Saturday, November 30, 2019
Utilitarianism Vs Cultural Ethical Relativism Essays -
Utilitarianism Vs Cultural Ethical Relativism Utilitarianism is an example of Consequentialist Ethics, where the morality of an action is determined by its accomplishing its desired results. In both scenarios the desired result was to save the lives of thousands of people in the community. Therefore, a Utilitarian would say that the actions taken in both of the scenarios are moral. Since an (Act) Utilitarian believes that actions should be judged according to the results it achieves. Happiness should not be simply ones own, but that of the greatest number. In both scenarios, the end result saved the lives of 5,000 members of the community. The end result is the only concern and to what extreme is taken to reach this result is of no matter. In these instances the things that are lost are an Inmates religious beliefs or a mothers fetus, on the other hand Thousands of citizens were saved from dying from this disease. In the Scenario I, a Utilitarian would view the inmate as having a higher sense of moral obligation. From a Utilitarian perspective, the inmate should have acted out of a general desire to do what is right for the benefit of all, not simply for his own happiness, even if it meant going against his religion. The Utilitarian would also view the prison officials behavior as moral. This is because one man endured the pain and suffering, but from that, 5,000 other people had much happier lives. Even if the inmate had eventually killed himself, a Utilitarian would still view the acts as moral. In Scenario II, it is more difficult to discern exactly what an (Act) Utilitarian would say about the morality of the choices made since these choices bring pain in suffering to a greater number of people. The loss of three fetuses, that were not otherwise going to be aborted, would have a tremendous effect on many people. The mothers and their families would experience a great deal of pain and suffering over this loss. However, when weighed with the happiness brought to thousand of cured people, a Utilitarian would say the acts were moral. Since utilitarianism states that in any situation where there is a moral choice to make, the right thing to do is that which is likely to produce the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people. (B) Since different cultures have different moral practices, it is necessary to specify the culture under examination here. In American culture, and specifically within the 5000 member community, a CER would not take exception to the violation of the convicts religious culture in order to secure his blood. In Scenario 1 the CER could argue that the convict was standing for what was morally right for him and the entire Christian Science religion. Since to refrain from any medical treatment for fear of meddling with gods ultimate plan is their moral practice, and although this may have differed from the other 5000 in the community, the action of performing the transfusion was immoral to the Christian Science religious culture. In contrast to the numbers that could dying due to acting morally, for the culture of the community as a whole it was a moral action risking one individuals personal morals to save the entire population of the community. The CER might see the community as a culture a nd everyone within that community as having the same moral values, since the inmate was a part of that community these morals by undergoing medical intervention by having a blood transfusion and saving the community was the more moral action. (C) The Utilitarian position is not entirely correct in my opinion. One implication of Utilitarianism is that every time one makes a decision, one tries to take into account all the possible results of that action. But those results will be constantly changing, since everything that happens continues to have repercussions that are not known at the time. In which case, there can never be a moment at which it is possible to say that the amount of happiness caused will definitely outweigh the amount of harm. One is never in a position to know with absolute certainty the relative amounts of happiness or pain that any action will cause.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Wutherin Heights Essays - British Films, English-language Films
Wutherin Heights Essays - British Films, English-language Films Wutherin Heights Through the duration of Heathcliffs life, he encounters many tumultuous events that affects him as a person and transforms his rage deeper into his soul, for which he is unable to escape his nature. From the beginning of the novel and most likely from the beginning of Heathcliffs life, he has suffered pain and rejection. When Mr. Earnshaw brings him to Wuthering Heights, he is viewed as a thing rather than a child. Mrs. Earnshaw was ready to fling it out the doors, while Nelly put it on the landing of the stairs hoping that it would be gone the next day. Without having done anything to deserve rejection, Heathcliff is made to feel like an outsider. Following the death of Mr. Earnshaw, Heathcliff suffers cruel mistreatment at the hands of Hindley. In these tender years, he is deprived of love, friendship, and education, while the treatment from jealous Hindley is barbaric and disrupts his mental balance. He is separated from the family, reduced to the status of a servant, undergoes regular beatings and forcibly separated from his soul mate, Catherine. The personality that Heathcliff develops in his adulthood has been formed in response to these hardships of his childhood. The final sense of alienation and the most implicating occurs with Catherines marriage to Edgar, Heathcliff considers this a betrayal of his love for her, since she wants the social status and existence at the Grange. Heathcliff is however proud and determined and does not cower when opposed by those consider themselves to be superiors. Finally, when he realizes that Catherine has chosen status, wealth and position over him, he disappears for three years and returns in the manner of a gentleman. As he returns to Wuthering Heights, he is engulfed with this passion to revenge himself on all those who have abused him as a child. He ruins Hindley by encouraging his excessive drinking and gambling. His revenge is also directed towards Edgar Linton, whom he sees as having stolen Catherine from him. His sullen, vengeful, cruel and impatient characteristics still exist, which have been present since childhood, but have grown deeper. He is, in reality, a man torn between love and hate. Since his depths of his passions, he hates as deeply as he loves. As Heathcliff approaches death and a reunion of Catherine, he no longer has an interest for revenge. He falls deeply into a spiritual torment. Heathcliff is a many faced character, in his early years he is characterizes by his hot temper, his irritability, his fierce attachment to Catherine and his limit for hatred. The adult Heathcliff, who returns to Wuthering Heights after a three year absence, is a powerful villain driven by revenge, distorted by the sense of the wrongs done to him and made emotionally unstable by Catherines marriage. This later Heathcliff is characterized by coldness by an incapacity to love and ultimately by consuming passion for revenge against those who have abused him and for connection with his beloved Catherine. Just as he begins life, he ends life as an unloved, lonely outsider.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Quotes from Harry S Truman
Quotes from Harry S Truman Harry S Truman served as the 33rd president of the United States during the end of World War II. Following are key quotes from Truman during his time as president. On War, the Military, and The Bomb In the simplest terms, what we are doing in Korea is this: We are trying to prevent a third world war. If there is one basic element in our Constitution, it is civilian control of the military. Sixteen hours ago an American airplane dropped one bomb on Hiroshima...The force from which the sun draws its powers has been loosed against those who brought the war in the Far East. It is part of my responsibility as Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces to see to it that our country is able to defend itself against any possible aggressor. Accordingly, I have directed the Atomic Energy Commission to continue its work on all forms of atomic weapons, including the so-called hydrogen or ​super-bomb. The Soviet Union does not have to attack the United States to secure domination of the world. It can achieve its ends by isolating us and swallowing up all our allies. On Character, America and The Presidency A man cannot have character unless he lives within a fundamental system of morals that creates character. America was not built on fear. America was built on courage, on imagination and unbeatable determination to do the job at hand. Within the first few months, I discovered that being a President is like riding a tiger. A man has to keep on riding or be swallowed. Its a recession when your neighbor loses his job; its a depression when you lose yours.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
India class structure Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
India class structure - Essay Example The ruling class or the dominant class is the most important and the most benefitted class. The dominant class determines the utilization of the economic surplus and majorly comprises of business bourgeoisie, rich landlords, politicians etc. Lying between these two extremes is the middle class who benefit partially from the growing economy and who also are major contributors to the labor force of the country. Another major important point of difference between the three is their contribution to the working force. The lower classes that provide most of the man power are engaged in physical work whereas the middle classes are engaged in most of the work that involves the government and private sectors and are huge contributors to the economy. The higher classes hold positions of importance but this class particularly contributes much less manpower but are particularly responsible for controlling and management of the other classes below it. The primary factor responsible for the three different class systems in India is determined by the economic surplus and the growing economy of the country and the contributions of each class too depends on the development and fully fledged of the annual
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Book and Movie Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Book and Movie - Essay Example Discussed below is the impact of hazardous waste on the environment, regulations of municipal and industrial waste, possible interventions to environmental degradation in relation to the movie and the novel. The world’s population is steadily increasing due to improved access to health care and technological advancements in the healthcare sector. These in turn reduced infant mortality and prolonged the estimated lifespan of both males and females. The rapidly increasing population generates large amounts of biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste. In the US, a 2012 study done by the country’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) revealed that the US population generated 251 million tons of municipal waste recycling only 34.5% (87 million tons). EPA’s estimates propel the US to the top of the list with regard to highest waste output per person. The high waste output automatically strains existing waste management measures instituted by both the federal and state governments. As a result, common to all states are landfills scattered all over each state containing heaps of non-biodegradable waste, which contributes to the rapid degradation of the environment. Worsen ing the situation, is the large amounts of industrial waste output from the vast number of industries operating in the US. In her novel, Paretsky (40) contrasts Chicago’s polluted industrial districts with the posh Coast. Apted’s depiction of the rolling mountains and scenic backdrop in the Native American reservation in South Dakota contrasted against the rusting automobiles and dilapidated houses mirrors Paretsky’s description. Due to the hazardous nature of industrial waste, the government’s way of managing industrial waste differs from the management of municipal waste. Legislative directives compel industries to find suitable methods of disposing their waste guaranteed not to pollute the environment. For example, unsanctioned dumping of
Saturday, November 16, 2019
I-phone and I-teach Essay Example for Free
I-phone and I-teach Essay The highly anticipated and much celebrated release of the newest and perhaps hippest cellular phone on the market has spurred a number of discussions on the applicability of these devices to other forums. With an increasingly large number of prepubescent teens and children carrying cellular phones everywhere they go, a number of educators have begun to inquire as to its applicability as a teaching aid while there are some who argue that cellular phones have no place in today’s educational institutions. There is certainly no clear yes or no answer to this issue and instead it is important to arrive at a certain compromise in order to resolve this issue. There are basically two schools of thought behind this issue, the pros and the cons. The first argues that the changing times and evolving technology necessitate the use of these new devices in order to improve educational methods and take advantage of the ever decreasing attention span of students with regard to traditional teaching methods. The second school of thought, on the other hand, argues that the older methods which have been tested and tried are always better and thus these distractions (cellular phones) should be strictly kept out of classrooms. In order to, however, come up with a reasonable discourse concerning this topic it is first important to examine just how these devices have affected classroom activities. â€Å"Cell phones connect friends and families. In a moment, across the country or oversees a parent can call his son to see whether he is doing alright†. Businessmen can make their business deals and get everything done when away from office. Newer programs event take advantage of the cameras that most of today’s cellular phone models have by allowing one to take a picture of a page and have that file converted into a document that can be edited as reported in the October 29, 2007 issue of Newsweek entitled, â€Å"How to Make the Cellular Phone a Portable Scanner. †(Ellison, 2007, p. 1) In the same way that businessmen take advantage of the ever increasing conveniences that cellular phones have provided, students at schools all over the country communicate frequently with each other through the use of cell phones and this is the case of concern for most of the country’s school administrators (Armbruster-Sandoval, 2005, p. 64) The first school of thought, as presented earlier, argues that instead of banning these cellular phones from classrooms, an alternative can be reached. There is no need to reject this technology advancement but rather there is a need to embrace it and take advantage of it. With the average classroom attention span in the United States dropping, more and more educators have come to realize that there is a pressing concern to come up with new methods of teaching that is able to reach out to these children and one of these solutions is the cellular phone. In response to this, however, detractors have argued that this instant method of communication has its own drawbacks as well. Cellular phones are said foster interpersonal relationships as opposed to direct communication which provides a certain level of personal interaction. The essential factor or edge of having the instructor or teacher personally present to ensure that the student is able to learn will certainly be diminished by using cellular phones as a mode of conveying lessons and learning modules. The second bone of contention with regard to cellular phone use in the classrooms has arisen out of the recent traumatic events that have rocked the American educational institutions. The Columbine tragedy and even perhaps 9-11 have made parents more concerned over the safety of their children and have demanded that schools allow the children to bring these devices into the classroom. In response to this rising safety issue, more and more schools in the United States have begun lifting the ban on cellular phones in classrooms (Shaw, 2005, p. 1). When Mayor Bloomberg banned cellular phones from New York public schools, most of the uproar that resulted from the institution of that policy came, not from the school children as previously anticipated, but rather from concerned parents who argued that the lack public payphones in the area made it more dangerous for their children (Williams, 2006, p. 1). While certainly it may not have an effect on the lessons that these students learn in classroom, it does affect the quality of education a child may receive since a concerned parent may relocate the child to safer place which may not provide as good a quality of education as the previous school. While there is certainly no doubt that the safety of children is of the highest priority, there is also a need to educate today’s youth if they are to stand a chance of surviving in this world. Another issue that has been presented is that cell phones lead to the deterioration of writing skills as the use of the text messaging feature leads to what has been termed txt-lingo. For some, â€Å"text messages, a popular phone feature has affected the English language†â€Å"That is (that the use of) abbreviated messages has also affected the use of vowels†(Silin, 1999, p. 20). This issue has even been made worse by the fact that the new dictionaries or rather predictive text feature on cellular phones make it easier for students to just tap away at the keypad with the phone doing the corresponding spelling changes. The loss of not only personal but grammatical communication skills is indeed an issue which must be tackled in response to the topic on whether or not children should be allowed to bring cellular phones into the classroom. It is important to remember, however, that even though the above argument may present a grain of truth, learning is simply much more that just missing vowels and spelling. Education has never been confined to the teaching of English but rather even to the discussion of the propriety of bringing cellular phones into the classrooms (Shaw, 2005, p. 1). As such, to even argue that cellular phones should not be brought into the classrooms because it leads to bad spelling skills would be totally disregard the other benefits that can be derived from the use of such a device. Benefits such as being able to send images of certain objects that may be used for a lively and scholarly discussion in class, encouraging discourses between students over certain topics and certainly the building of foundations for the educational improvement of today’s youth, far outweigh the simple problem of lacking vowels which can be easily remedied (Shaw, 2005, p. 1). Perhaps the answer to this problem lies in the students themselves who use these devices as argued be certain concerned parents. There are some parents, who can claim that their children are very responsible, and they know when to put on or put off the cell phone and therefore should be allowed to use cell phones even in schools (Fretcher, 2000, p. 69). According to Armbrustor-Sandoval, â€Å"Teenagers have learned to heavily rely on cell phones†thus transforming this into a serious issue. This is why the government is contemplating on banning cellular phones in not only classrooms but inside campuses as well. Banning cellular phones in most educational institutions is a good idea but some exceptions should be allowed since cellular phones can be used in reporting emergencies and the like (Armbrustor-Sandoval, 2005, p. 71). If parents cannot control their own children with regard to the use of cellular phones in education institutions, the question that begs to be asked therefore is whether or not the government is more qualified to make that decision and enforce is it for the students. There is no doubt from this brief discussion that there are indeed a number of pros and cons concerning this issue. On one hand, allowing the use of cellular phones promotes the safety of students and minimizes the concern that parents naturally have over their children and at the same time, the use of cellular phones presents new opportunities to extend teaching to beyond the confines of the classroom. The cons of this issue can be basically be summarized in a single thought which is the concern over the deterioration of quality of education a child will receive in an environment which may no longer be perceived as conducive for teaching if the use of cellular phones is allowed. Cellular phones have improved dramatically over the last few years. With the rate of technological advancement today, it is not far off into the future when cellular phones will be able to do certain things that were but unimaginable in the present. The question, however, is whether or not all these advances will remain to be benefits for just a certain group or if they can be used to improve every aspect of life (as most of the cellular phones are currently trying to do i. e. I-phone). The benefits and drawbacks are certainly very clear. The problem for the government and most educational policy makers is on how to balance these benefits and drawbacks so as to be able to take full advantage of the situation (Shaw, 2005, p. 1). As such, the only solution that remains is coming up with a well thought out cellular phone policy for the school in order for them to be able to continue to reflect the society which they serve. References: Armbrustor-Sandoval, R (2005): Is Another World possible? Is another classroom possible? Radical pedagogy. Activity and social change; social justice, vol. 32 Foust, R. C. , Soukup, C. (2006); Do I Exist? Transcendent subject and secrets in the sixth sense; Western Journal of communication, Vol. 70. Fretcher, H. G. (2000); Power up, Don’t Power Down: Barring students form cell phones, my space, and other communication technologies. Once they enter, the classroom is the wrong approach. A better move would be integrating. Those tools into instructions; The journal (Technological Horizons in Education), Vol. 33 Luke, A. D. (2005); Getting the big picture; community science. Methods that capture context; American journal of community psychology Vol. 35. Shaw, Katherine (2005) Students and Cell Phones: Controversy in the Classroom from
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Don’t Shoot the Sheriff: An overview of Rastafarians and the Legal System :: essays papers
Don’t Shoot the Sheriff: An overview of Rastafarians and the Legal System Rastafarianism is a way of life†¦ for many it is the only way of life. Growing up under a certain religion instills varying values and understandings into one’s moral fiber. These values are what shape a human’s character. In some countries, the government is trying to tell these peaceful people to disregard their upbringing and to conform to alien ways. Every religious sect has its own traditions and historical rituals that they abide to. In religions, almost everything has significance to it. And anyone concerned about the future of his/her religion, will continue to ensure that these traditions are followed, to preserve their own way of life. Now, most countries have religious freedom clauses in their constitutions that state that anyone living on their soil has the right to practice the religion of their choice. Now this might seem a minuscule fact for someone of a common religion, but to someone of a minority religion, this is all the protection they have from the legal system. This paper is only a taste of the justices and injustices that Rastafarians have faced in legal systems across the globe. Some instances a loophole for the "misfortunate", others an outcry from the oppressed. Every country’s legal system has problems. Some problems are masked with legal terms. Theses are the hardest to overcome. The "land of the free" is what the United States is sometimes referred to as, but for some, this statement seems phonier than an Ed McMahon sweepstakes. In the U.S. case, Belgrave vs. Coughlin, an inmate of the Sing-Sing Correctional Institution in New York, claims his religious rights were revoked. Nekyon Belgrave, a Rastafarian, says the Department of Correctional Services ("DOCS" hereinafter) denied his request to wear his religious head covering known as a crown. A crown is a loose-knit, circular hat that covers the wearer’s dreadlocks (Anderson, 1). Belgrave’s appeal reached the Second Circuit where acting Justice Anthony A. Scaprino Jr. sent the matter back to DOCS saying they overlooked their own regulations denying Belgrave’s request. The matter had already been solved in the precedent of Benjamin vs. Coughlin, 905 F2d 571, where the Second Circuit had agreed with a lower court ruling that denying a Rastafarian’s request to wear a crown did not break the First Amendment, ruling that is was an interest of security (Anderson, 2). This precedent and an August 8, 1990 memorandum stating that regulations allowed the wearing of certain head-coverings, was enough to send the matter back into the hands of the DOCS.
Monday, November 11, 2019
How Global Trends Influence the Strategies Used by Samsung in the Communications Market Essay
As global trends shape the business landscape, they will certainly influence competition among companies; and just as companies frequently fail to examine global trends in details, they can also fall short in their analysis of the competitive factors those trends create. Czinkota, Ronkainen,and Kotabe, (2010) carried out a survey that showed that â€Å"competition is becoming more intense: 85% of them [executives] describe the business environment of their companies as more competitive. †As such organizations to include the owners and staff have to continually make changes to supplement the ever changing demands of their target market as well as the total market. Samsung has felt the negative effects associated with changes in global trends and as such have developed strategies to compliment those changes in the communication market. Overview of Samsung In the present unpredictable business trade, marketing plays a fundamental and considerable role and it is a course of action or means to create, deliver, exchange and communicate with customers and clients which is now more pronounce because of globalization. Globalization according to Hamilton (2009) is not a new phenomenon. Nonetheless, within the last few decades, the improvements in technology, international trade and communication have rocketed. However, before we move on to discuss this great phenomenon, it is imperative that we define the terms globalization and marketing. Bilton, Bonnett, and Jones, et al. (1996) argued that globalization can be defined as â€Å"the process whereby political, social, economic and cultural relations increasingly take on a global scale, and which has profound consequences for individuals’ local experiences and everyday lives. †Hamilton (2009), in view of some of these profound consequences of globalization aptly states, â€Å"International trade through globalization can have many benefits. Trade helps increase economic wealth and establishes good political relationships with trading partners. Globalization also promotes free trade and competition between corporations which in turn gives consumers throughout the world more options and cheaper products from which to choose. †Therefore, the increase in trade, as well as technological communication and transportation advancements have allowed societies to become more connected. The term globalization signifies the combination of the marketing process with global business requirements. The globalization of marketing has made marketing processes more intricate, unwieldy and costly to deal with. Ferrell (2011) postulates that marketing may be defined as â€Å"an organizational function and a set of processes for creating, communicating, and delivering values to customers and for managing customer relationships in ways that benefit the organization and its stakeholders. †Global sourcing and hostile global competition, pooled with growing customer demand, are drastically affecting the supply chain. To battle these new globalization challenges, many companies are moving away from a â€Å"push†supply chain model to a demand-driven, customer focus model. The desire to become demand-driven requires sophisticated, flexible responsiveness at every point along the supply chain, from sourcing and obtaining to use. One such company is Samsung; founded in 1938. From its foundation as a petite export company in Taegu, Korea, Samsung has developed into one of the world’s top electronics companies, specializing in digital appliances and media, semiconductors, memory, and system integration. For over three decades Samsung has defended developments in the business and played a fundamental part in the advancement of the mobile telecom sector. Their powerful past performance in invention and manufacturing is in line with a history of financial stability, and an extensive globally distributed, skilled employee base. This combination of factors has lead to Samsung being the favored partner of top-tier operators around the world. In 1980, Samsung joined the telecommunications hardware industry with the purchase of Hanguk Jenja Tongsin. Originally building telephone switchboards, Samsung expanded in to telephone and fax systems which ultimately moved to mobile phone manufacturing. The mobile phone business was grouped together with Samsung Electronics (Burris, 2013). Kumar (2004) opines that in the contemporary information age, mobile communications has enabled us to use laptop personal computers linked to the internet without a ‘wired’ local area network (LAN). Simply put, if the internet gave us the ability to access any web address on a desktop, mobiles have given us the access at any time and from anywhere. This capability, derived from modern telecommunication technology, is crucial in conducting international business operations. Samsung Telecommunications is one of five business units within Samsung Electronics. This unit has been influenced by global trends, causing the company to use marketing strategies in order to stay on top in the communications market. Samsung’s Marketing Strategy Developing a clear and profitable strategy relies on balancing the business’ competencies and abilities against the market opportunities into the future. The marketing strategy of a business includes a definition of the business, a description of the products or services, an outline of the target market, and defines the business’ role in relationship to the competition. In other words, marketing strategy is a synopsis of the business’ products and position in relation to the competition; the sales and marketing plans are the exact actions the business will assume to attain the goals of the marketing strategy. According to Materson and Pickton (2010), constructing and using a marketing strategy has a strong positive impact on profitability. This is because companies that utilize a marketing strategy tend to focus on their customers and markets, integrate their marketing responses and work out in advance where their profits will come from. Operating a flourishing business can be challenging; business operators can build a business but they might not materialize. Marketing is all about informing the public about the product or service the business offers, and influencing them to purchase or use it. Thus, Samsung zoomed in on strategies that will improve the company’s communication market. The company also used SWOT analysis in order to keep up with the global trends in the communication market. Like every other businesses, Samsung is very much aware that information is an important resource essential just like money, machinery and manpower. Information is considered one of the most fundamental necessities for the continued existence of the organization. In the past, before the computer era, it was not easy for the businesses to gather, store, maintain, organize and distribute enormous volumes of information and data. Nowadays, managers are competent in getting contemporary information at the required time in a precise manner. Consequently, as a powerful business leader, Samsung accepted the fact and had given precedence to the process of information throughout the organization at every stage. â€Å"To gain from its Managing Information System and Information Technology, Samsung addressed information needs not only in its environment but also in their relationships with customers, suppliers, trade partners, production systems, work processes, skills and labor requirement. These advancements of Samsung have created huge and complex processes and information systems, thereby creating a requirement to align them to have a universal overview of the complete information system setting it as a strategic tool†(Unknown). Ultimately, a manager evaluates the information gathered for accuracy. Evaluating this information enabled Samsung to identify potential threats and opportunities linked to environmental changes, which bring us to another market strategy, the market environment. Understanding the present state of the market environment and recognizing threats and opportunities that might arises from changes within it helped Samsung to assess the performance of their present marketing efforts and develop future marketing strategies (Pride & Ferrell, 2012). This is so because the global marketing environment is becoming increasingly competitive to an extent that requires companies to target their products and services at markets regardless of national boundaries (Hassan & Erdener, 1994). SWOT Analysis Samsung’s SWOT analysis was used to examine the strengths and weaknesses of the business, determining the long term objectives of the business and aid in the design of the new strategies to assist in the process of achieving targets set by the organization. The SWOT analysis also include the processes to determine the investment direction, the business markets to be addressed, extension of the operations of the business and limitations faced by the business in order to undertake the business activities. In essence, Samsung used SWOT to help identify possible strategies by building on strengths, resolving weaknesses, exploiting opportunities and avoiding threats. An opportunity is a major favorable situation in a firm’s environment. Key trends are one source of opportunities. An evaluation needs to be completed drawing conclusions about how the opportunities may affect the firm whether positive or negative. However, changes in competitive situations, technological changes and improve buyer or supplier relationships could symbolize positive opportunities for businesses. In this case, Samsung capitalized on their opportunities by designing new technology, sponsoring the 2012 Olympics, offered more models with stylish and individuality and giving the consumer real entertainment for their money; offering plenty opportunity to get more sales. Threat refers to challenges posed by an unfavorable trend or development that could lead to deterioration in profits or sales, in absence of a defensive marketing action. Threats are the main obstructions to the business’ existing or preferred position. Changes in technology, decrease in market growth, increase in bargaining power of suppliers and buyers, new or revised regulation could pose threats to the achievement of businesses. From the information gathered and evaluated, Samsung recognized that there is new and existing competition, price volatility, economic recession, and extremely huge competition for customers and resources. The internal analysis of strengths and weaknesses focuses on internal factors that give businesses certain advantages and disadvantages in meeting the requirements of its intended market. Strengths refer to core capabilities that give the business an advantage in meeting the requirements of its intended markets. Any analysis of company strengths should be market oriented and customer focused because strengths are only meaningful when they assist the business in meeting customer needs. Weaknesses refer to any limitations a company faces in developing or implementing a strategy. Weaknesses should also be examined from a customer perspective because customers often perceive weaknesses that a company cannot see. Being market focused when analyzing strengths and weaknesses does not mean that non-market oriented strengths and weaknesses should be forgotten. Rather, it suggests that all businesses should bind their strengths and weaknesses to customer requirements. Samsung’s strengths: 1. Strong international experiences 2. Strong global business network 3. Vast credibility of brand name 4. International documented accomplishments (awards received and nominated for) Samsung’s weaknesses: 1. Perception of high prices 2. Loss of customers’ interest in products 3. Buyer sophistication and knowledge 4. Substitute products or technologies and limited availability of 3D viewing Conclusion Marketing has changed in focus over the past twenty years. Nowadays, marketing stresses value and customer relationships (Ferrell, 2011). However, it is imperative to note that marketing is parallel to other business functions such as production, research, management, human resources, and accounting. The fundamental function of marketing is to connect the company to its customers. As such it shapes the objectives of companies to include Samsung, through which it is able to delivery top of the line communications while superbly satisfying the market. Reference Bilton T. , Bonnett, K. , Jones, P. , Skinner, D. Stanworth, M. & Webster, A. (1996). Introductory sociology. (MacMillan Press Ltd. , Ed. ). Great Britain: MacMillan Press Ltd. Burris M. (2013). The history of Samsung. About. com. Retrieved March 29, 2013 from http://components. about. com/od/Companies/p/The-History-Of-Samsung. htm Collins, J. , & Porras, J. (1996). Building your company’s vision. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved March 29, 2013 from http://www. tecker. com/wpcontent/uploads/2011/07/CollinsBuildingVisionSept96. pdf Czinkota M. , Ronkainen, I. , & Kotabe, M. (2010). Emerging trends, threats and opportunities in international marketing: What executives need to know. New York, NY:Business Expert Press, LLC. Ferrell, O. (2011). Marketing strategy (Hartline M. , Ed. ). Mason, Ohio: South-Western Cengage Learning. Hamilton S. (2009). Globalization. Edina, Minnesota: ABDO Publishing
Saturday, November 9, 2019
The Killer Angels Book Review
I believe that the author wrote this book because he wanted people to view the Battle of Gettysburg from not Just the view point that we receive in our textbooks but from different points of views so that we may interpret the battle as a whole instead of bits and pieces. This book, in my opinion, was written for both informative and entertainment for those who enjoy learning about history and the Civil War. This novel began with a person spying on the Union army then goes back to report o General Longest that he had found that an Union army was seen moving nearby where he was located.When the spy told Longest that information, it seemed to shock him a little bit. In Longitude's mind he believed that another general, General Stuart, was supposed to be tracking the Union army's movement. Now that he has received this information, he thought that he should move the Confederate army north to cut off the Union army. While heading north, the Confederate's come across a small town in Pennsy lvania known as Gettysburg. While patrolling the town of Gettysburg on his horse, a Union general had noticed that the Confederate soldiers were close.The general who saw the confederate army, General Afford, was under the impression that the two armies would start to battle inside the town. So he set up to brigades along the hills outside of town. His way of thinking was that the higher ground the Union army was, the better it was to fight the Confederate army. He believed using the geography of the north was a good idea. I agree with his thinking because it is certainly an advantage when it comes to warfare. As General Afford is aging arrangements to make that happen, General Longest was meeting with other generals to discuss strategy and tactic.The book then turns to the date of July 1st. It starts as General Lee is waking up and discovering General Stuart absence from camp. Without the absent man, Lee had no idea where the Union army was located and that troubled him. Not knowin g where the enemy was is never a good thing because you have no idea what your next plan or step would be. While at camp, he met with Longest. Longest was confident that the Confederates can use defensive tactics that has helped them in revises battles to help them win this one.He believes that the Confederacy would have a much better chance of winning because of their defensive skills that have proven to be top notch. General Lee refused Longitude's way of thinking because he wanted to smash the Union army aggressively in one blow. The book then transitions to where the battle was beginning when the confederate soldiers attacked the men who were station amongst the hills due to Brood's command. Reinforcements soon arrived to help out Brood's men since they were getting killed.The reinforcement quad was led by General Reynolds whom was later killed in the battle. As Lee arrives to the battleground, the battle is in full swing. He is ordering his men to attack since some Union troops were coming from the South to help out. As the first day ends, Union forces retreated back into the hills to take cover and get some rest for the upcoming day when they would continue to battle. Longest becomes nervous because he knew that the hills were a good defensive position. He knew that they would have the advantage if they went to attack them within the hills.He was also ware that General Lee would attack them instead of retreating to another location and wait for them to attack. On the second day of the battle, Chamberlain is the one who makes the first move this time by moving toward Gettysburg once again. As they were walking, they discovered an escaped slave. This gets Chamberlain into thinking about the reasoning for this war that has caused so many causalities of fellow Americans and what he believed in about different races. While that was happening, two confederate generals were suggesting to lee that they should attack the opposing army to weaken it.Lee likes the p lan, but Longest still wants to move to another location. Once again Lee had refused. As Lee and Longest lead the troops toward the hills, they discover that the army has come off of the hills and into the lowland where an orchard of some sort lied. They attack which causes a blood bath. Chamberlain and his men had to hold the ground against the Confederate attacks, but eventually they run out of bullets. They had followed by a motto to never retreat and fight while standing their ground. As day two came to an end, Lee decided on a Lana for the next day.As the final day approaches, Longest, for the final time, tries to convince Lee to move the army to another location, but Lee again refuses. Lee was determined to attack his enemy at this certain place. Longest had tried to convince him but he refused while launching an attack known as Picket's charge. After the failure of Picket's charge, the Confederates soon retreated, and the Battle of Gettysburg had finally come to an end. Perso nally, I believe Michael Sahara is the type of person who found this battle to be absolutely fascinating.I also believe that the author had done his research on the matter by using personal letters of these generals and other primary sources to help him write this book. This novel is an excellent example of a bloody battle fought on the US soil between the people of the US. To be honest, I really enjoyed this book. I like who the point of views changed to get the full coverage the battle and to have an insight on what was actually happening. I also happen to love learning about wars and the presidents so that helped a lot knowing some outside information.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
buy custom U.N Rights Violation essay
buy custom U.N Rights Violation essay Introduction Violence refers to deliberate use of corporal power or force, to threaten or actually harm, another person, oneself, or on a group of people like children or women resulting to death, injury, mal-development, or psychological distortion. Violence against children is a global issue that results to public-unhealthiness. Though injustice and poverty victims have had difficulty being understood, historically, none of them has had more difficulty if compared to the plight of children. Violence against children takes place in various forms for instance physical injuries, negligence, or psychological torture. This happen at different levels and the perpetrators include individuals, institutions, households, and the society. This essay therefore establishes the state of children rights and the major contributors to violence against children rights in the global context. Violence against children takes place worldwide but the statistics may vary from one region to another. For instance, countries such as India, Pakistan, and Nepal tend to report more issues on children rights violation including child labor, sexual abuse, and child trafficking. India has been said to have the largest number of working children. However, these statistics could be misleading given that state administrators may give low numbers to protect images of their countries. A recent research in eight Asian nations discovered that 33 to 50% of the sex workers were the same previous victims of child abuse (Brett, 2009). One basic human rights principle laid down in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is that all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. Children have been assigned special protection by the UN legal framework. Nevertheless, there are no strong legal mechanisms to protect this right. In addition, international law and local legislations are not homogeneous and this leads to conflict of interests. Childrens rights protection under international treaty law can be traced back to the first Declaration of the Rights of the Child adopted by the League of Nations in 1924, which was a brief document containing only five principles by which member were invited to be guided in the work of child welfare. Children enjoy protection by way of general human rights provisions, and their relevance should not be underestimated. The U.N has continued to guard the rights of children under four principles, namely; childrens right to equality, the best interest of the child, the childrens right to life and development and the respect for childrens own views (Committee on the Rights of the Child, 2005). However, these provisions only remain in papers as a number of states continue to abuse them as demonstrated by the rising cases of child trafficking, and child labor among other vices. Children Rights Violation Children are said to be every countrys future and for that reason; the United Nations (UN) members in 2002, undertook to conform to eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by the year 2015 with six of the said goals directly associated with children. All these goals that are strongly associated with the commitment made by all governments of the UN General Assembly at the 2002 Special Session on Children in 2002. All nations promised to work with the goal of promoting and protecting the rights of every child. A study conducted by the Convention on the Rights of the Child on behalf of the UN in 2001 emphasized on the rights of children to personal and physical integrity. The study also outlined Countries responsibilities in protecting children from all kinds of mental and physical violence such as sexual, exploitation, or demeaning punishment (Detrick, 1999). It is however hard to implemen these measures in developing countries due to high levels of poverty, whose remedy at times would be engaging children in forced labor to put food on table. In addition, severity of HIV/AIDS affects ability of parent to feed their children and this leave rare option for restricting child labor. The UN member countries are obliged to pass protective measures in order to ensure that no children rights are violated and if any is, they should ensure that the victims get the assistance and support necessary for recovery. In the Pacific and the East Asia Region, numerous regional pledges have been made and continue to be implemented at different levels in order to combat childrens problems of sexual exploitation, abuse, and trafficking. Children rights violations are mostly circumstantial and are contributed by elements that may be either positive or negative. Violation of childrens rights is not a new phenomenon and recent worldwide development especially the technological advancements have greatly challenged the efforts of the UN and other stakeholders to stop this criminality. Various global economic features and political affiliations have affected children protection and well-being. The aspect of rapid urbanization is good for many economies and livelihoods but it also contributes greatly to violation of childrens rights (UNICEF, 2001). This is because; urbanization may tend to erode social security systems of families and communities, at the same time, slacken import barriers, and improve transport and communications networks facilitating cross-national movements and thus encouraged illegal activities such as child trafficking. Some nations have violated childrens rights in the name of patriotism. Children are forced into making sacrifices in order to protect their country. These children engage in risky national activities, for instance, in some developing countries and other politically unstable nations such as Sierra Leone, Sudan and Rwanda, children were used as spies and war soldiers during wars all in the name of patriotism (Van Bueren, 1998). Nevertheless, at times political set ups do not recruit children in their troop. State of a country may also make a child to develop interest in becoming a soldier at early age. Vice is political influence in recruiting children in military troops. Violation of children rights has however been greatly contributed to by negative societal factors. For instance, the main targets for children violators and other abusers are the children from marginalized ethnic groups and financially unfortunate families who are subjected to many types of social segregation. This is because these children live in poor and politically unstable regions and they face numerous financial adversities. Due to their unfortunate nature, some of these children live in slums, streets and in socially segregated groups. Some ethnic minorities are illegal immigrants and thus, they lack most certifications, causing them to lack the necessary access to legal employment, education, and legal migration channels. This unfortunate lot of childrens right to safe delivery, good maternal health, proper nutrition, medical heath (Van Bueren, 1998). Stigmatization of HIV/AIDs born children by families and the society due to ignorance and poverty by the society strongly contributes to the continuous discrimination, violence and abuse and consequently causing the children to seek alternative livelihoods and becoming vulnerable to being violated (UNICEF, 2001). In addition, most HIV/AIDs infected and affected children from developing countries have been orphaned and are thus under kinship care, mainly under the aged and weak persons. These caretakers have other problems and are thus incapable of caring and providingg for these children. Having no strong person as guardian makes the children to be very susceptible to abuse and violence. The U.N has funded and supported programs that can help to strengthen work on advocating and researching on the key causes societal issues including HIV/AIDS and at the same time, assists the infected and affected children to access to basic services such as education, healthcare, and protection against violators. In the year 2000, about 2.3 million children who are below the age of 15 from the developing world have continually become orphans because of HIV/AIDs related mortalities with one child dying every 14 seconds (UNICEF, 2001). However, there are still the biggest hurdles that surround such good initiatives. There is vast corruption especially in developing countries that make monetary allocation have little impact in rescuing the condition of children. Political instability in some nations is also a huge contributor to violation of childrens rights. War-torn countries go through many problems that affect its citizens especially children directly in an enormous and unprecedented way. For instance, in war times, many children have been wounded, murdered or taken away from their families and communities. Due to wars, many children have been orphaned and have exploited sexually or through military recruitment. The girl child has especially been gravely affected by war. Greed for control of landmines and production of small arms and weapons also threatens lives of children every day. This is because conflicts in many regions are caused by such economic greed, interest and the desire to have power over valuable natural resources (Brett, 2009). This kind of interest in some industries is responsible for stimulating wars that bring dreadful violations of childrens rights by causing them to suffer mal-nutrition due to low production of food. In the 1996 UN General Assembly, Machel gave a report on awareness and collection of information on the childrens plight that are affected by armed conflict. Conclusion Children have the right to health, right to nutrition and the right to education. In addition, children also deserve to be protected; they deserve to be free from brutality and mistreatment and they deserve to have a safe and caring environment. Some children have the chance to enjoy these rights while others are amongst the most susceptible groups in the society. Some progress by individual families, the society, and concerned organizations have been made in the struggle against children trafficking and sexual exploitation of children (Brett, 2009). These positives fight against violating the rights of children has been evidenced worldwide with the increase in consciousness and acknowledgment of the issues by government heads. Other key decision makers worldwide and the general public are also rallying the efforts of fighting violation of childrens rights. Children globally have however continued to be violated through trafficking on a daily basis and the trend of these victimization and maltreatment incidents is continually increasing. Most of these violations of childrens rights have been observed in the disadvantaged countries, communities, and families. This means that more than anything else, the vices are heightened by the poverty, ignorance, political instability, diseases such as HIV/AIDs and discrimination. All these contributors are negative aspects of the society. In order for the society to solve curb childrens rights violation, they first need to deal with improving and eradicating these aspects (Detrick, 1999). Otherwise, children rights violation will continue to exist at both the local and international levels. Buy custom U.N Rights Violation essay
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Determining If a Number Is Prime
Determining If a Number Is Prime A prime number is a numeral that is greater than 1 and cannot be divided evenly by any other number except 1 and itself. If a number can be divided evenly by any other number not counting itself and 1, it is not prime and is referred to as a composite number. Factors vs. Multiples When working with prime numbers, students should know the difference between factors and multiples. These two terms are easily confused, but factors are numbers that can be divided evenly into the given number, while multiples are the results of multiplying that number by another. Additionally, prime numbers are whole numbers that must be greater than one, and as a result, zero and one are not considered prime numbers, nor is any number less than zero; the number two is the first prime number, as it can only be divided by itself and the number 1. Using Factorization Using a process called factorization, mathematicians can quickly determine whether a number is prime. To use factorization, you need to know that a factor is any number that can be multiplied by another number to get the same result. For instance, the prime factors of the number 10 are 2 and 5 because these whole numbers can be multiplied by one another to equal 10. However, 1 and 10 are also considered factors of 10 because they can be multiplied by one another to equal 10. This is expressed in the prime factors of 10 as 5 and 2 since both 1 and 10 are not prime numbers. An easy way for students to use factorization to determine if a number is prime is by giving them concrete counting items like beans, buttons, or coins. They can use these to divide objects into ever-smaller groups. For example, they could divide 10 marbles into two groups of five or five groups of two. Using a Calculator After using the concrete method as described in the previous section, students can use calculators and the concept of divisibility to determine whether a number is prime. Have students take a calculator and key in the number to determine whether it is prime. The number should divide into a whole number. For example, take the number 57. Have students divide the number by 2. They will see that the quotient is 27.5, which is not an even number. Now have them divide 57 by 3. They will see that this quotient is a whole number: 19. So, 19 and 3 are factors of 57, which is, then, not a prime number. Other Methods Another way to find if a number is prime is by using a factorization tree, where students determine the common factors of multiple numbers. For instance, if a student is factoring the number 30, she could begin with 10 x 3 or 15 x 2. In each case, she continues to factor- 10 (2 x 5) and 15 (3 x 5). The end result will yield the same prime factors: 2, 3 and 5 because 5 x 3 x 2 30, as does 2 x 3 x 5. Simple division with pencil and paper can also be a good method for teaching young learners how to determine prime numbers. First, divide the number by two, then by three, four, and five if none of those factors yields a whole number. This method is useful to help someone just starting out to understand what makes a number prime.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Privacy of Social Networking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Privacy of Social Networking - Essay Example Various social networking corporations have tried to raise public awareness about the privacy implications of social networking. Arguably, many online users do not take enough time to carefully read and understand the user agreements required by all social networks, and in most cases, they do sign over their privacy rights to these companies so as to access popular social networks. Arguably, data privacy refers to â€Å"freedom from unauthorized intrusion†(Zheleva and Getoor 277). In regard to personal information, privacy refers to â€Å"the right or desire of individuals to control the release of information about themselves†(Altshuler 234). This paper provides a very thoughtful discussion on the privacy of social networking and noting what online users should do in order to protect their privacy. Basically, social networking sites such as facebook, twitter, Linkedin, and MySpace among others are in most cases used to stay in touch with friends, share information, and make new friends. Studies reveal that there are many active users of these social networks worldwide, and that many college students rely on the internet and social networks to connect with other people almost every day (Timm & Duven 89). While these sites serve as a great way to stay in touch with friends, finding new friends, post pictures, share information among others, these sites are also very popular for people with bad intentions like to hack sent messages and stalk others. Stalking is a severe problem that many online users face (Reiher 10). While most people using social networking services are well intentioned, every online user of social networks need to be careful about the information they share online, and how they protect it because some people can intentionally use the information of a person av ailable online to embarrass, steal their identity and damage their reputation. Therefore, all online users need to consider
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