key implemented strategies in my background; the innovation of the Pepsi can, Nickel for a Nickel decade, Minute Maid | |Corporation merger, but there are other notable tactics. | | | |Each chapter will be based on an individual event or commercial decision which I will have identified after further investigation, with the chapters in a | |chronological order. In each chapter I will analyse the motive for the action, the economic strategy implemented and its direct effectiveness on the soft | |drinks industry.When concluding my research, I hope to have a synopsis of how; when the right strategy is applied in the right climate it can have a | |profound effect on a company’s demand and supply leading to increase in profits and market share too brand proliferation[12]. Alth ough my research is | |focused on coca cola corporation and PepsiCo it may be prudent to research another leading corporation within the global soft drinks industry i. e. Nestle | |Sa or Suntory Holdings Ltd. An investigation may reveal a ype of industrial organisational strategy which has not been used in Coca Cola and Pepsis | |relationship. I could provide this strategy as a suggested forthcoming policy to deal with Coca Cola and Pepsis modern day feud such as the Olympic | |sponsorship dispute[13] | REFERENCES |1. |Mark Pendegrast (2000). For God, Country and Coca Cola: The Definitive History of the World’s Most Popular Soft | | |Drink. 2nd ed. US: TEXERE (Thomson Corporation). ix-621. | |2. |Stoddard (1997). Pepsi: 100 Years.US: General Publishing Group U. S. 1-208. | |3. |Dhar, Tirtha 1 ; Chavas, Jean-Paul 2 ; Cotterill, Ronald W 3 ; Gould, Brian W 4 . (2005). An econometric analysis of | | |brand-level strategic pricing between Coca-Cola Co. and PepsiCo. An econometric analysis of brand-level strategic | | |pricing between Coca-Cola Co. and PepsiCo. 14 (4), 905-932. | |4. |J. C. Louis and Harvey Z. Yazijian. (1980). The Cola Wars: The Story of the Global Corporate Battle Between the | | |Coca-Cola Company and Pepsico, Inc. Business History Review. 5 (04), 386-590. | |5. |Dube, Jean-Pierre. (2005). Product differentiation and mergers in the carbonated soft drink industry. Product | | |differentiation and mergers in the carbonated soft drink industry. Journal of economics and management strategy 14 | | |(4), 879-904. | â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ [1] Kim Bhasin. (02/11/2011). COKE VS. PEPSI: The Amazing Story Behind The Infamous Cola Wars. Available: http://www. businessinsider. com/soda-wars-coca-cola-pepsi-history-infographic-2011-11? op=1. Last accessed 04/11/2012. [2] Sports Illustrated. (2012). Pepsi
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Organized Crime Essay
Ever since the time that human beings began living in any form of community setting, it is likely that organized crime, albeit in a primitive form, was born. Today, organized crime is quite different than the stereotyped mobster of the days of Al Capone. With this evolution in mind, this essay will answer various questions about the modern face of organized crime. Why Does Organized Crime Still Exist? Organized crime still exists today for a variety of reasons, especially when the development of the modern world is taken into account. First, on the most basic level, the classic organized crime organizations still serve a vital function in every corner of the world as a means of managing drug trafficking, illegal gambling, prostitution and many more typical vices that represent profitable opportunities for the criminal enterprise. The complex nature of the political, technological, and economic world in the 21st century also lends itself very well to the proliferation of organized crime. For instance, the many global terrorist groups that are active at the present time are very well run organized crime groups (Washington Times, 2003). Technology, and its link to international commerce has also fostered present day organized crime; in a far cry from the days of â€Å"Murder Incorporated†, organized criminals today often use the Internet and related devices to commit what is called transactional crime, such as bank fraud, embezzlement, stock market swindles, and more (Punch, 2005). What are the Roles of Various Law Enforcement Agencies in Fighting Organized Crime? Traditionally, the various law enforcement agencies served the purpose of protecting the common good and to promote common decency by eradicating the vice and corruption that organized crime fueled. In most cases of localized organized crime, local or state police agencies were able to keep organized crime in check; in the extreme cases when organized crime was international in nature, world police organizations such as Interpol and the FBI got involved. Presently, however, due to the globally terroristic nature of organized crime, which represents as much of a threat to global security as it does to the quality of everyday life, organized crime has been challenged by the armed forces of the nations of the world (Olson, 1995). In these circumstances, world leaders have formed crime fighting alliances to act as a global police force to bring international organized criminals to justice (Fighting Organized Crime, 2000). What are the Challenges with Undercover Investigations in Organized Crime and the Use of Informants to Prosecute Organized Crime Figures? Undercover investigation, due to its very nature, poses its own unique challenges; the need for the undercover officer to maintain his or her assumed identity, effectively infiltrate criminal groups, and bring criminals to justice is perilous to say the least. When undercover investigation is employed in organized crime, a whole new realm of challenge and danger surfaces. To begin with, organized crime groups are typically tightly knit, making the introduction of a new person, especially one whose whole life was created as a work of fiction highly difficult. Once â€Å"inside†, the undercover officer must also maintain the identity at the peril of the investigation at least and their life at worst. Use of informants to prosecute organized crime figures is highly challenging as well; the reliability of the informant, who is of course a criminal, can make or break the investigation. Moreover, keeping that informant in place without being revealed as an informant is daunting and also risks the investigation and the life of the informant. Conclusion Organized crime is alive and well in many forms, given the complex nature of the modern world. As time goes by, fighting organized crime will become increasingly difficult, and the stakes will get higher and higher. World leaders and law enforcement must work together to make a difference.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Project management Thesis Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Project management - Thesis Proposal Example This argument is particularly important in consideration of the fact that there are authors in the extant literature on research methodologies who explain that both of these methods could be at odds with each other, suggesting a degree of inefficacy (i.e. Poggie, DeWalt and Dressler, 1992, pp. 132). However, this researcher agrees with Flick’s position and further argues that effective features of each model should be adopted and reconciled so that identified research approaches from both paradigms complement each other, resulting to a more effective method of investigation. Naturally, the hybrid model proposed would mean that this study will utilize a number of research tools and techniques. For instance, data will be gathered using interviews, surveys and secondary sources and they will be presented as empirical data in the research discussion and analysis. The structure of the research is a logical flow of stages that incorporate qualitative and quantitative techniques. This is depicted in Fig. 1. It shows how the study would begin with interviewing resource persons. The focus group technique can prove to be invaluable at this stage. Once, approved, this researcher will devise a structured interview at once involving three to five stakeholders or industry resource persons. The purpose is to gain a significant knowledge and first-hand data on specific issues that would provide the insights necessary in developing a more effective questionnaire and research techniques. In the focus group interview, participants will be asked to respond to questions and allowed to respond to each other’s answers as well. Secondary sources will complement the data from the focus group interview. This will not only inform the next step in the study but also provide collaborative evidences and sources for comparative analysis. These
Friday, September 27, 2019
Assignment 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 10
Assignment 2 - Essay Example The seller is afraid of nonpayment incidences while the buyer goods delivered will not conform to the order’s conditions. Coupled with the above-mentioned fears, it is the fact that legal recourse will be expensive besides sometimes being extremely complex taking jurisdiction into consideration. Mainly, they ease trading modes besides eliminating fears, which parties might be having especially when their merchandises emanate from other diverse regions other than where they operate from. The most occurring incidences regarding these letters not meeting the stated requirements are those of fraud, which this study intends to relate explicitly. Documentary letter of credit usually takes place between three or more parties. They include the claimant who is the buyer or one importing, issuing bank being the importers bank whereby the beneficiary may be the seller or exporter. This document may be electronically given the presented to a local bank of the owner’s choice willing to negotiate for it to negotiate for him or her. Bank mandated to give out the letter ensures it reaches to that of correspondent in the same region where the exporter might be operating. That of correspondent assumes the role of advising because its responsibility is to inform the beneficiary that the letter has already opened in his or her favor. Bank supposed to pay may deal with the beneficiary in terms of local currency though after determination of proper currency. The correspondent in advising or settling payments may need to include its name to the letter when it imposes charging fees. By completion of this procedure, the involved banks w ill settle their final dealings in an attempt to ensure they have served as necessitated. Mainly, the issuing bank ensures it settles the pending dues for the customer after he or she presents to it’s the necessary papers. Hence, the letter acts as a document to the client prepared adequately by the bank
Thursday, September 26, 2019
An Age-Old Challenge to Organisational Change Essay
An Age-Old Challenge to Organisational Change - Essay Example This paper illustrates that organisations normally structure their basic operations along with traditional paradigms, or patterns, in their field. These patterns are a guide for managing organisational behaviour that put emphasis on organisational goals and structure and embody a unique value system. For instance, law and accounting organisations have customarily applied patterns that stressed equality among groups and individual self-reliance. A number of patterns are quite recurring and permanent throughout an organisational domain that people think this pattern is the appropriate and most effective organisation approach. But organisations at times discard such patterns, deviating from traditional paradigms in their domain, which consequently brings about organisational change. The Force of Innovation Innovative activities diverge radically from existing activities. Innovations may alter the current technology, norms, routines, skills, and outcomes in an organisation. Innovations a re prone to generate major cognitive difficulties when they contain a new basic knowledge or new connections among basic concepts, indicating that novelty in relation to the knowledge of the core organisation may create the problem of acceptance or change. Organisations with well-built procedures and activities confront the challenge of integrating change in the midst of stability. A traditional procedure has slight uncertainty in implementation and a substantiated history of successes, whereas an innovation has extremely ambiguous future successes. Moreover, organisations have a tendency to stick to practices that brought good outcomes in the past and are arranged to take advantage of the activities they regard to be competencies or competitive advantage. Thus, the preference of many organisations is to carry on with their existing practices or routines. Innovations are uncommon, yet when they take place, the outcomes for the competitors and the adopter are normally crucial. Organi sations perform product and/or service innovations to advance into other businesses, experiment with new technologies, or carry out process innovations to gain higher profits or acquire leverages over competitors. Organisations exploit innovations as means to obtain resources, as witnessed most evidently in the launching of groundbreaking technologies that weaken the existing technological structure. Such technologies are usually not launched by the major companies but by novice competitors. These innovations heighten the research and development activities of current companies and new competitors, as they try to gain knowledge of and become proficient in the technology and for its repercussions for businesses. Only when organisations have opted for a particular way of exploiting new technologies, a governing pattern, does the exhaustive research and development efforts end. This theory of interrupted continuity in technological development has been broadened to encompass other form s of changes in capacities, like changes in organisational structure and market approach.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Anglo American Plc report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Anglo American Plc report - Essay Example The five major categories of financial ratios are liquidity, financial leverage, asset efficiency, profitability, and market values (Peavler, 2013). The purpose of this report is to analyze the financial performance of the company Anglo American Plc by performing ratio analysis. Trend Analysis Anglo American A trend analysis of some key financial indicators of Anglo American is illustrated below. 2012 (millions) 2011 (millions) % change Sales 28761 30580 -5.94% Gross profit 2768 13237 -79.09% Expenses 30449 21141 44.03% Interest payable 798 695 14.82% Net profit before tax 138 10599 -98.70% Total assets 79369 72422 9.56% Total liabilities 35582 29253 17.79% Capital and reserves 37657 39092 -3.67% Advantages ratio analysis Ratio analysis is a tremendous analytic tool that can be used to evaluate the financial performance of an enterprise. One of the virtues of this type of analysis is that any person with access to the internet can extract the financial statements of a company to real ize the analysis. The basic formulas used as input in ratio analysis mostly utilize data from the financial statements of the company. The use of ratio analysis can help people instantly check weather a company is sound financially (Bott, 2013). Another advantage of ratio analysis is that the ratios can be compared against the performance of other companies or the industry. Financial ratios can also be compared against the financial ratio results of previous years. The ratio analysis performed on Anglo American in this paper includes the use of 21 different ratios. Ratio Analysis Anglo American The net margin of Anglo American in 2012 was -2.1%. Net margin measures the absolute profitability of a company. It is calculated dividing net profit by total sales. A negative net margin result is an unfavorable outcome. This ratio was chosen because it shows the profitability of the firm. In 2012 Anglo American obtained an earnings per share (EPS) metric of -$1.19. The company’s EPS went down by $3.91 since the previous fiscal year. Earnings per share is the portion of a company’s profit allocated to each outstanding share of common stock (Investopedia, 2013). EPS was selected because this metric influences the buying decisions of investors. The return on assets (ROA) of the company in 2012 was -0.8%. ROA is calculated by dividing net income by total assets. The reason I selected this ratio is because it shows how effective a company has been at generating profits from its assets. The efficiency of the company is an important aspect of the operations to measure. Anglo American achieved a return on equity (ROE) in 2012 of -1.4%. This metric measures the extent to which financial leverage is working towards benefiting the company. The formula to calculate return on equity is net income divided by total equity. ROE was used in this analysis because this metric demonstrates the ability of the firm to generate income from its equity. The debt ratio of the com pany is calculated dividing total debt by total assets. Anglo American had a debt ratio in 2012 of 0.45: 1. This ratio shows how well prepared the company is to pay off its long term debt. Anglo American does not seem to have overextended its debt position. The debt ratio was used in the analysis due to the fact that this ratio evaluates the long term solvency of the firm. Typically companies are in trouble when the debt ratio is too
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
The Governance of GAAP Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
The Governance of GAAP - Essay Example tandards Board (FASB) is an organization behind GAAP, which was established to come up with the accounting guidelines for private sector companies to help them establish and improve the accounting methods used in preparing financial reports. These financial statements are then used by to offer information that is valuable in making decisions for investors and other users of the reports. The Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) has the role of ensuring that the stock exchange market operates in a fair manner for all investors by ensuring that there is no insider trading and it is an independent body used to enforce laws of the government. It ensures that trading is fair to all investors by ensuring that they are all provided with the correct information and that no one gets an unfair benefit in terms of knowledge of how stocks will operate (Office of Financial Management, 2012). The funding of developing and Enforcing GAAP comes from the federal government as it has the responsibility of ensuring that there is order in the field of accounting, and this is done by providing guidelines for preparation of companies’ financial
Monday, September 23, 2019
The Declaration of Independence and the Declaration of Sentiments Essay
The Declaration of Independence and the Declaration of Sentiments - Essay Example This paper illustrates that as is revealed by most publications and literature, the declaration was mostly drafted towards the expense of the more appropriate duties for women. This is because it came at a time when the temperance and property rights of women were the major reasons. In this relation, the government is expected to ensure the safety and happiness of all the people that it governs. Because of this, major changes are expected in relation to the running of the government from both in case such rights are not being upheld and provided by the government. Nonetheless, both Declarations agree that since human beings are destined to suffer evil, they are not expected to change government owing to light and transient issues. They thus both abhor extreme form of abuse and usurpations that extend for a long period. It is in this respect that they both advocate the demolishment of such governments and creation of new ones that guard their future security in a new way. However, the y differed in relation to the mention with regard to gender. While the Declaration of Independence only mentions all human beings under the general term of man, the Declaration of sentiments clearly brings out the difference between the two genders by specifically mentioning each of them where required. In addition, the latter also focuses on the suffering and treatment of mankind in general as opposed to the contribution of the government towards the suffering. This is shown in â€Å"The history of the present king of Great Britain†and the History of mankind†to illustrate and elaborate the forms of injuries and usurpations. With this, while the former highlights that the suffering of mankind has been as a result of the tyranny of Great Britain over the States through the direct establishment of certain objects, the latter reveals that the injustices have been as a result of the tyranny, which man possesses over the woman. The emphatic aim of the declaration on sen timents to secure equal rights for all through the ending of women suffrage, therefore, became the main focus. According to the founding fathers, if the governing body was bringing about suffering to a particular group and denying them some of their rights, they were expected to do away with it and put a new one into place. With this, they would ensure that it laid its foundations on their right to happiness and safety. In contrast, Stanton finds this challenging and suggests that those who suffer under a particular government should refuse to pay allegiance to them. However, without abolishing it they should insist upon the formation of a new government that lays its foundations and principles on their â€Å"safety and happiness†.
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Painting Analysis at the National Gallery of Canada Essay Example for Free
Painting Analysis at the National Gallery of Canada Essay On a recent field trip to the National Art Gallery in Ottawa, as a class, we looked at some paintings. The painting that stood out to me was Simone Martini’s painting titled St. Catherine of Alexandria. We have been studying the Renaissance period and this one was identifiable instantly. For our class assignment, we are required to identify the time period or style the painting might belong to, identify its stylistic features, the date it was created, the artist, mediums used, as well as the significance of its subject matter and its importance in the exhibition. By studying Simone Martini’s painting of St. Catherine of Alexandria I was able to compare it with some of the images seen in class, and from Janson’s History of Art textbook. When I first looked at Simone Martini painting of St. Catherine of Alexandria, I noticed many things. I noticed how her face gesture, the position of the subjects head, and arm size hinted naturalism; however, the proportions are not yet perfected. The subject is also being identified through the broach she is wearing around her neck, which is a wheel indicating she is St. Catherine of Alexandria. I noticed the subject has a gold halo and seems to be in a narrative; these techniques are seen in many paintings during the Renaissance period (as seen in image 1-4 in appendix). Being the left hand panel to the Madonna and Child, I also knew that this piece would have significance in the history of Art. The use of gold (gilding- seen in image 1-4 in appendix) and materials used (tempera on wood) also led me to believe that this is a Renaissance painting. Research has helped me determine that this beautiful golden painting by Simone Martini (St. Catherine of Alexandria) was made during the early Italian Renaissance period. This is because of the style and techniques that are used within the painting. The style of the renaissance period consisted of techniques using geometry and perspective, chiaroscuro, contraposto, naturalism, and classical themes. The main characteristics of the early include the use of one-point perspective, which creates the illusion of a three-dimensional space. The use of geometry is also typically seen in the composition of figures laid out in a triangular form to create a sense of balance (Reznichenko, 2013 para. 2 ). During the early Italian Renaissance period the artist attempts to represent figures and nature more realistically than previously during the medieval period. They studied nature and the human body to learn more about the anatomy of humans and animals (Reznichenko, 2013 para. 3). In Simone Martini’s painting of St. Catherine of Alexandria, you can see examples of this in the face gesture, the position of the subjects head, and the detail in her eye-lashes (Humanism/naturalism seen in images 3 and 5 in appendix). Early Italian Renaissance artists also used contrast between gradations of light and dark and shading, which is the technique they used to create a three-dimensional sense of space (Reznichenko 2013 para. 4). (shading seen in images 1 and 2 in appendix). In St. Catherine of Alexandria, you can see the shadows and shading throughout the painting; this is especially evident in the subjects face, neck, arms and hands. The subject matter in early Italian Renaissance included some classical themes of Greek and Roman mythology as well as depicting portraits and other worldly subjects. (Reznichenko, 2013, para. 5). In Martini’s painting, you see that it is both secular and sacred, but religion stands out a little more because of the subject portrayed is St. Catherine of Alexandra. Contropposto is a word that represents a the stance of the figure which ones’ weight rests on one foot; this technique was used to create a twist in the figures body, thus, making the hip and shoulders no longer parallel (seen in images 3 and 5 in appendix) . The use of contropposto had been seen before but not used since the classical period. (Reznichenko, 2013, para. 6) Simone Martini’s painting of St. Catherine of Alexandria does not show the subjects stance, but it does show a twist in the body (one point perspective) which creates the same idea of technique. Simone Martini, St. Catherine of Alexandria, was created in 1322–23, using tempera on wood. The size of the wood panel is 32 3/4 Ãâ€" 17 1/8 inches (with frame). It is part of the Collection of the National Gallery of Canada. The painting of St. Catherine of Alexandria is part of a triptych; and is the left panel of the altarpiece. The specific term used for this type of painting is called a polyptych. This is a three panel system with â€Å"wings†or side panels; Madonna and Child are represented in the centre piece which was the largest section (Wikipedia, 2013, para. 1 2). The significance of the subject matter in Simone Martini painting of St. Catherine of Alexandria is the changes that were seen during the renaissance, and the preservation of the tempera painting itself. The techniques seen during this period are very important. One being in order to depict the human figure properly, artists needed to study the anatomy. With the studying of the human body, artists used the technique of shading to create the volume and a better sense of perspective. During the restoration of St. Catherine of Alexandria, many parts were left untouched while others were carefully re-painted (Brink, 2001, para. 7); in my opinion, this says a lot about the quality of work Martini presented. In other words, this painting is significant because of the stylistic breakthrough of its time, as well as the care and quality of the painting itselfas well as the materials used. The titling of this period â€Å"re-birth†or â€Å"Renaissance†hints this time involved a breakthrough in art history. Through the use of geometry and perspective, chiaroscuro, contraposto, naturalism, classical themes, and the materials used, I was able to determine the stylistic period that Simone Martini, St. Catherine of Alexandria, was created during the renaissance period. Further research helped me determine that this painting was in fact a creation of the Early Italian Renaissance period. Without the use of these techniques and materials, the significance of this time in art history would probably not be recognized as the â€Å"renaissance, or â€Å"re-birth†of classical learning, literature and art. Studying this type of work has helped me realize why it is important to cherish certain works and learn about why they are significant. Without the renaissance period we would still be seeing bland, flat images without volume, and a lack of proportion. Works Cited: Brink, J. (n.d.). Annual Bulletin 3, Simone Martinis St Catherine of Alexandria An Orvietan Altarpiece and the Mystical Theology of St Bonaventure by Joel Brink. National Gallery of Canada . Retrieved February 11, 2013, from Cimabue Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. (2013, January 31). Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved February 11, 2013, from Janson, H. W., Davies, P. J. (2007). The High Renaissance in Itali. Jansons history of art: the western tradition (7th ed., p. 567). Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson Prentice Hall. Janson, H. W., Davies, P. J. (2007). The Early Renaissance in Fifteenth-Century Italy. Jansons history of art: the western tradition (7th ed., p. 545). Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson Prentice Hall. Polyptych Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. (2012, February 7).Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved February 11, 2013, from Reznichenko, T. (n.d.). Characteristics of Italian Renaissance Art | | How to Videos, Articles More Discover the expert in you. | Retrieved February 11, 2013, from Simone Martini Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. (2013, February 3). Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved February 11, 2013, from Steinhart, J. (n.d.). St. Catherine of Alexandria by Simone Martini at National Gallery of Canada. Ottawa, ON.. Travel Photo Base World Image Collection Visual Travel Planner. Retrieved February 11, 2013, from Tribute Money Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. (2012, August 3). Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved February 11, 2013, from
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Ecological Anthropology Essay Example for Free
Ecological Anthropology Essay In 1992, the largest-ever meeting of world leaders took place at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The Convention on Biological Diversity was one of two major treaties opened for signature at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) in 1992. It was the first global agreement on the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity. The biodiversity treaty gained rapid and widespread acceptance. The Convention has three main goals: the conservation of biodiversity, sustainable use of the components of biodiversity, and sharing the benefits arising from the commercial and other utilization of genetic resources in a fair and equitable way. The Convention is comprehensive in its goals, and deals with an issue so vital to humanity’s future, that it stands as a landmark in international law. It links traditional conservation efforts to the economic goal of using biological resources sustainably. It sets principles for the fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising from the use of genetic resources, notably those destined for commercial use. But eleven years passed since the Convention entered into force. That is why some of its provisions are in the greatest need of revision, namely provision 1 in Article 17. It is connected with exchange of information: â€Å"the Contracting Parties shall facilitate the exchange of information, from all publicly available sources, relevant to the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity, taking into account the special needs of developing countries.†Today we live in informational society. Information is one of the most valuable things that we can get. By means of information we can avoid great danger. It is very important to be well – informed, especially in ecological sphere. That is why the word â€Å"facilitate†is too weak to stress all the value of the provision concerning the exchange of information. It should be replaced by such words as â€Å"ensure†or â€Å"provide†. In that event this provision will get modern strict sense and the importance of informational exchange will be stressed.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Indian Steel Sector SWOT Analysis
Indian Steel Sector SWOT Analysis India has rich mineral resources. It has abundance of iron ore, coal and many other raw materials required for iron and steel making. It has the fourth largest iron ore reserves (10.3 billion tonnes) after Russia, Brazil, and Australia. Therefore, many raw materials are available at comparatively lower costs. It has the third largest pool of technical manpower, next to United States and the erstwhile USSR, capable of understanding and assimilating new technologies. Considering quality of workforce, Indian steel industry has low unit labour cost, commensurate with skill. This gets reflected in the lower production cost of steel in India compared to many advanced countries. With such strength of resources, along with vast domestic untapped market, Indian steel industry has the potential to face challenges successfully. The major strengths can be summarized as: Abundant resources of iron ore Low cost and efficient labor force Strong managerial capability Strongly globalised industry and emerging global competitiveness Modern new plants modernized old plants Strong DRI production base Regionally dispersed merchant rolling mills Weaknesses This are inherent in the quality and availability of some of the essential raw materials available in India, e.g., high ash content of indigenous coking coal adversely affecting the productive efficiency of iron-making and is generally imported. Also, Steel is a capital intensive industry; steel companies in India are charged an interest rate of around 14% on capital as compared to 2.4% in Japan and 6.4% in USA. In India the advantages of cheap labour get offset by low labour productivity; e.g., at comparable capacities labour productivity of SAIL and TISCO is 75 t/man year and 100 t/man years, for POSCO, Korea and NIPPON, Japan the values are 1345 t/man year and 980 t/man year. High administered price of essential inputs like electricity puts Indian steel industry at a disadvantage; about 45% of the input costs can be attributed to the administered costs of coal, fuel and electricity. The major weaknesses can be summarized as: High cost of energy Higher duties and taxes High cost of capital Quality of coking coal Labor laws Dependence on imports for steel manufacturing equipments technology Slow statutory clearances for development of mines Opportunities The biggest opportunity before Indian steel sector is that there is enormous scope for increasing consumption of steel in almost all sectors in India. The Indian rural sector remains fairly unexposed to their Multi-faceted use of steel. The usage of steel in cost Effective manner is possible in the area of housing, fencing, structures and other possible applications where steel can substitute other materials which not only could bring about Advantages to users but is also desirable for conservation of forest resources. Excellent potential exist for enhancing steel consumption in other sectors such as automobiles, packaging, engineering industries, irrigation and water supply in India. The key areas of opportunities can be summarized as: Huge Infrastructure demand Rapid urbanization Increasing demand for consumer durables Untapped rural demand Increasing interest of foreign steel producers in India Threats The linkage between the economic growth of a country and the growth of its steel industry is strong. The growth of the domestic steel industry between 1970 and 1990 was similar to the growth of the economy, which as a whole was sluggish. This strong relation in todays environment where the growth of the industry has become stagnant owing to the overall slowdown has resulted in enhanced rivalry among existing firms. As the industry is not growing the only other way to grow is by increasing ones market share. The Indian steel industry has witnessed spurts of price wars and heavy trade discounts, which has impacted the Indian Steel Industry. Slow growth in infrastructure development Market fluctuations and Chinas export possibilities Global economic slow down Govt. Regulations in Steel Sector Subsidies Interest Subsidy Huge amount of interest subsidy id provides by Indian govt. to PSUs in this sector. In the budget of 2008-09, a total of 60.72 crores of intersest subsidies were provided for the implementation of VRS scheme. Since VRS was for govt. companies so private sector didnt got affected by the VRS scheme, so in a way this subsidy was justified. The benefactors were Hindustan Steelworks Construction Ltd. and MECON. Waiver of guarantee fees Waiver of guarantee fee was on the guarantee given by Govt. of India for cash credit and Bank guarantee and for loans raised from Banks for implementation of VRS. The benefactors were Hindustan Steelworks Construction Ltd., Bharat Refractories Ltd. and MECON Capital Investment Subsidies Indian Govt. provides capital investment subsidies to PSUs. Govt. controlled Steel Development Fund helps PSUs and in private sector Tata steel by providing subsidized capital for financial Restructuring. However, new entrants, like Essar, Ispat and JVSL, who are negotiating with financial institutions (FIs) for capital restructuring, may feel the pinch. Also ,many state governments provide subsidized large capital investments such as new mill construction. The following states have actively engaged in capital incentive grants: Maharashtra, Karnataka, Jharkhand, Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh. Other Regulations Programs that reduce or eliminate customs duties borne by steel producers, based on their exports. The Advanced License Program allow steel producers to import key inputs without paying basic customs fees. Iron export restraints that result in the sale of iron ore by Indias National Mining Development Council (NMDC) for less than cost. The NMDC has sold high-grade iron ore to steel producers at less than market value. Programs that provide steel producers with subsidized loans, lines of credit, tax exemptions, and loan guarantees. The Reserve Bank of India has developed a program through which steel producers can obtain export financing. The government-owned SAIL has received loan forgiveness under the Steel Development Fund. The awarding of captive mining rights for iron ore at less than cost. SAIL, Tata, JSW, and Jindal Steel and Power Limited have acquired iron ore from state-owned land at highly preferential rates estimated at one-fourth of market value. Exemptions from taxes and duties, as well as additional subsidies, for producers operating in Special Economic Zones. Under the 2005 SEZ Act, the Government of India has provided a variety of duty, tax, and fee exemptions. Export tariffs on iron ore supply In June 2008, India enacted export tariffs of 15 percent on all grades of iron ore, pig iron, and ferrous scrap. India revised its exports tariffs again in October and November 2008: the export tariff on pig iron has been revoked, but tariffs on iron ore and ferrous scrap remain in place. In addition, India maintains restrictions on the exports of certain high-grade iron ore. by Indias rapidly growing steel industry. Meanwhile, the GOI also announced plans for increased duties on imports of certain steel products in late 2008. Anti-Dumping Rules These are the measures to safeguard domestic industry from cheap steel exports of other countries. Recently, the government of India has levied anti-dumping duties on certain types of stainless steel that are shipped in from countries like China and Japan. The anti-dumping duties were imposed after finding that certain types of imported steel are landing at below the normal value in the countrys port. The subject countries will pay the duties in Indian currency, notified the board. The Central Board of Customs and Excise imposed the duties by saying that the domestic industry has suffered badly due to the imports from other countries. Licenses Iron ore mining licenses Iron being the basic raw material required such licenses play a major role in defining steel companies supply. Potential entrants The threat of potentially new entrants in the steel industry is low due to the high entry barriers that are present. Capital Requirement Steel industry requires heavy investment in a plant: blast furnace, basic oxygen converters, rolling mills, transportation and infrastructure to deliver high volume of raw materials and so on. It is estimated that between Rs 25-Rs.30 bn. is required to set up an integrated steel plant of 1 MTPA capacity depending on location of plant and technology used. Very few companies will be able to gather this kind of resources and it reduces the likelihood of new entrants. Government Policy Steel industry is a heavily protected industry and the government also has a favourable policy for steel manufacturers. The government can use a variety of strategies like tariffs, subsidies loan and import restrictions to ensure the competitiveness of the domestic market. As a result of government regulations and protections, it has often allowed the domestic steel market to continue operations even when better, cheap quality steel could be imported from another country. Also the steel market face environment regulations and industries are legally bound to develop cleaner and more efficient technologies. Regulation clearances and other issues are some other major concerns of new entrants. Economies of Scale Economies of scale are the cost advantages a business has due to expansion. The average cost of production of the firm decreases as the output increases. As far as steel sector is concerned, economies of scale reduce the costs, RD expenses and industries with economies of scale have better bargaining power while sourcing raw materials. Power of Buyers The buyers in the steel industry are usually quite large like some of the major steel consumption sectors like automobiles, oil gas, consumer durables, power generation which enjoy high bargaining power and obtain better deals for themselves. This tends to strengthen the buyer power somewhat. However steel is widely used in a wide variety of applications and steel companies can rely on relatively large number of customers overall which reduces the buyer power. There is not too much to distinguish between the products of companies in the market although some companies try to differentiate themselves by focussing on added-value speciality products. Lack of product differentiation tends to increase buyer power. However certain companies like TATA Steel enjoy a premium on their products because of its quality and its brand value. The buyers tend to enjoy a moderate level of power due to the relatively high no. Of players, low product differentiation and easy access to global markets. Power of Suppliers The key inputs for the steel industry are iron ore and metallurgical coal. The prices of these commodities are generally determined by large scale market forces which are beyond the control of individual steel making companies. Therefore in order to reduce suppliers power, some of the steel making companies go for backward integration. This strategy requires significant capital but it may be advantageous in the long run as the steel company need not depend on third party suppliers and it might offer the company an additional source of revenue if it can sell its raw materials to other companies. Some of the market players also tend to enter into long term contracts with their suppliers in order to fix price and protect against fluctuations. The bargaining power of suppliers is low for fully integrated steel plants like TATA STEEL which have their own mines of key raw materials like iron ore. However non-integrated or semi integrated steel plants like SAIL which import coking coal has to depend on suppliers. In India, NMDC is a major supplier to standalone and non integrated steel plants. Threat of Substitutes There are potential substitutes for steel available like steel reinforced concrete in building construction and aluminium or less common materials like fibreglass (glass-reinforced plastic).In fact, in the automobile industry where manufacturers are looking to use lighter materials aluminium or fibreglass can be especially advantageous. Automobile industry is one of the biggest markets for steel and steel faces competition from plastic and other composites. An aluminium car may be lighter and so more fuel efficient than a steel car. Furthermore, while metals such as steel can corrode, reinforced plastic is more durable. It is therefore possible for substitutes to fulfil the buyers needs more effectively than the original commodity. Steel has already been replaced in some large volume applications: railway sleepers (RCC sleepers), large diameter water pipes (RCC pipes), small diameter pipes (PVC pipes), and domestic water tanks (PVC tanks).The ability of consumers to adopt these subst itutes means that steelmakers cannot raise their prices indefinitely since at some point the substitute will turn out to be more cost effective. In spite of these factors, these alternatives are not very good replacements for steel. Aluminium is not preferable as a substitute for steel since the high cost of electricity used for the purification and extraction of aluminium in India outweighs its advantages as a substitute for steel in automobile industry. Using these substitutes would require substantial re-tooling of the assembly line. Certain large building and civil engineering projects which gain their structural strength from steel would become very difficult to construct if they are constructed using materials such as reinforced concrete. Thus although substitutes might be favourable in certain situations, switching costs are likely to be high. Thus the threat from substitutes is low. Competition The steel market is represented by several large players offering similar products and services. Steel is a commodity which is difficult to diversify strongly and being a commodity branding is not common and there is little difference between competing products. Although different customers require steel with different specifications(e.g. consistency in physical properties of steel, variations in strength, hardness, and bending properties) and steel producers try to specialize in order to reduce the competition but in doing so they also limit the size of their potential market. Therefore, the relative lack of diversification increases rivalry. Large companies present in the steel industry can take advantage of scale economies. The exit barriers are also high since many of the major tangible assets are highly specific to steel industry which makes it difficult to divest. As a result the steel makers are motivated to exist in the steel industry even when the market conditions are not good which tends to increase rivalry. The steel industry in India is also affected by macroeconomic conditions which further intensify rivalry. Local Competition for POSCO and ArcellorMittal SAIL Steel Authority of India (SAIL) is a steel manufacturing and marketing company. The Indian government owns about 86% of the outstanding shares of the company. SAIL is Indias second largest producer of iron ore. It is a fully integrated iron and steel maker, producing both basic and special steel products for domestic construction, engineering, power, railway, automotive, and defense industries, and for sale in export markets. The companys main steel products include hot and cold rolled sheets and coils, galvanized sheets, electrical sheets, structurals, railway products, plates, bars and rods, stainless steel, and other alloy steels. SAIL operates through eleven segments: Bhilai steel plant (BSP), Bokaro steel plant (BSL), Rourkela steel plant (RSP), Durgapur steel plant (DSP), IISCO steel plant (ISP), Salem steel plant (SSP), Visveswaraya iron and steel plant (VISL), Alloy steel plant (ASP), Maharashtra Elektrosmelt, power companies, and others. The five integrated steel plants have a combined capacity of 12.5 million tonnes of crude steel and 10.74 million tonnes of saleable steel. The company recorded net sales (sales net of excise duty) of INR431,767.6 million (approximately $9,421.2 million) in the financial year ended March 2009 (FY2009), an increase of 9.1% over FY2008. The operating profit of the company was INR75,600.2 million (approximately $1,649.6 million) in FY2009, a decrease of 22.8% compared with FY2008. The net profit was INR62,529.1 million (approximately $1,364.4 million) in FY2009, a decrease of 17.7% compared with FY2008. The main strengths of SAIL are its government backing and its captive sources of raw materials. SAIL has the second largest mining outfit in India after Coal India (CIL). Spread over the states of Jharkhand, Orissa, and Madhya Pradesh, the mines of SAIL serve as captive sources of raw materials for its integrated steel plants. SAIL has five iron ore mines at Meghahatuburu, Kiriburu, Bolani, Barsua, and Kalta; and four limestone/dolomite quarries at Kuteshwar, Purnapani, Bhawanathpur, and Tulsidamar. SAIL plans to meet its additional 40 million tonnes of iron ore requirement through the development of new mines at Rowghat in Chhatisgarh and Chiria, Taldih, South Block (Kiriburu), Central Block (Meghahataburu), and expansion of existing operations at Kiriburu, Meghahataburu, Bolani and Gua, all in Jharkhand. Furthermore, it is developing new coal mines at Tasra and Sitanala in Jharkhand, which will produce about 2.5 million tonnes of washed coking coal per annum in the next three to four years. Captive sources of raw materials provide a competitive advantage as they shield the company from fluctuations in raw material prices. However if they are successful in entering India, competition from global steel manufacturers with expanded production capacity, such as ArcelorMittal and POSCO, could result in significant price competition, declining margins, and reductions in revenue for the company. Tata Steel Tata Steel Group is a private sector steel group in India. It is the worlds sixth largest steel company with capacity of 31 million tonnes per annum (tpa). Set up as Asias first integrated steel plant and Indias largest integrated private sector steel company, it is the worlds second most geographically diversified steel producer, with operations in 26 countries and commercial presence in more than 50 countries. The group operates across Asia, Europe, and Australia. Tata Steel Group operates through two segments: Steel and others. The steel segment comprises the subsidiaries, Tata Steel India, Tata Steel Europe, NatSteel Holdings, and Tata Steel (Thailand) Public Company. The group recorded revenues of INR1,473,292.6 million (approximately $32,147.2 million) in the financial year ended March 2009 (FY2009), an increase of 12% over FY2008. The operating profit of the group was INR141,279.5 million (approximately $3,082.7 million) in FY2009, compared with an operating profit of INR 141,213.4 million (approximately $3,081.3 million) in FY2008. The net profit was INR49,509 million (approximately $1,080.3 million) in FY2009, a decrease of 59.9% compared with FY2008. SWOT Analysis A key strength of Tata Steel is its strong RD capabilities through which it develops new products and improves existing products, as well as enhances manufacturing and production methods. Tata Steel Group operates four research centers: Tata Steel Limiteds (TSL) laboratories in Jamshedpur and the Tata Steel Europes (TSE) technology centers in IJmuiden, Netherlands and Rotherham and Teesside, the UK. The group is undertaking research activities in several areas. Tata Steel Group is currently working on various projects that include economic mineral beneficiation aimed at identifying ways to maximize use of raw materials from captive sources; new generation high strength steels, advanced coatings developments, production of ferro-chrome with less energy; hydrogen harvesting, developing state-of-the-art thin film photovoltaic systems, and reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions across its operations. As of March 2009, the patent portfolio of Tata Steel Group comprised over 850 patent applications at various stages between filing and grant and over 850 valid patents granting national exclusive rights owned by the respective group companies. However a weakness for this company is its dependence on Europe as a key market. In FY2009, the company generated about 65% of its revenues from Europe. The depressed levels of demand in the region had a major impact on stainless steel markets. Minor changes in price levels, periodic demand growth, or currency rates in specific market areas and regions can affect Tata Steel Groups competitive position and financial performance. As with SAIL, competition from global steel manufacturers with expanded production capacity, such as ArcelorMittal and POSCO, could result in significant price competition, declining margins, and reductions in revenue for the company. Essar Steel Essar Steel (Essar) is a manufacturer of flat carbon steel from iron ore to ready-to-market products. The companys subsidiaries manufacture gas-based hot briquetted iron (HBI), steel pipes and cold rolled steel. The company operates in India, Canada, the US, the Middle East and Asia. It is headquartered in Mumbai, Maharastra. The company recorded revenues of INR116,883 million (approximately $2,550.4 million) in the fiscal year ended March 2009, an increase of 8.8% over 2008. The companys operating profit was INR17,969.4 million (approximately $392.1 million) in fiscal 2009, an increase of 13.3% over 2008. Its net profit was INR1,852 million (approximately $40.4 million) in fiscal 2009, a decrease of 56.8% compared to 2008. Jindal Steel Jindal Steel Power (JSPL), part of the Jindal Group, is engaged in steel manufacturing, power generation, coal and iron-ore mining, and exploration and mining of minerals and metals. JSPL operates in India. It is headquartered in New Delhi, India and employs about 15,000 people. The company recorded revenues of INR109,133.7 million (approximately $2,381.3 million) in the financial year ended March 2009 (FY2009), an increase of 97% over FY2008. The operating profit of the company was INR42,677.5 million (approximately $931.2 million) in FY2009, compared with INR17,737.3 million (approximately $387 million) in FY2008. The net profit was INR30,457.2 million (approximately $664.6 million) in FY2009, compared with INR 12,740.2 million (approximately $278 million) in FY2008. Entry Strategy of POSCO and ArcellorMittal The foreign steel MNCs opted to enter India through the FDI route. POSCO signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Government of Orissa in June 2005, to set up a 12 MTPA green field steel plant near Paradip, Jagatsinghpur District, Orissa, with an estimated investment of USD 12 billion. The company planned to build a 4 million-tons per annum capacity steel plant in Orissa, during the first phase of its project , and expand the final production volume to 12 million tons per annum. POSCO-India Pvt. Ltd. was incorporated on 25th August 2005. In 2007, POSCO and SAIL signed a MoU to establish a strategic alliance for aligning and cooperating with each other in a wide range of strategic business and commercial interest areas. As per the MoU they agreed to cooperate in the following areas of business: information sharing in the area of corporate strategy planning, exchange of engineers, technicians and other professionals, sharing of know-how and expertise in the areas of development of mines and business practices such as ERP, PI and Six Sigma, joint usage of each others existing marketing and warehousing network, coordination in procurement of coking coal, nickel and ferro-alloys and engagement of transportation vessels. The strategic alliance between POSCO and SAIL was forged so as to synergise their strengths, and retain their identities in the consolidating global steel industry. This alliance was supposed to reinforce the relationship and open the doors of large scale collaboration on strategic business and commercial alignment. ArcellorMittal India Ltd., a subsidiary of ArcellorMittal, entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Government of Orissa on 21st December 2006 to set up their first green field integrated steel plant of initial capacity 6 million tons per year (MTPY) at an investment of around 9,300 million USD. ArcelorMittal had also proposed to set up a 12-Million Tonne Per Annum (MTPA) new steel plant in Jharkhand. In the case of both the companies, however, their plans for mega steel plants in India have not fructified due to delays in land acquisition and grant of mining leases. Hence, both the foreign steel giants have started looking for Joint-Venture opportunities in order to become operational in the lucrative Indian market. POSCO has announced a JV with Steel Authority of India Ltd. (SAIL) to set up a facility in India. ArcellorMittal also entered into a partnership agreement with steel producer Uttam Galva to buy 35 per cent stake in the latter, partly through share purchase from existing promoters and an open offer. ArcellorMittal is also rumoured to be pursuing a JV with SAIL POSCO-SAIL JV Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL) and Pohang Iron and Steel Company (POSCO) have agreed to form a joint venture to establish a 3 million ton steel manufacturing unit in Bokaro, India with a total investment of approximately INR150,000 million ($3,232.37 million). SAIL is an India-based manufacturer and supplier of steel and its allied products, while POSCO is a South Korea-based steel manufacturer. As part of the partnership, POSCO will hold a 51% stake in the joint venture by investing INR35,000 million ($754.22 million), while SAIL will hold a 49% stake. The proposed joint venture will also include setting up a 0.3 million ton cold rolled non-oriented (CRNO) steel plant in Maharashtra, India The joint venture with POSCO will allow SAIL to access the latest technology in steel manufacturing and facilitate production of certain special grades of steel. ArcellorMittal-SAIL JV According to The Economic Times, ArcelorMittal, a Luxembourg-based steel producer, may form a 50:50 joint venture (JV) with Steel Authority of India Limited, an Indian steel maker, to establish a steel plant at Bokaro, India. The JV will have a capacity between 3 to 4 million tonnes with an investment of approximately INR120,000 million ($2,697.06 million). Conclusion The Indian steel industry has to factor in higher transaction costs, logistics costs and railway freight costs as compared to countries such as China and South Korea. Even electricity and interest costs in India are quite high, which makes the industry uncompetitive. As for labour costs, the industry suffers a comparative disadvantage vis-Ã -vis Russia, China and South Korea, even though wage rates are low in India. This is because the labour cost per tonne in India is much higher than these three countries, and therefore, labour productivity is very low. Yet, most of the major Indian steel producers have gained some competitive edge over the years. The Indian steel manufacturers also enjoy other advantages like abundant supply of raw materials, skilled technical manpower, low wage rates and locational advantages. These provide about 55-60 per cent advantage in terms of operational costs. In the final analysis, it is imperative that Indian steel companies become significantly more competitive by improving productivity further and going in for rapid technological upgradation. The companies need to shift focus to competing on superior products and processes, rather than competing on factor endowments. This becomes all the more important since giants like POSCO have realised the competitive advantage that India offers and decided to establish a manufacturing base in India. With international steel giants such as POSCO breathing down the neck of Indian steel makers, it will be even more difficult for the latter to face competition in both domestic as well as international markets. As for POSCO and ArcellorMittal, who are facing huge roadblocks in setting up their plants in India due to land acquisition and mining licence issues, they can pursue projects with lesser hassle in other developing countries like Mexico and Vietnam. In India, they have the support of the government and hence, gradually they have to appease the tribal people that setting up a steel plant will be to their benefit. The tribal people must be compensated in a commensurate manner and all environmental protocols must be maintained. Then the foreign MNCs can expect to have a smooth road ahead in their Indian ventures.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Epidurals :: essays research papers
If birth has been occurring since the beginning of time why do so many women act as if it’s something new? Nowadays, you have women asking for morphine, walking epidurals, and spinal epidurals. Why are so many women deciding that they can’t do a natural childbirth and what are the risks of not having one? Researchers have done studies on epidurals to determine if they cause women to get an increase in c-sections. They have also done studies to determine if getting an epidural to early will increase the chances of getting an epidural.      Why would you get an epidural when there are different ways to have a pain free pregnancy? This is the question that most women ask who have natural childbirths. Why get a shot in your back that may give you paralysis or cause back pains years after you have received the shot. Some doctors suggest going to Lamaze classes to reduce labor pains. You can also deliver your baby in water to ease some of the pain and to give the baby a good transition into the world. Plus epidurals can have a negative effect on the baby. They can lower the baby’s heart rate. Some other side effects for the mother are headaches, vomiting, and dystocia.      Why should I have a natural birth, â€Å"You don’t get a medal for going without drugs, you know.†Why go through the pain when you can get an injection that can take away just enough of the pain that you can still enjoy the labor? â€Å"There is no shame in asking for an epidural,†said Dr. Cynthia Wong of Northwestern Memorial Hospital and Northwestern University. In the United States more than 80% of pregnant women are now having c-sections. Epidurals give the mothers a chance to participate in the delivery and actually enjoy it. You can also get a walking epidural so that you can still push during the labor and cope with the pain.      When should I get an epidural? Some doctors stated that you shouldn’t get an epidural until the cervix has dilated to 4 centimeters. New studies have claimed that you can have an epidural as soon as the pain gets unbearable. Many doctors still discourage getting an epidural before you are 4 centimeters dilated.      After reading so many articles online from the Chicago Sun times and different clinics and hospitals I am still skeptical.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
The Insanity Of Hamlet :: essays research papers
In William Shakespeare?s Hamlet, Hamlet leads an antic disposition that causes his downfall and leads him to insanity. His antic disposition affects his judgment, destroys relationships and creates a belief that he is truly mad. Throughout the play, Hamlet is consumed with anger which causes him to act through emotion and without reason. Hamlet?s main goal is to avenge the death of his father but, his actions to do so are hindered because of the irrational decisions he has made through the antic disposition he has put on. Hamlet?s antic disposition began with the death of his father. Hamlet returns to his home, Denmark, to find King Hamlet, his father, dead. As any normal human being would be allowed to grieve, Hamlet was not. Hamlet was expected to accept the death of his father and move on. (Do not forever with thy vailà ¨d lids/Seek for thy noble father in the dust./Thou know'st 'tis common. All that lives must die,/Passing through nature to eternity.)(1.2.68-73). Without the ti me to grieve, Hamlet was left with the echo of his mother?s and Claudius?s hurtful and unsympathetic words of advice. While Hamlet was forbidden to ?useless mourning? (We pray you, throw to earth/This unprevailing woe, and think of us/As of a father.)(1.2.106-108), his mother quickly marries to his uncle Claudius and undoubtedly moves on with her life. In T.S. Eliot?s The Sacred Wood, Hamlet?s ?disgust envelops and exceeds her. It is thus a feeling which he cannot understand, he cannot objectify it, and it therefore remains to poison life and obstruct action.? With little time to grieve and a mother that seems to care less about her deceased husband, Hamlet?s mind was given the perfect recipe for insanity. In mid night, a mysterious ghost appears to Prince Hamlet in the shape of his 2father, King Hamlet. The strange and mystifying ghost guides Hamlet away from Horatio and Marcellus, as if wanting privacy. Hamlet becomes defensive and mad and believes his fate is to follow the ghos t, ?My fate cries out/And makes each petty artery in this body/As hardy as the Nemean lion's nerve./Still am I called.?Unhand me, gentlemen.?(1.4.86-89). Hamlet is determined to hear the words of the ghost and threatens Horatio and Marcellus to death if they do not let him go. Horatio and Marcellus follow him for his safety but believe ?He waxes desperate with imagination.?(1.4.92). The ghost is the first obvious sign that Hamlet?
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Social Perception, and Attribution, and Individual Decision Making
Social Perception, and Attribution, and Individual Decision Making Perception is the process of receiving information about and making sense of world around us. It involves deciding which information notice, how to categorize this information and how to interpret it within the framework of existing knowledge. Another definition of perception is â€Å"A process by which individuals organize and interpret their sensory impressions in order to give meaning to their environment†.We can summarize the perception with this sentence â€Å"We don’t see the things as they are, we see things as we are†. Why is perception important in the study of Organizational Behaviour? Simply because people’s behaviour is based on their perception of what reality is, not on reality itself. Virtually all management activities rely on perception.In appraising performance, managers use their perceptions of an employee’s behaviour as a basis for evaluation. Factors that influen ce perception are categorized to three groups; 1)Factors in the perceiver: Attitudes, Motives, Interests, Experience, Expectations 2)Factors in the situation: Time, Work Setting, Social Setting 3)Factors in the target: Novelty, Motion, Sounds, Size, Background, Proximity, Similarity Shortcuts used in judging others; )Selective Perception: a characteristic that make someone stand out in our mind will increase the probability that it will be perceived 2)Halo Effect: drawing a general impression based on a single characteristic 3)Contrast Effects: our reaction is influenced by others we have recently encountered 4)Projection: the tendency to attribute our own characteristics to other people 5)Stereotyping: judging someone on the basis of our perception of the group to which they belong Attribution in OrganizationsAttribution simply refers to how a person explains the cause of another’s or his or her own behaviour. Attribution thus is the most relevant application of perception c oncepts of organizational behaviour-the issue of person perception. The attributions or inferred causes we provide for behaviour have important implications in organizations. In explaining the causes of employee performance, good or bad, we are asked to explain the behaviour that was the basis for the performance.Attribution Theory suggests that when we observe an individual’s behaviour, we attempt to determine whether it was internally or externally caused: Internally; believed to be under the personal control of the individual Externally; resulting from outside causes. Determinants of Attribution Distinctiveness; whether an individual displays different behaviors in different situations. Consensus; if everyone who faces a similar situation responds in the same way. Consistency; does the person respond the same way over time.Individual Decision Making Individuals in organizations make decisions. That is, they make choices from among two or more alternatives. Decision-making is almost universally defined as choosing between alternatives. Decision-making is a critical activity in the lives of managers. The decisions a manager faces can range from very simple, routine matters for which the manager has an established decision rule(programmed decisions) to new and complex decisions that require creative solutions(non-programmed decisions). Decision-Making ProcessManagers have to make decisions whether they are simple or extremely complex. Making a good decision is a difficult exercise. It is the product of deliberation, evaluation and thought. To make good decisions, managers should invariably follow a sequential set of steps. 1)recognize the problem and need for a decision 2)identify the objective of the decision 3)gather and evaluate data and diagnose the situation 4)list and evaluate alternatives 5)select the best course of action 6)implement the decision 7)gather feedback 8)follow up
Monday, September 16, 2019
The Silver Linings Playbook Chapter 24
Mom's Handwriting Emerges The sun bursts through the attic window and lands on my face, warming it, until I open my eyes and greet the day with a squint. After a kiss, I return Nikki to my bedroom dresser and find my mother still asleep in my bed. I notice that the glass of water I left her is now empty, and I am glad to have left it there, even if I am mad at Mom now. As I descend the staircase, I smell something burning. When I reach the kitchen, my father is standing in front of the stove. He is wearing Mom's red apron. â€Å"Dad?†When he turns around, he has a spatula in one hand and a pink oven mitt on the other. Behind him, meat hisses – a thick river of smoke flies up into the exhaust fan. â€Å"What are you doing?†â€Å"Cooking.†â€Å"Cooking what?†â€Å"Steak.†â€Å"Why?†â€Å"I'm hungry.†â€Å"Are you frying it?†â€Å"I'm cooking it Cajun style. Blackened.†â€Å"Maybe you should turn the burner down?†I suggest, but he returns to his cooking, continuing to flip the sizzling cut over and over, so I go down into the basement to begin my workout. The fire alarm goes off for fifteen minutes or so. When I return to the kitchen two hours later, the pan he used is blackened and still on the now greasy stove; a plate and utensils are in the sink. Dad is watching ESPN on his new television, and his surround sound speaker system seems to shake the house. The clock on the microwave reads 8:17 a.m. My mother has forgotten my meds again, so I take out my eight bottles, remove all the caps, and search for the right colors. Soon I have a half dozen pills lined up on the counter, and I confirm that the colors are what I take every morning. I swallow all of my pills, thinking maybe my mother is testing me again, and even though I am technically mad at her, I am also now very worried about Mom, so I climb the steps to my room and see that she is still sleeping. Downstairs, I stand behind the couch and say, â€Å"Dad?†But he ignores me, so I return to my basement gym and continue my workout, listening to the ESPN commentators recap the college games and forecast the upcoming NFL action. Their voices arrive crisply through the floorboards above. I know from reading the paper that the Eagles are favored to win over San Francisco, which makes me excited to watch the game with my father, who will be in a great mood if the Eagles are victorious, and therefore he will also be more likely to speak with me. Midmorning, Mom descends, which is a relief, because I was starting to worry that she was really sick. I am riding the bike, and – after finding the â€Å"Pat†box last night – I just continue pedaling when Mom says, â€Å"Pat?†I do not face Mom, but using my peripheral vision, I see that she is showered, her hair is done, her makeup is applied, and she is wearing a pretty summer dress. Mom also smells really nice – lavender. â€Å"Did you take your pills last night?†she asks. I nod once. â€Å"What about this morning?†I nod again. â€Å"Dr. Patel told me I should have allowed you to take control over your meds when you first came home, that this was a step toward independence. But I was being a mom when you did not need me to be a mom. So congratulations, Pat.†â€Å"Congratulations†is a strange thing for her to say, especially since I have not won a prize or anything, but I am really only thinking about what happened last night, why Mom came home drunk. So I ask her, â€Å"Where were you last night? Did you go out with friends?†Using the corner of my eye again, I see her look down at the old brown rug beneath us. â€Å"I appreciate your putting me to bed last night. The water and the Tylenol helped. It was a bit of a role reversal, eh? Well, I appreciate it. Thanks, Pat.†I realize she has not answered my question, but I don't know what to say, so I say nothing. â€Å"Your father has been a bear lately, and I'm simply tired of it. So I'm making some demands, and things are going to change a little around here. Both of my men are going to start taking care of themselves a little more. You need to get on with your life, and I'm sick and tired of the way your father treats me.†Suddenly I forget all about the â€Å"Pat†box and face my mother as I continue pedaling. â€Å"Are you mad at me? Did I do something wrong?†â€Å"I'm not mad at you, Pat. I am mad at your father. He and I had a long talk yesterday when you were running. Things might be a little rough around here for a few weeks, but I think we'll all be better for it in the long run.†A wild thought leaps into my head and terrifies me. â€Å"You're not leaving us, Mom, are you?†â€Å"No. I'm not,†Mom says, looking me in the eyes, which makes me believe her one hundred percent. â€Å"I would never leave you, Pat. But I am going out today because I'm done with Eagles football. You two are on your own for food.†â€Å"Where are you going?†I ask, pedaling faster now. â€Å"Out,†Mom says, and then kisses the little white scar on my sweaty forehead before she leaves. I am so nervous about what Mom has told me that I do not eat anything all day, but simply drink my water and do my routine. Because the Eagles are playing at 4:15, I get in a full workout. The whole time, I secretly hope my father will come down into the basement and ask me to watch the 1:00 NFL game with him, but he doesn't. Midafternoon I climb up out of the basement and stand behind the couch for a second. â€Å"Dad?†I say. â€Å"Dad?†He ignores me and keeps watching the 1:00 game, and I don't even look to see who is playing, because I am so nervous about what Mom told me. I put on my trash bag and hope Tiffany is outside, because I could really use someone to talk to. But after I stretch for fifteen minutes, Tiffany doesn't show, so I run alone, thinking it funny that when I want to run alone, Tiffany is always there, but today she is not. I am very hungry, and the pain in my stomach increases as I run, which I relish because it means I am losing weight, and well, I feel as though I might have put on some extra fat in the past week, especially after drinking beer with Jake last weekend. This reminds me that I have not spoken with Jake since the Eagles lost to the Giants, and I wonder if he is coming over today to watch the game with Dad and me. Since the pain has sharpened, I decide to run farther than usual, pushing myself. Also, I am sort of afraid to go home, now that my mother has left me alone with my father for the day, and I am not sure what she meant by â€Å"changes†anyway. I keep wishing Tiffany was running with me so I might talk to her and tell her how I feel, which is a strange desire since she usually never says much in response, and the last time I tried to talk to her about my problems, she started cursing very loudly in a public place and said some really awful things about Nikki. Still, I am s tarting to feel as though Tiffany is my best friend, which is sort of strange and scary. At the end of my run, I jog down my street, and Jake's silver BMW is nowhere to be seen. Maybe he took the train in from Philadelphia, I think. I am hoping not to be left alone with my father for the game, but somehow I know this is exactly what is going to happen. When I enter the house, my dad is still alone on the couch, wearing his McNabb jersey now and watching the end of the 1:00 game. A small collection of beer bottles stand at his feet like bowling pins. â€Å"Is Jake coming over?†I ask my father, but he ignores me again. Upstairs, I shower and put on my Hank Baskett jersey. When I reach the family room, the Eagles game is just coming on, so I sit down at the end of the couch my father is not occupying. â€Å"What the hell is that noise?†Dad says, and then turns down the volume. I realize my stomach is making crazy gurgling noises, but I say, â€Å"I don't know,†and Dad turns up the volume again. Just as I had hoped, the new television is an experience. The players warming up on the field look life-size, and the sound quality makes me feel as though I am in San Francisco, sitting on the fifty-yard line. Realizing that my brother is not going to make it by kickoff, when a commercial comes on, I jump to my feet and yell â€Å"Ahhhhhhhhh!†but Dad only looks at me like he wants to hit me in the face again. So I sit down and do not say anything else. The announcers state that Donte Stallworth was a late scratch, so I start to hope Baskett will get a few more balls thrown his way, since the Eagles' number one receiver is out of action. The Eagles set up a nice drive and score on their first possession with a shovel pass to Westbrook, at which point my father's emotions morph. He reaches across the couch and repetitively claps his hand against my thigh, saying over and over again, â€Å"Touchdown Eagles! Touchdown Eagles!†I start to feel hopeful for my dad, but when the Eagles kick off, he resumes his negative ways and says, â€Å"Don't celebrate too much. Remember what happened last week.†And it is almost as if he is talking to himself, reminding himself not to be overly hopeful. The defense holds strong, and tight end L. J. Smith scores a touchdown with only a few minutes left in the first quarter, making it 13 – 0. Even though the Eagles have blown big leads before, it seems safe to say the Birds are the superior team today. My thoughts are confirmed after Akers hits the extra point and my father jumps up and starts singing â€Å"Fly, Eagles, Fly.†So I jump up and sing with him, and we both do the chant at the end, spelling the letters with our arms and legs: â€Å"E!-A!-G!-L!-E!-S! EAGLES!†Between quarters, my father asks me if I am hungry, and when I say yes, he orders us a pizza and brings me a Bud from the refrigerator. With the Eagles up 14 – 0, he is all smiles, and as we sip our beer, he says, â€Å"Now all we need is your boy Baskett to get a catch or two.†As if my father's words were a prayer answered, McNabb's first completion in the second quarter is to Baskett for eight yards. Dad and I cheer so loudly for the undrafted rookie. The pizza arrives during halftime, and the Eagles are up 24 – 3. â€Å"If only Jake were here,†my father says. â€Å"Then this day would be perfect.†My dad and I have been so happy that I've forgotten Jake is not with us. â€Å"Where is Jake?†I ask, but Dad ignores the question. In the third quarter the San Francisco running back fumbles on the Eagles' one-yard line and defensive tackle Mike Patterson picks up the ball and runs toward the opposite end zone. Dad and I are out of our seats, cheering on the three-hundred-pound lineman as he runs the whole length of the field, and then the Eagles are up 31 – 3. San Francisco scores a few touchdowns late in the second half, but it doesn't matter, because the game is basically out of reach, and the Eagles win 38 – 24. At the conclusion of the game, my father and I sing â€Å"Fly, Eagles, Fly†and do the chant one last time, celebrating the Eagles' victory, and then Dad simply turns off the television and returns to his study without even saying goodbye to me. The house is so quiet. Maybe a dozen or so beer bottles on the floor, the pizza box is still on the coffee table, and I know the sink is stacked full of dishes and the pan in which Dad cooked his breakfast steak. Since I am practicing being kind, I figure I should at least clean up the family room so Mom won't have to do it. I carry the Bud bottles out to the recycle bucket by the garage and throw away the pizza box in the outside garbage can. Back inside, a few used napkins are on the floor, and when I reach down to pick up the mess, I spot a crumpled ball of paper under the coffee table. I pick up the ball, uncrumple it, and realize it is not one but two pieces of paper. Mom's handwriting emerges. I flatten the papers out on the coffee table. Patrick, I need to tell you I will no longer allow you to disregard the decisions we make together, nor will I allow you to talk down to me any longer – especially in front of others. I have met a new friend who has encouraged me to assert myself more forcefully in an effort to gain your respect. Know that I am doing this to save our marriage. Your options: Return the monstrous television you purchased, and everything will go back to normal. Keep the monstrous television, and you must agree to the following demands: You must eat dinner at the table with Pat and me five nights a week. You must go on a half-hour walk with either Pat or me five nights a week. You must have a daily conversation with Pat, during which you ask him at least five questions and listen to his replies, which you will report to me nightly. You must do one recreational activity a week with Pat and me, such as eating at a restaurant, seeing a movie, going to the mall, shooting baskets in the backyard, etc. Failure to complete either option 1 or 2 will force me to go on strike. I will no longer clean your house, buy or cook your food, launder your clothes, or share your bed. Until you declare which option you wish to take, consider your wife on strike. With best intentions, Jeanie It does not seem like Mom to be so forceful with Dad, and I do wonder if her â€Å"new friend†coached her through the writing of the two-page letter. It is very hard for me to picture Dad returning his new television, especially after watching the Eagles win on the new set. His purchase will be considered good luck for sure, and Dad will want to watch next week's Eagles game on the same television so he will not jinx the Birds, which is understandable. But the demands Mom made – especially the one where Dad has to talk to me every night – also seem incredibly improbable, although I do think it would be nice to eat dinner together as a family and maybe even go out to a restaurant, but not to the movies, since I am now only willing to watch the movie of my own life. Suddenly I need to speak with my brother, but I do not know his phone number. I find the address book in the cabinet above the stove and place a call to Jake's apartment. A woman picks up on the third ring; her voice is beautiful. â€Å"Hello?†she says. I know it is not my brother on the other end, but I still say, â€Å"Jake?†â€Å"Who is this?†â€Å"It's Pat Peoples. I'm looking for my brother, Jake. Who are you?†I hear the woman cover the phone with her hand, and then my brother's voice comes through loud and clear: â€Å"Did you see that ninety-eight-yard fumble return? Did you see Patterson run?†I want to ask about the woman who answered my brother's phone, but I am a little afraid of finding out who she is. Maybe I should already know, but forget somehow. So I simply say, â€Å"Yeah, I saw it.†â€Å"Frickin' awesome, dude. I didn't know a defensive tackle could run that far.†â€Å"Why didn't you come over and watch the game with Dad and me?†â€Å"Truthfully?†â€Å"Yes.†â€Å"I can't lie to my brother. Mom called me this morning and told me not to come, so I went to a bar with Scott. She called Ronnie too. I know because Ronnie called me to make sure everything was okay. I told him not to worry.†â€Å"Why?†â€Å"Should he be worried?†â€Å"No, why did Mom tell you and Ronnie not to come over?†â€Å"She said it would give you a chance to be alone with Dad. She said it would force Dad to talk to you. So did he?†â€Å"A little.†â€Å"Well, that's good, right?†â€Å"I found a note from Mom to Dad.†â€Å"What?†â€Å"I found a note from Mom to Dad.†â€Å"Okay. What did it say?†â€Å"I'll just read it to you.†â€Å"Go ahead.†I read him the note. â€Å"Shit. Go Mom.†â€Å"You know he won't be taking the television back now, right?†â€Å"Not after the Birds won today.†â€Å"Yeah, and I'm worried that Dad won't be able to meet the demands.†â€Å"Well, he probably won't, but maybe he'll at least try, right? And trying would be good for him – and Mom.†Jake changes the subject by mentioning Baskett's catch in the second quarter, which turned out to be his only catch of the game. My brother doesn't want to talk about our parents anymore. He says, â€Å"Baskett's coming along. He's an undrafted rookie, and he's getting catches. That's huge.†But it doesn't feel huge to me. Jake says he's looking forward to seeing me next Monday night, when the Eagles will play the Green Bay Packers. He asks me to have lunch in the city before we tailgate with Scott and the fat men, and then we hang up. It's getting late, and my mother is still not home. I begin to worry about her, and so I do all the dishes by hand. For a good fifteen minutes – with steel wool – I scrub the pan my father burned. And then I vacuum the family room. Dad had splattered some pizza sauce on the couch, so I find some cleaning spray in the hall cabinet and do my best to remove the stain – dabbing lightly and then wiping a little harder in a circular motion, just like it says on the side of the bottle. My mom comes home as I am on my knees cleaning the couch. â€Å"Did your father tell you to clean up his mess?†Mom asks. â€Å"No,†I say. â€Å"Did he tell you about the letter I wrote him?†â€Å"No – but I found it.†â€Å"Well, then you know. I don't want you to do any cleaning, Pat. We're going to let this place rot until your father gets the message.†I want to tell her I found the â€Å"Pat†box in the attic, how hungry I was today, that I really don't want to live in a filthy house, and I need to take one thing at a time – finding the end of apart time first and foremost – but Mom looks so determined and almost proud. So I agree to help her make the house filthy. She says we will be eating takeout, and when my father is not home, everything will be as it was before she wrote the note, but when my father is home, we will be slovenly. I tell Mom that while she is on strike, she can sleep in my bed, because I want to sleep in the attic anyway. When she says she'll sleep on the couch, I insist she take my bed, and she thanks me. â€Å"Mom?†I say when she turns to leave. She faces me. â€Å"Does Jake have a girlfriend?†I ask. â€Å"Why?†â€Å"I called him today, and a woman answered the phone.†â€Å"Maybe he does have a girlfriend,†she says, and then walks away. The indifference Mom shows regarding Jake's love life makes me feel as though I am forgetting something. If Jake had a girl friend Mom did not know about, she would have asked me a million questions. Her lack of interest suggests that Mom is keeping another secret from me, maybe something larger than what I found in the â€Å"Pat†box. Mom must be protecting me, I think, but I still want to know from what.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Frederick Herzberg came up with his finding
Frederick Herzberg came up with his findings on satisfaction, which he published in his book â€Å"The Motivation to Work,†in 1959 (NetMBA [no date]). He conducted series of interviews where â€Å"employees were asked what pleased and displeased them about their work†(NetMBA [no date]). After analyzing the gathered data, he came up with the six top factors in the work environment that cause dissatisfaction, or the hygiene factors, and the top six factors that cause satisfaction, or the motivation factors.When the following factors are absent, there is dissatisfaction: (a) Company policy, (b) Supervision, (c) Relationship with Boss, (d) Work Conditions, (e) Salary, and (f) Relationship with peers (NetMBA [no date]). However, it is to be noted that the presence or maintenance of these factors does not necessarily mean satisfaction but would only mean that there is no dissatisfaction (NetMBA [no date]). If supervision will be maintained at the minimum level, it does not necessarily mean that the employee will gain satisfaction in his job. Furthermore, it could be noticed that these factors are external to the job itself and to the worker. These are things which are dependent on a lot of other things aside from the worker and the job.The factors that lead to satisfaction are as follows: (a) Achievement, (b) Recognition, (c) Work itself, (d) Responsibility, (e) Advancement, and (f) Growth (NetMBA [no date]). Similar to the factors that lead to dissatisfaction, the absence of one of these six factors does not necessarily lead to dissatisfaction but would only mean that there is no satisfaction felt.It is to be noted that Herzberg does not meant these two sets of factors to be of the opposite poles but he meant it to live on two different sticks. It is best to make an illustration of this for better understanding.Here, it is easy to pinpoint what happens when the two set of factors are present and absent or maintained and not maintained. Reading the se cond column downwards, motivating factors bring satisfaction when these are present. With their absence, no satisfaction is felt but this does not necessarily mean that the employee is dissatisfied. On the third column, when the hygiene factors are not maintained to a desired level or are absent, this leads to dissatisfaction. Their presence or maintenance, on the other hand, would bring no dissatisfaction but does not necessarily mean that satisfaction is achieved.Somehow, it gives much sense that this theory provides certain implications for management of human resources. This theory pinpoints how the level of confidence or satisfaction of employees can be boosted or how their morale, for that matter, can be placed at a higher level. The human resources manager, aided with this theory, may at the very least, be able to identify soft spots where improvements could be made for the employees to feel satisfied with their jobs.The sets of factors mentioned above could be a starting poi nt for bringing in satisfaction and for boosting the morale of the employees. More specifically, the manager could concentrate on addressing the hygiene factors and keeping it at a level that leaves no dissatisfaction for the employees and raising up the motivation factors to bring in satisfaction. This way, it could also be a precursor for higher levels of morale for the employees.Further, Herzberg did not leave the study without strategies for bringing in the much-desired satisfaction for employees. One of his suggestions was job enlargement for employees. Job enlargement, in human resource management, may be taken as the horizontal expansion of a certain job. For example, a secretary who has the job duties of answering phone calls and making appointments to clients may be given a new task of organizing the incoming and outgoing files. Giving more tasks of the same nature and would fit the job title would fall under the category of job enlargement. It is like adding more chocolate to the chocolate. This is not the same as job enrichment, which is adding the almonds and fruits to the chocolate.To this, the technique that leads to job satisfaction can be identified and is through the combination of high hygiene and high motivation (Anon. [no date]). This means eliminating the causes of dissatisfaction to a point where there is â€Å"no dissatisfaction†felt by the employees (Anon. [no date]). Subsequently, the company can inject the motivation factors to lead the people to become highly-motivated employees (Anon. [no date]).The two-factor theory of job satisfaction may have took off from and have similarities with the Hierarchy of Needs by Abraham Maslow as it also pertains to (a) physiological, (b) security and safety, (c) love and feelings of belonging, (d) competence, prestige, and esteem, (e) self-fulfillment, and (f) curiosity and the need to understand (Anon. 2005).This theory does not escape the criticisms because there are loopholes or gaps that are left unfilled. This theory does not take into consideration the fact that people may not consider the same set of hygiene and motivation factors because they might have different needs and achievements. Moreover, it does not take into consideration the nature of corporations because the motivation factors can not be introduced such as the call centers where the hierarchy is vey flat and job enlargement is not very much possible because of the high division of labor.ReferencesAnonymous. (no date). Two Factor Theory – Herzberg, Frederick. Available from: [Accessed 29 December 2007].Anonymous. 2005. Motivation. Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2006 [CD]. Redmond, WA: Microsoft Corporation. [Accessed 29 December 2007].NetMBA. (no date). Herzberg’s Motivation-Hygiene Theory (Two Factor Theory). Available from: [Accessed: 29 December 2007].
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