Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Carrie Chapter Twenty-one
Part Three Wreckage From the national AP ticker, Friday, June 5, 1979: CHAMBERLAIN, MAINE (AP) STATE OFFICIALS SAY THAT THE DEATH TOLL IN CHAMBERLAIN STANDS AT 409, WITH 49 STILL LISTED AS MISSING. INVESTIGATION CONCERNING CARIETTA WHITE AND THE SO-CALLED ‘TK' PHENOMENA CONTINUES AMID PERSISTENT RUMOURS THAT AN AUTOPSY ON THE WHITE GIRL HAS UNCOVERED CERTAIN UNUSUAL FORMATIONS IN THE CEREBRUM AND CEREBELLUM OF THE BRAIN. THIS STATES GOVERNOR HAS APPOINTED A BLUE-RIBBON COMMITTEE TO STUDY THE ENTIRE TRAGEDY. ENDS. FINAL JUNE 5 030 N AP From The Lewiston Daily Sun, Sunday, September 7 (p. 3): The Legacy of TK Scorched Earth and Scorched Hearts CHAMBERLAIN – Prom Night is history now. Pundits have been saying for centuries that time heals all wounds, but the hurt of this small Western Maine town may be mortal. The residential streets are still there on the town's East Side, guarded by graceful Oaks that have stood for two hundred years, the trim saltboxes and ranch styles on Morin Street and Brickyard Hill are still neat and undamaged. But this New England pastoral lies on the rim of a blackened and shattered hub, and many of the neat houses have FOR SALE signs on their front lawns. Those still occupied are marked by black wreaths on front doors. Bright-yellow Allied vans and orange U-Hauls of varying sizes are a common sight on Chamberlain's streets these days. The town's major industry, Chamberlain Mills and Weaving, still stands, untouched by the fire that raged over much of the town on those two days in May. But it has only been running one shift since July 4th, and according to mill president William A. Chamblis, further lay-offs are a strong possibility. ‘We have the orders,' Chamblis said, ‘but you can't run a mill without people to punch the time clock. We don't have them. I've gotten notice from thirty-four men since August 15th. The only thing we can see to do now is close up the dye house and job our work out. We'd hate to let the men go, but this thing is getting down to a matter of financial survival.' Roger Fearon has lived in Chamberlain for twenty-two years, and has been with the mill for eighteen of those years. He has risen during that time from a third-floor bagger making seventy-three cents an hour to dye-house foreman; yet he seems strangely unmoved by the possibility of losing his job. ‘I'd lose a damned good wage,' Fearon said. ‘It's not something you take lightly. The wife and I have talked it over. We could sell the house – it's worth $20,000 easy – and although we probably won't realize half of that, we'll probably go ahead and put it up. Doesn't matter. We don't really want to five in Chamberlain any more. Call it what you want but Chamberlain has gone bad for us.' Fearon is not alone. Henry Kelly, proprietor of a tobacco shop and soda fountain called the Kelly Fruit until Prom Night levelled it, has no plans to rebuild. ‘The kids are gone,' he shrugs. ‘If I opened up again, there'd be too many ghosts in too many corners. I'm going to take the insurance money and retire to St Petersburg.' A week after the tornado of '54 had cut its path of death and destruction through Worcester, the air was filled with the sound of hammers, the smell of new timber, and a feeling of optimism and human resilience. There is none of that in Chamberlain this fall. The main road has been cleared of rubble and that is about the extent of it. The faces that you meet are full of dull hopelessness. Men drink beer without talking in Frank's Bar on the corner of Sullivan Street, and women exchange tales of grief and loss in back yards. Chamberlain has been declared a disaster area, and money is available to help put the town back on its feet and begin rebuilding the business district. But the main business of Chamberlain in the last four months has been funerals. Four hundred and forty are now known dead, eighteen more still unaccounted for. And sixty-seven of the dead were Ewen High School Seniors on the verge of graduation. It is this, perhaps, more than anything else, that has taken the guts out of Chamberlain. They were buried on June 1 and 2 in three mass ceremonies. A memorial service was held on June 3 in the town square. It was the most moving ceremony that this reporter has ever witnessed. Attendance was in the thousands, and the entire assemblage was still as the school band, stripped from fifty-six to a bare forty, played the school song and taps. There was a sombre graduation ceremony the following week at neighbouring Motton Academy, but there were only fifty-two Seniors left to graduate. The valedictorian, Henry Stampel, broke into tears halfway through his speech and could not continue. There were no Graduation Night parties following the ceremony; the Seniors merely took their diplomas and went home. And still, as the summer progressed, the hearses continued to roll as more bodies were discovered. To some residents it seemed that each day the scab was ripped 69 again, so that the wound could bleed afresh. If you are one of the many curiosity-seekers who have been through Chamberlain in the last week, you have seen a town that may be suffering from terminal cancer of the spirit. A few people, looking lost, wander through the aisles of the A&P. The Congregational Church on Carlin Street is gone, swept away by fire, but the brick Catholic Church still stands on Elm Street, and the trim Methodist Church on outer Main Street although singed by fire, is unhurt. Yet attendance has been poor. The old men still sit on the benches in Courthouse Square, but there is little interest in the checkerboards or even in conversation. The over-all impression is one of a town that is waiting to die. It is not enough, these days, to say that Chamberlain will never be the same. It may be closer to the truth to say that Chamberlain will simply never again be. Excerpt from a letter dated June ninth from principal Henry Grayle to Peter Philpott, Superintendent of Schools. †¦ and so I feel I can no longer continue in my present position, feeling, as I do, that such a tragedy might have been averted if I had only had more foresight. I would like you to accept my resignation effective as of July 1, if this is agreeable to you and your staff. . . Excerpt from a letter dated June eleventh from Rita Desjardin, instructor of Physical Education, to Principal Henry Grayle: †¦ am returning my contract to you at this time. I feet that I would kill myself before ever teaching again. Late at night I keep thinking: If I had only reached out to that girl, if only, if only †¦ Found painted on the lawn of the house tot where the White bungalow had been located: CARRIE WHITE IS BURNING FOR HER SINS JESUS NEVER FAILS From ‘Telekinesis: Analysis and Aftermath' (Science Yearbook, 1981), by Dean D. L McGuffin: In conclusion, I would like to point out the grave risk authorities are taking by burying the Carrie White affair under the bureaucratic mat-and I am speaking specifically of the so-called White Commission. The desire among politicians to regard TK as a once-in-a-lifetime phenomenon seems very strong, and while this may be understandable it is not acceptable. The possibility of a recurrence, genetically speaking, is 99 per cent. Ifs time we planned now for what may be †¦ From Slang Terms Explained.. A Parents' Guide, by John R. Coombs (New York: The Lighthouse Press, 1985), p. 73: to rip off a Carrie. To cause either violence or destruction; mayhem. confusion; (2) to commit arson (from Carrie White, 1963-1979) From The Shadow Exploded (p. 201): Elsewhere in this book mention is made of a page in one of Carrie White's school notebooks where a line from a famous rock poet of the '60s, Bob Dylan, was written repeatedly, as if in desperation. It might not be amiss to close this book with a few lines from another Bob Dylan song, lines that might serve as Carrie's epitaph: I wish I could write you a melody so plain/ That would save you, dear lady, from going Insane/ That would ease you and cool you and cease the pain/Of your useless and pointless knowledge†¦ From My Name Is Susan Snell (p. 98): This little book is done now. I hope it sells well so I can go someplace where nobody knows me. I want to think things over, decide what I'm going to do between now and the time when my light is carried down that long tunnel into blackness †¦ From the conclusion of The State Investigatory Board of Maine in connection with the events of May 27-28 in Chamberlain, Maine: †¦ and so we must conclude that, while an autopsy performed on the subject indicates some cellular changes which may indicate the presence of some paranormal power, we find no reason to believe that a recurrence is possible or even likely †¦ Excerpt from a letter dated May 3, 1988, from Amelia Jenks, Royal Knob, Tennessee, to Sandra Jens, Maiken, Georgia: ? and your little neece is growin like a weed, awfull big for only 2. She has blue eyes like her daddy and my blond hair but that will porubly go dark. Still she is awfull pretty & I think sometimes when she is asleep how she looks like our momma. The other day wile she was playin in the dirt beside the house I sneeked around and saw the funnyest thing. Annie was playin with her brothers marbles only they was mooving around all by themselfs. Annie was giggeling and laffing but I was a little skared. Some of them marbles was going right up & down. It reminded me of gramma, do you remember when the law came up that time after Pete and there guns flew out of there hands and grammie just laffed and laffed. And she use to be able to make her rocker go even when she wasen in it. I gave me a reel bad turn to think on it. I shure hope she don't get heartspels like grammie did, remember? Well I must go & do a wash so give my best to Rich and take care to send us some pitchers when you can. Still our Annie is awfull pretty & her eyes are as brite as buttons. I bet she'll be a worldbeeter someday. All my love, Melia
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Healthy Eating Habits
As a lifelong fitness enthusiast, I know the great importance of proper nutrition. Still being able to maintain a 30 inch waistline in my middle age, I think that I should have enough proven credibility to give you a few tips on how to build healthy eating habits and make them stick. Physical activity is only 50% of the overall health equation. The other 50% is nutrition. And without healthy eating habits, one will not be able to achieve good health and fitness. So it does depend on what you eat, and in this modern age of convenience and rushed daytime schedules, it’s easy to eat unhealthy.So here are some areas to consider that will help keep you on the right health track. Educate Yourself On Food And Healthy Eating Habits In order to eat healthy, you have to understand which foods are actually healthy and which ones are not. Learn from reading nutrition books and websites. Maybe even consult a dietician to get you started. Quite often, convenient foods are laced with too muc h salt, sugar and other ingredients, which are not considered healthy. These ingredients can often be hidden, so it is important as part of your education to learn to read food labels while at the grocer.Learn what ingredients to avoid, as major components are usually listed first in the food labels. Also verify and compare fat contents since many food items  which are promoted as ‘low fat’ or ‘low calorie’  might very well still be quite high in fat. Being educated on what is contained within various types of food will help you weed out much of the unhealthy food you otherwise might end up eating. Learn To Substitute Foods And Ingredients In the old days, healthy eating meant a diet of bland-tasting food.I still remember that veggie burger that tasted like cardboard. Those days are thankfully gone as food technology has improved significantly. Many of the lower fat versions of food items (like cheese and frozen yogurt) taste just as good as their standard â€Å"full-fat†versions. One can also still cook great tasting food at home by simply substituting some of the ingredients. For example, use olive oil instead of butter for frying. Reduce salt by adding spices instead. Choose leaner cuts of meat and trim off visible fat before cooking.Something that I’ve done over the years is to drastically cut down on red meats at home and increase my intake of fish and poultry. By learning some great recipes with fish and poultry, I really don’t miss red meat all that much. One of the big areas to substitute is in snacking. Instead of candy bars or potato chips (or other junk food), try nuts or fruit. During the hot summers, I keep a supply of frozen grapes and if I feel the urge to nibble on something, I just grab one or two frozen grapes. Not only are these healthy, they are also refreshing during hot temperatures.Keep Related Goals In Mind In order to help you stick to healthy eating habits once you plan t hem, I find that it helps to keep related goals in mind. For example, each time I look in the mirror I make a point of looking at the condition of my abs. I want to maintain a half decent physical shape so what I see in the mirror is a constant reminder that I have to keep eating well. When I see other people around my age group or even younger than me who are out of shape, I always observe that they are not eating healthy.They usually eat foods that are high in fat. Keeping observant with this helps me even more to keep away from bad eating habits since I don’t want to end up like those poor folks who have let themselves go in that department. Another goal that is more specific is that I want to be able to perform well on the ski slope during the winter and maintain my martial arts all year round. I can generally tie in my overall performance levels in these sports back to my diet as one of the elements required.See if there are any related activities that you want to do wel l that you can somehow relate back to nutrition. Then keeping this top of mind will help you steer clear of bad foods. After all, you don’t want to blame poor performance in your favorite activities partly on bad diet. Be Around Others Who Eat Healthy This last point is related to having others help you in your goals. Sometimes it’s hard to eat right when all of your friends, family members and co-workers eat unhealthy. So make sure that you spend time with other people who already eat well.This will help inspire you to eat healthy as well. You’re basically using teamwork to help you achieve the goal of eating healthy. There’s really no magic in how to build healthy eating habits and make them stick. Good health is long term and the only way to achieve it is through all the little successes that add up when you have another healthy meal and finish another workout. Follow the above tips  as I do each and every day  during your meals and sna ck periods to ensure optimum health.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Banana Mango Puto Essay Sample
Electricity is the physical phenomena originating from the behavior of negatrons and protons caused by the attractive force of atoms with opposite charges and the repulsive force of atoms with the same charge. Electricity from a lemon is possible to acquire electricity from a lemon utilizing strips of metal. The most readily available combination is copper and Zn. The Zn piece can be taken from the shell of an old C â€Å"D†cell ( battery ) ; some Zn coated nails may work every bit good. The Cu can be a coin incorporating a high sum of Cu. They are stuck into the lemon. and wires are attached to each 1. The wires should be attached firmly to organize a good electrical contact. If the other terminals of the wires are attached to a little bulb ( flashlight bulb ) there should be sufficient current to illume it. Note that the metal pieces should be clean. and that they should non touch inside the lemon. The electric current comes from the chemical reaction between the acid in the lemon and the Zn. Positively charged H in the acid oxidizes the Zn. doing negatrons to flux from the Zn to the acid. In the procedure. some of the H in the acid is reduced to hydrogen gas. The Cu simply completes the circuits. Aims* To detect what is go oning when the two wires join together.* To be able to build a Lemon battery. Statement of the job* How can the lemon electricity help us in our day-to-day lives? Hypothesisa. Alternate Hypothesis* It can succor the community to provide more electricity. b. Null Hypothesis* It can’t succour the community to provide more electricity. Importance of the surveyElectricity has been portion of our lives. It has brought many things that certainly have made many admirations and life would look so hard without it. Electricity powers our visible radiation. warming. electronic contraptions such as computing machines and telecasting. and a host of indispensable services that we take for granted. However. electricity has much more of import facets because it is a cardinal characteristic of all affair. Electricity is the force that holds together the molecules and atoms of all substances. The type of electricity that is most familiar to us is electrical current. This is the flow of electrical charges through a substance called a music director such as a metal wire. This flow happens because some of the negatively charge negatrons circling the karyon of the music directors are held slackly. The negatrons can travel from one atom to the following. bring forthing and electrical current. Scope and RestrictionsIn speaking about our subject. the LEMON BATTERY. it states that the experiment is all about electricity. Therefore. it points out electrical current. positively charge protons. negatively charged negatrons. Talking about lemon. lemon is a fruit that can bring forth certain electricity like torch bulbs. Lemon Battery explains how to decrease the usage of electricity that comes from other music directors. This experiment can able to demo what the kernel of lemon in making electricity is. Definition of footingsLemon ( Citrus ? limon ) is a little evergreen tree indigen to Asia. and the tree’s ellipsoidal xanthous fruit. The fruit’s juice. mush and Peel. particularly the zest. are used as nutrients. The juice of the lemon is about 5 % to 6 % citric acid. which gives lemons a rancid gustatory sensation. The typical rancid gustatory sensation of lemon juice makes it a cardinal ingredient in drinks and nutrients such as lemonade. * In our experiment. lemon is used to be the music director to bring forth electricityto a little bulb. Multi-tester -Or millimeter is a device which can be used to garner informations about electrical circuits. A basic multitester can mensurate opposition. electromotive force. and continuity ; while more advanced versions may be able to supply extra informations. -it helps the user to mensurate the electric current of the lemon. Wire-is a individual. normally cylindrical. flexible strand or rod of metal. Wires are used to bear mechanical tonss and to transport electricity and telecommunications signals. Wire is normally formed by pulling the metal through a hole in a dice or draw home base. Standard sizes are determined by assorted wire gages. The term wire is besides used more slackly to mention to a package of such strands. as in ‘multi-stranded wire’ . which is more right termed a wire rope in mechanics. or a overseas telegram in electricity. * It maps as the manner of electricity to go through traveling to the bulb.
Correlations in Gold, Oil and Dollar Value index Essay
Correlations in Gold, Oil and Dollar Value index - Essay Example Where oil is the need for global economics, same is the case with gold being the need of every central bank of the world to buy gold in exchange of providing the open market with more currency and to balance trade imbalances in international markets. The US Dollar is no doubt the major player in the world regarding trade and forex exchange, but it is gold and oil that counter the weight on the other side of the global trade seesaw (Zvi Bodie; Alex Kane; Alan J Marcus, 2005). The correlation of gold and dollar is a years old tradition for investments and a leverage to control currency devaluation. Investors around the world generally use gold as a tool to control the economic activities that go around the country and in international market. However, the main roots of gold standard for currency started with the beginning of central banking system. The correlation between gold and dollar can be understood by a simple fact that when there are more cash currency in the market, the people will be able to buy more precious metals. Gold being one of the most precious metals in the world and used as an investment, people always try to convert their cash into gold for better returns in the future. More paper currency at the disposal of the people will mean that the worth of that currency is low and people are able to buy more gold from that therefore causing the currency paid to get that amount of gold to rise. This means that dollar and gold have an inverse relationship. The market works more on the supply and demand system. The gold has been the center of attention as a precious metal since times immemorial and always in demand. Although there has been a lot of mining on the gold throughout the world but the demand never ceases. Just like any business, where people invest to get better returns with the expectation of the business to grow, gold has proven tendency to grow in cost over time. More currency in the market results in lesser gold available for purchase becau se of rise in competition therefore higher the price of gold (Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, 2010). The price of oil in the international market results in inflation because of rising prices for production and transport therefore negatively effecting the price of the dollar. The price of dollar is affected because the consumers are not able to buy the products that are available in the market therefore demanding more currency in exchange of the products therefore decreasing the value of the currency. As the amount of oil production is reaching all time high and with the rise in industries resulting in increase in the demand of oil, the major oil consuming countries like USA, China and India have started to store oil as reserves. In exchange, these countries give out dollars to the oil producing countries, putting the same inverse impact as gold has on dollar. USA being the largest consumer of oil in the last 30 years, consumes almost 25% of the total oil production that is being drilled i n the world to support the mere 5% of the global population. In return to get more oil, not only to use but for keeping it as reserves, the Americans are pumping dollars into the accounts of oil producing companies, therefore tilting the trade balance in their favor. India and China followed by many European countries follow the same lead therefore keeping the demand of oil on a consistent
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Creation of Web Portal and Database Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Creation of Web Portal and Database - Essay Example The business needs that will be achieved through the creation of a web portal within the institution includes an improved financial status, increased capacity and efficiency of service delivery, increased institution membership, increased student numbers and retention and enhanced satisfaction among the clients. The system implementation methodology should be applied within the institution in the adoption and installation of the web portal. This will ensure that the objective of the implementation process will be focused at appropriate design, adoption and application of the web portal within the institution (Villeneuve and Aminah, 2003). Additionally the institution will be able to ensure that the adoption and use of the web portal will be congruent with the policies and organization of Brisbane Institute of Art. The capability of the organization to implement the suggested solution is determined by the availability of resources and expertise that will design and maintain the web po rtal. Additionally, the organization must establish security policies that would play a role of securing the information within its databases through regulation of access. It is assumed that the organization has adequate financial resources that will be allocated for the adoption and implementation of the web portal. ... Therefore a cost benefit analysis will be conducted in relation to the strengths and weakness of the company to implement the opportunities of an effective web portal in its functions. More importantly, the stakeholders of the institution must be able to see the benefits that will be achieved through the implementation of the web portal (Griffith, Tansik and Benson, 2002). Solution Scope/Details The solution for Brisbane Institute of Art’s problem is the creation of an up to date website and database for effective management of its operations and enhanced communication among its stakeholders. The design and creation of the website should be compatible with modern software applications. This will enable the institution to enable more features within its website such as the use of multimedia as opposed to the current use of outdated Joomla package which is characterized by evident inefficiencies in processing data. More importantly, there should be creation of a database within the institution for efficient management of records. The creation of the database should also include sub databases such as student record management databases for finances, examinations, personal details and activities. Furthermore the solution for Brisbane Institute of Art should include a database for effective management of its human resource such as instructors to alleviate the problem of increased employee turnover. The creation of an up to date website will affect all areas of the institution. This includes the admissions, administration, human resource, records and human resource departments. For example the admissions department will be able to advertise on the
Saturday, July 27, 2019
The cost of the modern Olympics far outweighs the benefits. Argue your Essay
The cost of the modern Olympics far outweighs the benefits. Argue your position - Essay Example Indeed, one may definitely identify some economic benefits that are a result of the Games. These include employment of workers who will work at construction sites; the Olympics attract numerous people from across the globe that will predictably buy lots of thing, etc. At the same time, there are others that criticise the Olympics because of large amounts of public money spent by local governments to host them. While the latter may sound a bit pragmatic, yet theirs is the point. THESIS STATEMENT: The benefits of the Olympic Games do not outweigh their cost since the expenditures on construction are not remunerative, substitution spending takes place, misplacement is often the case, employment opportunities are temporary, and hopes for visitors’ excessive spending and attendance do not realize. To support this statement, this paper refers to the latest data on the Olympics and their benefit analysis done by scholars who research the issue. BODY PARAGRAPH 1: First, the cost of th e Olympic Games considerably outweighs its benefits because expenditures on construction of new world-class facilities require excessive funding which will not be remunerative in the long run. Charles Santo in his article â€Å"Economic Impact of Sport Stadiums, Teams, and Events†, observes that Olympic spending is higher than any other spending on sporting events. He cites the following data: the 2004 Summer Olympics which were held in Athens incurred $12.8 billion; the Chinese government invested up to $43 billion to host the Beijing Olympic Games back in 2008. However, the sporting facilities do not yield sufficient returns on the public money invested in their construction and maintenance. The long-term fate of Olympic facilities in Beijing built before 2008 Olympic Games well illustrates this statement. As Demick (2009) observes, the National Stadium in Beijing, also called the Bird’s Nest, was supposed to host only one event in 2009. That was an opera performance of Turandot scheduled to celebrate the one-year anniversary of the ceremony of opening of the Olympics. Ironically, the leading soccer club in China had withdrawn from the deal to play at the stadium, since it found it embarrassing to utilize a 91,000-seat facility for soccer games that typically attracted not more than 10,000 visitors. BODY PARAGRAPH 2 Second, it is possible to say that the cost of the Olympic Games considerably outweighs their benefits because of the phenomenon known as substitution spending. Substitution spending with regard to the Olympics takes place when an anticipated tourism boom proves not profitable enough in real life: in fact, a tourism boom for one city means a slum for others. For example, hotel occupancy during the time of the 2000 Summer Olympics in Australia was related to substitution spending. The Olympics were held in Sydney between September 16 and September 30. For those two weeks, hotels in Sydney had nearly 100% occupancy, yet in other marke ts Australian hotels had considerable demand shortfalls compared to the first half of September and to the same time period a year ago. Specifically, hotel occupancy dropped by 17% and 19% during the period of the Olympics in Brisbane and Melbourne (Andersen 2000, p.1). Hence, the substitution spending was fixed during the 2000 Olympics. It leads to the conclusion that the economic gains brought by the
Friday, July 26, 2019
Hobbes and Morality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Hobbes and Morality - Essay Example 13, p. 84). The conditions that Hobbes outlined and feared in the state of nature had profound implications for his conceptualization of morality and what defined an individual as an equal to his or her fellow human being both in terms of morality and in rational self-interest. The overriding principle in the state of nature is that man is inherently and perpetually condemned to a fate where his life is subject to a violent and brutish death or injury at the hands of others. Hobbes first defined man as being relatively equal in faculties to one another, in physical and mental abilities, and when there are such advantages of one holds over another in either physical strength or intellectual prowess, the threat of harm is always prevalent, so that any such advantages or disadvantages are not considerable enough to negate such threats of harm. Even if there is a more skilled warrior in the area, he or she is still subject to a violent death insomuch that others could band together to nullify such a threat (Leviathan, ch. 13, p. 82). It is because of this equal threat is how Hobbes is then able to define what his terms of morality are in the state of nature. With an individual existing in the state of nature that is conditionally the state of war with every man against every man, and life al... An individual has the moral authority to kill, maim or otherwise thwart another individual should they be deemed a threat to one's life and being. This also had prolific implications for actions themselves. One's actions to preserve their own well being are either amoral, or completely void of being judged right or wrong, or that such actions are morally defensible because the ultimate value and aim is that one's life ought to be defended at all costs and through any and all means disposable. Hobbes directly wrote, "to this war of every man against every also consequent that nothing can be unjust," (Leviathan, ch. 13, 85). The social contract and civil government Hobbes declared removed man from the state of nature and perpetual warfare into a civil society where the governing authority is charged with the responsibility of the preservation of domestic peace. In exchange for this protection of life, the subjects in this civil society must sacrifice their absolute freedom as they held in the state of nature in order to ensure that the war of every man against every man no longer exists. Hobbes directly argued that "a man be willing, when others are tooto lay down his rights to all things, and would be contented with so much liberty against other men as he would allow other men against himself," (Leviathan, ch. 14, p. 87). The civil society is a voluntary contract where all citizens agree to what they are to compromise in terms of absolute freedom in order to have the right of life protected under a rule of law. Individuals are also equal in this respect that they rationally enter into such a social cont ract voluntarily and willing compromise whatever natural freedoms
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 16
Case study - Essay Example On the other hand, the legitimacy theory studies the reactions of stakeholders in terms of their social obligations and requirements as imposed by the society and other forces. These two theories will provide insights into the reactions of BP following the oil spill. The stakeholder and legitimacy theories remain some of the most relied upon theories that explain the nature of reaction and approaches that companies, firms, and businesses undertake when faced with various perspectives (Friedman & Miles, 2006). These theories attempt to expose the driving motives and the determining interests that help companies to develop various choices and alternatives as understood together with the policy framework of the companies. The choice of an approach is often determined by the long-term and short-term objectives of the company. These objectives may relate to matters of performance, public image, brand protection, strategic considerations, and the costs involved. The long-term considerations of a company’s interests are largely conditioned by multiple factors that make it necessary for companies to adopt approaches that can safeguard them against the perils of the market and the unpredictable nature of the business environment (Solomon, 2011). The stakeholder theory spells out terms for the survival and the sustainability of any company. According to this theory, firms should seek to create, sustain, and increase value for all its stakeholders for the purposes of performance and survival (Philips, 2011; Philips, 2003). The theory begins from the point that the existence, performance, and progress of a firm is significantly dependent on the harmony that must exist among the stakeholders. Any adverse effect on one or some of the stakeholders will invariably spill over to the other stakeholders. As such, the work of the management is to harmonize, streamline, and regulate the actions, policies, strategies, and
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Information system management - The Kiwi Experience Assignment
Information system management - The Kiwi Experience - Assignment Example The paper tells that online reviews provide a rich source of information for customers, which have numerous implications on various managerial functions and activities such as building of a brand, customer attraction and retain, diversification of a product, and quality assurance. Arguably, â€Å"A person’s reputation is a valuable piece of information that can be used when deciding whether or not to interact or do business with†Lytras, Damiani & Ordonez. It gives an opportunity for sale, payment of products and services on demand basis as income is generated monthly, since it allows customers to pay after consumption. Due to the ability of the users to share in the sites, web 2.0 creates more trust to customers and service and products providers. It also uses multiple channels such as sharing of files or pictures. In addition, common features of a web 2.0 are blogs that offers an opportunity to interact with users, whereby they can share ideas, thoughts, and offer im portant information to the users. In a blog, posting entries is in accordance to their dates and there is an enabled response to and classifying comments. Events and calendars in a web 2.0 enable the provider to keep clients up-to date with current activities. The content in the website is downloadable via copies of a portable document format documents. Clients can also request for forums and the providers can provide the same information online. Response to special offers is also possible with web 2.0. 2. Wiki experience is a web 2.0 version operated by Tourism Holding Limited, a New Zealand tourism Company, which is a major player in the tourism industry in the country. Its major target client is the youthful travelers who wish to have fun throughout the touring experience. The kiwi experience uses various features of web 2.0 technology that include the ability of the previous customers to upload pictures of themselves during and after their experience and this is a way of people who meet in the course of touring to remain in touch with one another. This feature, an indirect marketing tool appeals to people for they can keep memories of the tour fresh for a long time and maintain the contacts made. Apart from building more trust on the website, it also makes it more authentic to people. The other feature of wiki experience is the ability for people to book for trips online and make payment arrangements online without having to visit a travelling agency. By the fact that this is easy, it appeals more to people, saves them time wasted in booking and making payments the normal way. The website also uses social media making it possible for people to communicate on the website, post comments of their experience. Client can make contacts of ahead of their travel and this makes it more fun to choose to travel with the company, giving Tourism Company Limited a competitive advantage over other players in the market. Apart from offering direct feedback to the company regarding the quality of their services and analyze their customer satisfaction, online marketing also offers an opportunity for customers to know
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Manfucturing quality sys Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Manfucturing quality sys - Case Study Example The changes in the departments will bring about a positive impact and this will help the company in succeeding in the airline industry. By changing the supply routines and the supplier, material management will become easier. Enterprise Resource Planning is one among the best ways to integrate the departments in the company. This will help in decision making and further improvement of the company. Toon Air has been operating the airlines for many years. They have been successful in this field with no specific competitors. The recent development in the airline industry has led to a situation where many other airlines operate at a lower cost. This has affected the development and growth of Toon air. This has proved to be a great disadvantage. To overcome this situation Toon Air has to adopt new strategies and plan accordingly so that the current situation can be improved. This will enable the employees and the customers to have a problem free environment. The spare parts are procured regularly form some of the manufacturers. Any purchased material has to be stored in a warehouse and it has to be maintained properly, failing which may leads to unforeseen circumstances. These spares have been stored at a warehouse which is located at a distance of 30 miles from the airport. Purchasing is the major event in the management of supply of spares. The main problem is the delay in the supply of parts. Whenever a part is required they must be readily available to the users and engineers. There should not be any time delay as this in turn affects the flight timings. This will result in an unexpected loss to the company since the aircrafts are kept at the airport. They manage the situation temporarily by flying the substitute planes. This is not a permanent solution. This may prove to be a problem when several planes are idle at the airport. The spares are supplied to the maintenance engineers as and when needed. As the people in the purchase de partment do not have proper authority to decide and procure spares, this delays the process of purchase and supply of spares to the engineers. Toon Air purchases the spares from a reliable supplier. The cost of the spares is costly when compared to the other suppliers. They must select a different supplier who can supply the parts at a much lesser rate. This will be of more help to the company as this amount can be used for some other purpose. If the supplier is changed they can procure the spares immediately. (Hitomi, 1996).They must select the supplier who can deliver the spares immediately after the order is placed. This will reduce the delay in the supply of the parts. This in turn will reduce the idle time of the aircrafts. Since the spares are delivered immediately, the substitute planes can be used for any emergency situation alone. There has been a practice of engineers getting the spares directly from the suppliers. They make an order to the supplier and they get the spares delivered as and when they require. This may be of help only in certain cases. To avoid such a situation, the company must change to a different supplier so that the spares are procured whenever needed. The company must appoint some responsible person who can handle the purchase department in an efficient way. This will ensure that the department does not
Off Balance Sheet Financing Practices Essay Example for Free
Off Balance Sheet Financing Practices Essay OBSF is most of the times used by business enterprises to maintain their leverage or gearing positions in such a way which would not have any negative implications on the company. In the business world of today, OBSF is recognized as an important means for raising finance by means of operating leases, joint venture and collaborations with respect to Ramp;D. Following Off Balance Sheet Financing method results in significant variations in the overall financial reporting of an entity. Considering the changes in accounting and financial reporting requirements, it is generally expected that the companies using these technique will be more able to run their operations efficiently. However, keeping in view the case of off balance sheet financing and accounting in this respect, it is argued that while using OBSF companies are able to not disclose entirely the financing of their capital expenditures and thus the information required to be disclosed in this respect is not made available to the interested parties (Tyrrell 1986). This report discusses this area of accounting and explains how OBSF is actually promoted by the market economies and the expectations of increased profits from the companies. The usage of off balance sheet accounting and financing is not new. In the beginning of 20th century, this concept of managing a company’s balance sheet gained fame and the banking and other corporate sector applied this technique in their best possible interest with the main objective of keeping their balance sheets light weighted. Apart from a benefiting role played by the off balance sheet ccounting techniques, there are some serious consequences which are often associated with the application of this concept. As for instance, it is argued that among many other reasons, the practices of off balance financing and accounting also had a significant share in the recent financial downturn (Allen, et al. 2002). In this regard, Enron would be a good example to look upon. While striving for a healthy outlook o f Enron’s balance sheet, the management made use of special purpose entities with the objective of making large transactions which would not appear on the balance sheet of the company. This resulted in a healthy balance sheet outlook with huge of amounts of capital inflows but at the expense of nothing. However, this bubble of progress did not last long as the company’s stock prices started fluctuating sharply and consistently. These events created a sense of being not informed entirely about the company’s operations among the investors and after the Enron’s climax, the regulators jumped in with Sarbanes Oxley Act 2002. The Act was aimed at securing the investments of investors and introducing regulations with respect to corporate social responsibility. But these checks proved to be ineffective upon the emergence of the financial crisis in 2008 (Hall and Liedtka 2007). Increase in the global competition and more expectations from the investors and shareholders to maximize their value of investments are regarded as the driving forces in the market which influence management to improve the financial picture of a company. In addition, these expectations pose pressure on the management to find ways which may result in better presentation of the financial statements and improved earnings (Boot and Thakor 1991). The Banking sector in particular and other sectors in general are mostly seen following this approach. As for instance, there has been observed a trend of investing in such portfolios and instruments which are regarded as high risk investments. But the intention behind this is to improve or strictly stating ‘inflate’ the earnings of an enterprise without having regard to the riskiness of such investment decisions and the fact that the stakeholders of the business need justification of such improvements in the performance in the form of financial statements disclosures. For the purposes of obtaining security on the risky investments, corporations tend to enter into complex third party arrangements which cannot be disclosed in the financial statements. Apart from this, one other motivating factor which is regarded as the major reason behind this approach of management is that they have their own interests and objectives. As for instance, managers are better off in their performance appraisals when the company is showing profits consistently (Boone and Raman 2001). The practices of off balance sheet financing and accounting, as stated earlier, comprise of operating leases, joint venture and collaborations with respect to Ramp;D. Among these options, operating lease holds special importance and is given more consideration by the management due to the fact that they require minimum disclosures in the financial statements and are usually for a long term. Lease accounting is covered by IAS 17, SSAP 21 (UK) and FAS 13 (USA) (McGerty 2004, Lim, Mann and Mihov 2005). Prior to the formulation of these accounting standards, there were no obligations on the companies to disclose in their financial statements the future payments related to lease and therefore leasing was recognized as an off balance sheet financing technique. Apart from leasing techniques, there are various other methods being employed by different companies to move certain items off the balance sheet of the company. The use of off balance sheet techniques has been used to manipulate things. The most commonly used techniques to manipulate the financial information presented in the balance sheet of a company include swaps, variable interest entities (VIEs) and Special Purpose Entities (SPEs) (Ketz 2003). Although these tools have been used by companies around the world for different purposes which are mostly disclosed and transparent but the misuse of these tools has been also observed frequently by way of not disclosing the true facts. This practice has caused major setbacks to the global economy and also shattered the confidence of shareholders and investors (Hall and Liedtka 2007). As for instance, the collapse of Lehman Brothers is argued to have resulted due to off balance sheet approach followed by the company. In order to narrow down its balance sheet, Lehman Brothers moved its assets worth US dollar 50 billion from its balance sheet with the objective of portraying less amount of debt in the balance sheet (Rezny 2010). Keeping in view the above discussion and the facts stated related to the real world cases, it can be said that it is high time for the respective authorities to take measures in relation to this area of financial reporting. It is recommended that the governmental authorities and other financial reporting standards issuing bodies shall intervene appropriately through the right channels to ensure transparency in the financial reporting. Apart from this, the board of directors of corporations shall standardize the decision making processes and perform an effective oversight duty. In addition, it shall be made obligatory for business enterprises notwithstanding the sectors into which they fall, that every transaction shall be disclosed appropriately in the financial statements. Furthermore, the managers shall be motivated not pressurized to perform in the best interest of the organizations (Adams 1998). While concluding this report, it can be said that applying off balance sheet accounting and financing, whether for a good or evil purpose, has become necessary due to the increased expectations of the investors and shareholders related to the profitability of a business concern and also for the purposes of improving the financial statements overlook. Moreover, the lack of regulatory measures in this respect also has its share in promoting the adoption of this approach. Apart from this, it can also be stated that the benefits resulting from off balance sheet accounting are also considered as a means of attaining hidden objectives by managers which in turn motivates them to misuse the concept and benefit from the regulatory loopholes. For the purposes of addressing these issues, it is pertinent that the regulatory authorities who are responsible shall make such arrangements which may promote such financial reporting practices which are more representative of the facts. In addition to this, the disclosure requirements related to off balance sheet accounting and financing activities are required to be revisited.
Monday, July 22, 2019
Performance Measurement Essay Example for Free
Performance Measurement Essay Performance measurement tools have been used by many organizations or companies these days as one of their strategies in achieving success. Specifically, this tool is useful for detailed evaluation of the production process of one company, provide extensive guidance for the decision making process, and assess the performance of the company departments and individual employees. In general, measurement tools are created to give the company an easier access to a feedback system regarding its consistency in achieving their goals, and to provide them with options on how they can improve their current process. Basically, it gives companies a preview of how they are currently performing and where they might be heading. Another benefit of having a performance system is being able to better motivate the employees to do better with their jobs. However, such tool also has its consequences and the company should also be ready for it. Managers can easily monitor how their employees are doing by having a performance measurement tool. And one way for them to make their work performance consistent is by having a reward system. With this employees will really work harder with the hopes of attaining the reward. There have been many records and surveys that testified to the positive impacts of performance measurement tools to the employee work performance. In the US Municipalities, 9.6% of the respondents found the tool substantial, and 33.3% find it moderate. Moreover, these results are supported by the same survey conducted in other US counties, which gathered 31.5% of the respondents agreed to the accurate effectiveness of the performance measurement tool. In terms of its impact on employee motivation, 32-68% of the respondents agreed to its effectiveness. All these records only suggest that there are many organizational aspects that the performance measurement tool can improve. Below are some of the major points to consider to ensure that a company has a good performance measurement system are: †¢ The results should be kept clear and brief. †¢ A company has polished both its internal and external communication †¢ Employees and other stakeholders should know about the performance measurement tool. †¢ The manager should be able to establish a proper implementation of the performance measurement tool. †¢ Whatever results gained from performance measurement should be reflected with the employees’ salary, incentives, and recognition. Organizations have many ways of reflecting the results of the performance measurement results by giving them either monetary rewards, or additional off days. It is also ethical for an employee to receive a feedback directly from his or her supervisor, whether it is a positive or negative feedback. One of the most popularly used performance measurement tool is the dashboard. The most important information about the company can be found in the dashboard, such as the target and performance data reports, which can be printed out through a spreadsheet on a regular basis. This makes it easier for managers to access whatever information they need, instead of constantly waiting for someone else to give it to them. Information such as performance of the employees, organizational productivity, custom orders, and order fulfillment are some of the necessary information for managers. From this accessible information, the managers can readily make decisions for the company or with regards to any issue. Dashboards used to be highly static, meaning it is only capable of providing one preview of a data at a time. However, due to the technological advancements, dashboards are growing to be more interactive. Now, it is already possible for the users to upload their own data on the dashboard (Carr, 2008). Motorola first invented the six-sigma in 1980s, with the goal of providing better quality for the processes in various businesses, which many hug and small businesses are already using. This program is very useful in ensuring customer value and reliability. It was initially developed for quality control of businesses, but later on, companies are starting to use it to improve their communication system, thus resulting to more improved processes in companies. The major result of this is still higher quality of outputs. Apparently, the six-sigma program was developed for the sole purpose of enhancing the business processes, such as the variation reduction and financial reporting. Because of the goals, the result of the six-sigma program is well-improved customer satisfaction of most businesses. The technology behind this program is DMAIC methodology or defines, measure, analyze, improve, and control. Define stage is where the problem is identified, and then it is quantified during the measure stage. The causes of the problem are then identified during the analyze stage. Improving stage is when the problems are fixed. Finally, the control phase is putting everything in place assuring that the problem will not happen again (Six-sigma program, 2004). Perhaps, almost any type of organization has already experienced having a project fail. Any project failure can cost an organization a lot of millions. Common reasons for a failed project are cancellation and failure to complete it at the given timeline. Moreover, failure to specify project details will also lead to its failure, as well as lack of communication and project management. Finally, the major factor that leads to project failure is the lack of project measurement. It is one aspect of the project that actually sports any issue on the project and address them before the proper project kick off and implementation. These are some of the project development and implementation based on the EDA PM system: †¢ Performance measurement should be used to determine possible hindrances to a project. †¢ Project must be according to the priorities of the project. †¢ A strong project management system should be well established. †¢ It should be noted that implementation of the PM system can take a lot of time, effort, and at some point, money. Thus, a company should have the most competent staff to work on it, with the close monitoring and support of the top management. †¢ Performance measurement can also be used to easily recognize achievements from thee project. †¢ The duties and responsibilities should be clearly set for the entire phase from project planning to implementation †¢ Performance measurement will clearly identify the needs of the project. †¢ Consistency should be observed in terms of the project development and implementation with the company objectives and expected deliverables. In this method, the collect, analyze, interpret and report process in the project measurement should be identified. †¢ Business processes should include the project performance measurement in order for them to systematically collect, analyze, interpret, and report whatever is derived from the project development. †¢ Performance measurement should be objective, just, quantifiable, and results oriented, while including substantial qualitative information (Shayne, 2004). Performance measurement can have different functions: customer satisfaction, business development, employee motivation, and business process enhancement. It has been widely used as a tool to motivate employees to do better in their jobs, with the promise of incentives or rewards. Having a pool of motivated employees will eventually lead to high quality outputs. Moreover, performance measurement will allow a company to operate according to their goals, and have a way to analyze how the output of their current processes will go. It will also give the company a chance to improve certain areas, which they think are more useful in achieving their goals. Performance measurement is also a reliable tool for managers for their decision-making processes, because of its objectivity. References Carr, N. (2008). The Data Dashboard. American School Board Journal, 195(12), 42. Retrieved August 2, 2010, from Master FILE Premier database. Mausolff, C., Spence, J. (2008). Performance Measurement and Program Effectiveness: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach. International Journal of Public Administration, 31(6), 595-615. doi:10.1080/01900690701640929. Shayne, B. (2004). Performance-Measurement. Retrieved August 2, 2010, from SIX-SIGMA PROGRAM. (2004). In Encyclopedia of Health Care Management, Sage. Retrieved August 2, 2010, from
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Managing A New Product Launch The Issues Marketing Essay
Managing A New Product Launch The Issues Marketing Essay After the tremendous success of Keurig Single Cup Brewer system in Office Coffee Service (OCS) or Away-from home market in late 1990s, Keurig Inc. is about to launch their new product named as B100 for At-Home consumers in 2003. The Vice President and CEO of Keurig Incs Nick Lazaris after doing extensive market surveys and testing completed with the help of professional services and analyzing new marketing strategy and its impact on already existing marketing channels is currently facing some serious issues and problems that the senior management has yet to resolve. First of all Anderson (2005) states that Keurig wanted to pursue direct sales strategy for its new At-home brewer system B100 but in order not to affect Keurig Authorized Distributors (KAD)s sale and pricing control over OCS market Keurig thought to introduce a new K-cups called Keurig-cup especially for At-home consumers. Heavy Investment of nearly $ 700,000 ($400,000 for development of the new cup-based technology, and $60,000 per Keurig-Cup packaging line, assuming one line per each of Keurigs five roasters) had already been made and now Green Mountain Coffee Roaster (GMCR) has serious concern regarding the double production of portion packs and their storage moreover not to forget confusion that customers may have. So whether it is beneficial to pursue the launch of Keurig-cups or to just let the existing K-cups to be used in At-home brewer system. Secondly Anderson (2005) states that there is a pricing issue as the market survey shows the acceptable price to be $ 149 but after including all the variable and fixed cost of B100 system the cost incurring is $ 220 which manufacturing is making an effort to lower but it is not yet done. So in this scenario at what suitable price should B100 system be launched? And how can prize be lowered. Third issue that Anderson (2005) identified was the pricing of the K-cups or Keurig-cups which maximum their market opportunity and would be reasonable enough for both the consumers and the manufacturer. Finally the issue was to look out of the box for any other marketing effort beside the current marketing plan which might have been missed and which could make the launch of B100 At-home system successful in the market. Economic trends and expectations: While in South Asia the day starts with a cup of tea, in china its herbal tea or warm water, in American its a cup of coffee. Coffee is a beverage without with there is no concept of starting a day whether its working men, women, students, housewives or senior citizens. Adley (2010) stated that according to National Coffee Association on average, 54 per cent of the American adult population consumed coffee beverages daily and on average an American drinks 3-1 cups of coffee each day whereas America is still maintaining its 8th highest level of coffee consumption in the world. U.S Coffee market is constantly increasing where specialty coffee is the main highlight whose sales share is 8 % of the market and is jumping surprisingly 20 per cent per year.(Adley, 2010). Adley (2010) also pin pointed that the increasingly popular trend is shifted from Away-from-home towards At-home and 83% of the consumers brew their coffee at home due to awareness of greener, cheaper and anti-establishment alternative. So the economic pointers suggest that a new brewer system for At-home consumers is definitely a good idea and has the potential to prosper in the current economic trends and consumer expectations. Technology: Now technology is the one constant that keeps on evolving and if the companys brand is not technological sound or must be advance than the other competitors then there are no real prospects for the brand in the market. While looking at the technology used by the Keurig Inc. Anderson (2005) mentioned that Keurig single-portion system is design to well balance three key element amount, temperature and pressure of water to offer the consumer consistently superior taste of coffee. K-cups are designed such that one doesnt have to be concerned with how much amount of coffee would brew that perfect cup and as it is air tight, moisture resistant and for once use only so the quality of the content is not compromised and could stay fresh for 6 months. The other big competitor of Keurig is Tassimo in single-cup service market. The technology used by Tassimo is slightly superior because they are using bar-coded smart technology which enables them to brew Latte, Cappuccino and Espresso (William, 2009). Both of the companies brewer system uses single-portion packs k-cups for Keurig and T-Disc for Tassimo. Both the system offer 8 ounce of the coffee from the system which necessitate least possible cleaning just remove the K-Cup or T-Disc and there is no mess at all and the system is good to brew next cup of your favorite flavor of coffee. Keurig has taken special care in packing their K-cup to make sure that the quality of the coffee does not get depreciated before it is consumed by the customer. Whereas Coffee pods that are used in single serve brewer have special filter paper sealed together which is not affective whereas Keurig K-cups uses a patented technology that perforates through air tight k-cup and produce better coffee(Ebenezer,2009). In the Coffee market, the single cup At-home Brewer system is rapidly growing trend, 65% of the consumers takes their coffee in the breakfast (Adley, 2010). Most of which the consumers are preferring to brew coffee at home as they now have sophisticated and affordable options in the market. Market Share and Competitors: Keurig is not alone in single cup brewer market. In 2003 both Salton and Keurig introduced first brew pack system by launching Melitta One and B100 system respectively in the market(Corporate development Associates, 2007). In their report Corporate Development Associate (2007) also mentioned that Sara lee introduced Senseo system, Procter and Gamble launched Home Cafà © System and Nestle introduced refurbish Nespresso Program in 2003 whereas Kraft launched its patented product Tassimo in September 2005. So now currently Keurig has to fight tough with all the above mention brands to even maintain its market share. Keurig is in the middle of Senseo of Sara Lee and Tassimo of Kraft (Anderson, 2005). The gourmet Coffee market spawn around $ 7 billion dollar in sales annually. According to Anderson (2005) of the total Retail Coffee Market ($ in billion) At-home retail market was around $ 6.9 billion and At-home Gourmet market is $ 3.1 Billion dollar so this gave the management clear identification that there is opportunity existing in the market to launch a new product and the market markers also showed the upward trend in the growth of the market. Together, Procter Gamble and Philip Morris/Kraft hold 68% of the entire market, although they primarily target the non-gourmet coffee consumer (Anderson,2005 ). Keurig must utilize a marketing strategy that creates a competitive advantage, thus taking away market share from other companies and attracting those customers to gourmet coffee and brewing systems. While the entire coffee market seems to be an oligopoly with Procter Gamble and Philip Morris/Kraft as the main competitors, Keurig is targeting a more up-scale audience of gourmet coffee drinkers. Here, it is important to define the relevant target market and competitors within that market. In the gourmet sector of the coffee market, perfect competition does not exist; not all products offered are exactly the same. Instead, this is monopolistic competition. Products and whole marketing mixes contain differences between companies, models, and pod systems. This gives the competitors pricing options (McCarthy et al. 2005). In this monopolistic competition, Keurigs K-Cup (or Keurig-Cup) system and brewer match up very well against the competition. Keurig has some significant advantages over the competition; there are, however, areas in which Keurig trails. For example, when comparing the brewers of Flavia and Melitta, a subsidiary of Salton, the main difference is in the size of cup brewed. Melitta and Flavia both offer the user a choice between a strong five-ounce cup and a weaker eight-ounce cup. Keurigs B100 only offers the eight-ounce choice (Davids). However, Keurig is viewed to have the upper hand over these two companies because they offer the consumers a greater variety of coffees and a better quality coffee with every cup. In the up-scale sector of multi-cup brewers, competition includes Cuisinart, Krups, Braun, DeLonghi, and Bunn (Anderson,2005 ). The consumers of these up-scale brewers are those that Keurig will target and attempt to show the appeal of one-cup technology. Moreover Keurigs 85 % of the sales is expected to be coming from single cup brewer and the growing rate is also expected to be maintained at 100% and company is expecting to reach at 3.7 million homes and they believe that the single cup brewer can reach upto 20% of the U.S brewer (Notable Calls, 2009). Keurig has a sound place in the market and its products if maintain the quality of the coffee delivered than there is no doubt that the product will not only do good for itself but it will also helps Keurig to uplift its position in the market. Companys Strategy: Keurigs Strategy is simple and straight-forward and that is to provide the consumer with the best quality of cup of coffee in the comfort of their home and in minimum time (1 min to brew a cup in preheat Brewer) and affordable price. Firms marketing Strategy: The Company is thinking to utilize direct marketing approach with this new B100 Brewer System. Although for Away-Home sector the company used intermediatories and those are called Keurig Authorized Distributors (KAD). These KADs are responsible for installing and maintaining the system. KADs are used to maintain relationship with office managers and take their feedbacks but this time Keurig cannot afford to retail the product so direct marketing approach is taken into consideration but the approach cant be a success without the KADs which are currently supposing this direct marketing approach will reduce their influence (Anderson, 2005). The product promotions are done independently and even distribution needs either direct distribution or huge investment to make brewers single portion pack available to the consumer. According to Anderson (2005) research has also shown that the new brewer product is demonstration driven so the company has to think about the best way to demonstrate to the target market (At-home consumers). So in direct marketing a website would be launched along with e-mails but even in this KADS assistance is required as they have relationship with office managers which have the employees information. So when Away-Home/OCS consumers list is made available then promotional e-mails would be sending to them because Keurig is aiming the target market which will emerge from Away-Home/ OCS. Product Life Cycle: Product: The product is in its introduction stage in product life cycle and as the company is entering in a new market segment. Generally the new product in new segments tends to emphasis more on promotion, product and place so it is hard to make any considerable profit. But it is projected in market survey that the sales of the Keurig in single cup segment will tend to increase each year (Anderson, 2005). Price: Price is very crucial factor for Keurigs B100 system and K-cups/Keurig-cup. In the market survey it was seen that the coffee drinkers consuming two or more cups per weekday are willingly to pay higher than the drinkers consuming one cup. Drinkers consuming more than two cups of coffee are even more likely to pay more for their individual cup and it is also showed in the survey that the coffee consumption tends to increase due to the charisma of Keurigs B100 it can be predicted the single cup per weekday consumers will also join 2+ cups per weekday consumers. The survey showed that price 2+cup consumers willingly to pay for the brewer system is $ 130 (Anderson, 2005) The price elasticity of demand is tends to be higher because of the competition in the market. Most of the competitors brands are offer the brewer system lesser in price or in the same price vicinity. The Average Coffee pod machine cost range between $ 69-100 and per 8 oz Cup average is $0.20. Keurig entry level average cost is $ 99 and its 8 oz single cup costs $0.40 whereas Tassimo entry level cost is $ 129.99 and its specialty coffee cost is $1.12 per cappuccino (No wonder its the 3rd ranging brand) and even Nespresso entry level cost is $ 199.99 and its 8 oz cup cost $ 1.00(Jay,2006) and taking into consideration that the manufacturer are predicting price nothing less than $ 200 for new B100 the market seems to be less acceptable. If the K-cup prices could be adjusted so the consumer can be motivated to even buy once expensive system to get a cheaper per cup coffee rate then the product have the potential of penetrating the market. Promotion: The best promotional activity for K-Cups is to offer discounts when buying cups. For example, a discount could be offered through free shipping and handling when total cup purchases are over a certain dollar amount. Another possibility is to offer 25 cups at regular price and half off on the second 25 purchased. When we are talking about the Brewer as mentioned earlier that Internet survey suggested that demonstration is the best possible way so the key factors of interest to promote include convenience, quick brewing, ease of use, and minimal cleanup, all of which are sources of dissatisfaction with at-home users current systems. Young male are the most likely to buy the system. The key elements Keurig must implement into its promotion strategy for the B100 include being one of the first entrants into the at-home market, being portrayed as a single-cup pioneer, and enhancing its visibility in the up-scale market (Anderson, 2006). If in promotion it is been emphasized that Keurig is the one who thought about their At-home customers, with all the features elaborated enough and to make people aware that Keurig is offering various different flavor from five roasters then the customer will be compelled to buy. Place: Keurig already has its retail distribution network supported by KAD for OCS market but as Keurig now doesnt have the sources for retail outlets so there is need of applying a control distribution strategy. The strategy could be that the roaster would sell directly Keurig-cup to consumers and indirectly to the KADs. KAD will sell the cups directly to the OCS employees owning an at-home system as well such that KADs business is also not affected. Here the two cup approach seems to be going little overboard as the main concern is to maintain lower production and inventory cost and as the competition is already pricing lower than at which KAD is selling to OCS then any cost increment in K-cup price could decrease their sales. The Brewer system could be launch and sold via e-commerce enabled website which would be cheaper than retails outlets and is best suitable option. An e-commerce website could also be used to sell K-cup and the website can be promoted by putting special discou nt if consumers buy the product online. Advertising on the web is also cheaper than the billboard, banners and posters. Even the company can earn revenue by running the ads of the third party on our websites boarders. So e-commerce website is the best new distribution channel possible which can also provide the company with competitive advantage. Problems and Issue Suggestions: In the very Beginning the main issues and problem facing by the company for the launch of its new brewer B100 system were elaborated. Now after analysis the market, competitors products, distribution channels, pricing, economic and consumers trends following are the suggestion/recommendations; Among the production issues the primary one was because Keurig wanted to pursue direct marketing approach they thought of a two-cup theory will despite of solving the issue raised some serious one with GMCR (Green Mountain Coffee Roaster). In the light of the fact one-cup approach seems to be more effect, efficient and saves the manufacture unnecessary production and inventory cost. Now talking about the price according to the sales projection the breakeven prices are $199, $249 and $299 and as our B100 manufacturing cost is about $220 (trying to make it $ 200) so if the price is set at $ 249 then there is a possible option that in future if it is required the prices can be lowered. Based on the research it can be concluded that target market is agreeable to pay $0.55 per cup. At this price the KADs can maintain their price control in OCS market and Keurig and roaster can make higher profit per k-cup. Last but not the least the marketing efforts to give our product nice launch and high penetration in the market would be to place demonstration desk in the public places likes malls, airport, professional conventions etc. referral program could also be helpful in this regard. Using a website will provide an opportunity to the company to reach the consumers far off because KADs only deals within their districts so through website consumers from all across the country would be able to buy directly from the company and hence the sales would be elevated resulting in higher revenue generation and greater market share. Conclusion: Keurig new brewer B100 system is innovative idea for At-home consumers and it has the potential to sprang into a major market success, but GMCR has shown some serious and relevant concerns about two cups approach which even in our point of view is neither suitable now profitable to both the company and the roasters. Some new marketing ideas are also been recommended like demonstration stalls in public places and professional conventions. There was also a pricing issue according to our recommendation the price if set higher can be lowered so initial price should be $ 249 because the manufacturing cost incurring is around $ 220. Lastly it is thought to a very wise approach to launch B100 through direct marketing via internet and in this way consumers can directly buy from the company and company can take benefit from disintermediation and even earn some extra money by running ads of third party on its website. These recommendations are suggested by serious evaluation of fac ts and figure, trends and customer satisfaction criteria and must be considered gravely. REFERRENCES: 1) Anderson, Eric T. Feburary 28,2005. Keurig At Home: Managing a New Product Launch. Harvard Business School. 2) Ebenezer Heng, Feb 09,2009. What is so good about keurig B100? Retrieve from: 3) Adley Carson , May 11, 2010.Facts and Statistics about Coffee Consumption in the United States. Retrieve from: 4)Williams Paul, Nov 30, 2009. Keurig and Tassimo Single-Serve Coffee Makers A Throwdown Comparing the Top Two One Cup Brewers. Retrieve from: 5) Corporate Development Associates , May 2007. U.S. Market Overview Single-Serve Coffee Brewing In At-Home And Away-From-Home Coffee Markets Including Office Coffee Service Retrieve from: 6) David Meier, October 06, 2009. Giving GMCR the Thumbs Down Retrieve from: 7) Jay Brewer Single Serve November 27, 2006.Cost Per Single Serve Coffee Cup: Coffee Pods, Keurig K Cups, Tassimo T Discs, and Nespresso Coffee Capsules; Retrieve from 8) Keurig Incorporated. Retrieve from 9) McCarthy, Jerome E. and William D. Perreault Jr., 2005. Basic Marketing: A Global- Managerial Approach. 15th Ed. Boston: McGraw-Hill Irwin. .
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Lincoln :: essays research papers
Lincoln was born on Feb. 12, 1809, near Hodgenville, Kentucky, the son of Nancy Hanks and Thomas Lincoln , pioneer farmers. At the age of two he was taken by his parents to nearby Knob Creek and at eight to Spencer Co., Ind. The following year his mother died. In 1819 his father married Sarah Bush Johnston, a kindly widow. Lincoln grew up a tall, gangling youth, who could hold his own in physical contests and also showed great intellectual promise, although he had little formal education. After moving with his family to Macon Co., Ill., in 1831, he struck out on his own, taking a cargo to New Orleans, La., on a flatboat. He then returned to Illinois and settled in New Salem, a short-lived community on the Sangamon River, where he split rails and clerked in a store. He gained the respect of his fellow townspeople, including the so called Clary Grove boys, who had challenged him to fight, and was elected captain of his company in the Black Hawk War . Returning from the war, he began an unsuccessful venture in shopkeeping that ended when his partner died. In 1833 he was appointed postmaster but had to supplement his income with surveying and various other jobs. At the same time he began to study law. The story of his romance with Ann Rutledge ,a local young woman whom he knew briefly before her untimely death, is unsubstantiated. Defeated in 1832 in a race for the state legislature, Lincoln was elected on the Whig ticket two years later and served in the lower house from 1834 to 1841. He quickly emerged as one of the leaders of the party and was one of the authors of the removal of the capital to Springfield, where he settled in 1837. After his admission to the bar he entered into successive partnerships with John T. Stuart , Stephen T. Logan , and William Herndon , and soon won recognition as an effective and resourceful attorney. In 1842 Lincoln married Mary Todd , the daughter of a prominent Kentucky banker, and despite her somewhat difficult disposition, the marriage seems to have been reasonably successful. The Lincolns had four children, only one of whom reached adulthood. His birth in a slave state notwithstanding, Lincoln had long opposed slavery. In the legislature he voted against resolutions favorable to the â€Å"peculiar institution†and in 1837 was one of two members who signed a protest against it. Elected to Congress in 1846, he attracted attention because of his outspoken criticism of
Animation :: essays research papers
Animation      Animation is a visual technique that creates the illusion of motion, rather than recording motion through live action. The technique is used mainly for motion pictures. Animation can be created by illustrators, filmmakers, video makers, and computer specialists. Animation is most popular in creating cartoon movies. Advertisers also employ animation to develop commercials for television. In addition, producers of instructional films may use animation to help explain a difficult idea or one that could not be shown in live action. Animation can also be combined with live action in a movie. Many animators continue to make many drawings by hand. Since the mid-1980's, however, computer assistance combined with hand-drawn animation has become standard in many movie studios. These methods created such feature-length animated films as The Lion King (1994) and The Prince of Egypt (1998).      One increasingly important type of animation is computer-generated imagery (CGI), in which the computer creates the characters and backgrounds and animates them without actually photographing either cels or figures. Films made entirely with CGI include Toy Story (1995), Antz (1998), and A Bug's Life (1998).      Most CGI-animated characters start with a sketch or small sculpture called a â€Å"maquette†that is used for reference. The artist then creates a computer image called a wireframe model. The wireframe model serves as a framework for a shell or skin that gives the computer image a solid, three-dimensional appearance. To move the character, a computer animator changes the positions of the wireframe model in a number of key frames. The computer then supplies the frames between the key frames, moving the model from one of the animator's positions to the next.      After creating the three-dimensional model, the artist adds color, texture, and shading in a process known as texture mapping. Texture mapping makes the surfaces of the characters and scenery look real. A texture map can be created by a computer program or scanned from an actual photograph.      The final step is called rendering. During rendering, the computer calculates the effect of light, color, and texture on the model's surface. For a film or video, the computer will produce a two-dimensional digital picture of the characters for each frame of the animation. The computer artist usually adjusts many visual effects, such as camera focus and transparency, during the rendering phase.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Soulless Technology in William Gibson’s Burning Chrome Essay -- Willia
Soulless Technology in William Gibson’s Burning Chrome An old adage states that the eyes are the windows to the soul. What if, however, those eyes have a trademark name stamped onto them? William Gibson’s short story "Burning Chrome" depicts an advanced but soulless society where most of the technological advances are portrayed as being perverted by commercialization and human mechanization, rather than dedicated to improving the quality of life. This paper will touch upon the frivolous consumerism of as well as the dehumanizing uses of technology in the world of Automatic Jack, the reader’s companion throughout the story. Perhaps the most visible example of this perversion is the high degree of commercialized technology in their society. The character of Rikki, a female friend of Jack’s, has her heart set on a pair of Zeiss Ikon eyes, and, as Jack describes them as a "Brand of the stars" and "Very expensive" (Gibson 1015). Though she desires 20/20 vision, Rikki does not want the eyes because they will help her see better; rather, she has an entire catalogue full of the most fashionable and stylish eyes of the season. Rikki’s friend Tiger gets his eyes redone simply so he can go to Hollywood, risking his eyesight with the not-as-reliable Sendai brand. The fact that anyone would put fashion and fame before something as precious and irreplaceable as optic nerves goes beyond foolish consumerism. It becomes reckless consumerism, putting goods above all other concerns for self and others. As for Tiger himself, Jack describes him in the following manner: He had the kind of uniform good looks you get after your seventh trip to the surgical boutique; he’d probably spend the rest of his life looking vaguely like each new season’... ... newest way to connect to others without needing human interaction. It’s impossible to know when technology will become "too" invasive and society "too" hollow, but by the time anyone looks hard enough, nothing but empty, soul-devoid, trademarked windows will blink in return. Bibliography Gibson, William Ford. "Burning Chrome." The Prentice Hall Anthology Of Science Fiction and Fantasy. Ed. Garyn G. Roberts. NJ: Prentice Hall, 2001. 1006- 1019. Maddox, Tom. "Cobra, She Said: An Interim Report on the Fiction of William Gibson." Hall 142-144. Hall, Sharon K., ed. Contemporary Literary Criticism. Vol. 39. New York: Gale Research, Inc., 1986. Coleman, Howard. "Other Voices, Other Voices." Matuz 129-130. Greenland, Colin. "Into Cyberspace." Matuz 130-131. Matuz, Roger, ed. Contemporary Literary Criticism. Vol. 63. New York: Gale Research, Inc., 1991.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Irish Nationalism
Irish Nationalism: The Fight for Self-Government Since the late twentieth century, Ireland has been subject to varying types of English rule. There has been much debate on the degree of English rule in Ireland, but the call for a united Ireland was very popular among many Irishmen. Nationalistic feelings in Ireland saw a steady growth in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century with many different movements looking to achieve Irish self-government. These nationalistic movements can be categorized into three groups: constitutional, revolutionary, and cultural nationalism.Whether by politics, violence, or education, Irish nationalistic groups each had their own ideas on how to achieve independence from English rule. Each group had its strengths, as well as its weaknesses that contributed to the overall success of the nationalistic movements. Constitutional nationalism, which encompassed nationalism through political forces, mainly involved the vision of Home Rule. Home Rule was the idea of having an Irish parliament to control domestic matters while Britain controlled external Irish affairs. The face for the Home Rule movement was Charles Stewart Parnell, a political leader and Irish landlord.Parnell is most commonly known as the founder and leader of the Irish Parliamentary Party. He turned the Home Rule movement into a major political force dominating legislation, and proving it to be a vast encompassing party by gaining the widest possible support. Parnell was deemed the â€Å"Uncrowned King of Ireland†, possessing enormous political skills leading him to be extremely successful in the field of practical politics. However, political scandals led his leadership to be called into question and put his whole political career on the line.Charles Parnell’s skills led him to many accomplishments in politics. Parnell was elected president of the Irish National Land League in 1879 which campaigned for land reform, including the reduction of tenants ' rents during a time of economic disaster. He not only raised an enormous amount of funding for famine relief during a trip to America, but Parnell also used his position as president to gain the support of tenant farmers in his fight for Home Rule. The support that came from the Land Movement and its mass appeal aided Parnell in bringing the Home Rule party under the wing of the movement.One of Parnell’s greatest accomplishments was the conversion of William Gladstone and the Liberals to Home Rule. During the election of 1885 the Conservative party used Parnell in order to gain an electoral advantage. This tactic succeeded giving them the majority of seats in Parliament and ultimately leading to the Liberals under Gladstone coming to power with Home Rule party. Although Parnell enjoyed great success as the leader of the Home Rule party and as a notable force in the fight for domestic Irish self-government, his weaknesses limited the extent to which his political skills coul d carry him.Parnell accomplished a great amount in the fight for Home Rule, but ultimately he failed to achieve it. The reason he was unsuccessful was due to his greatest weakness, the scandal with Katherine O’Shea. During the time Parnell was elected leader of the Irish Parliamentary Party he began a relationship with Katherine O’Shea, wife of Captain William O’Shea. His fall from power occurred when Captain O’Shea filed for a divorce naming Parnell as the guilty party. â€Å"It was therefore Captain O’Shea and the divorce case which brought down Parnell†[1].Although many leading politicians had known about Parnell and O’Shea’s affair for some time, it was when Parnell did not challenge Captain O’Shea’s allegations that shocked the public. This caused Parnell to be revealed as an adulterer and discredited him as a leader. Gladstone was forced to distance himself from Parnell due to the fact that the Liberals had no chance of winning the next election with ties to Parnell. Without the support of Gladstone, Home Rule was not a possibility. In the end, Parnell’s strengths were his greatest weaknesses.His pride and iron will kept him from contesting Captain O’Shea’s allegations allowing O’Shea’s side of the story to go unchallenged and ultimately leading to Parnell's fall from power. Constitutional nationalists such as Charles Parnell used politics in pursuing Irish self-government. The strength of this method is that it delivers concrete results. Although Parnell was not able to achieve Home Rule himself he was able to gain support for the party, leading the way for John Redmond to get the third Home Rule Bill passed by the House of Commons.Before this time, no success of this magnitude had ever been achieved in the fight for Irish independence. The weakness of constitutional nationalism is that it is a time consuming method. It took two initial Home Rule Bil ls to be rejected, the first of which being introduced in 1886, until the third was passed in 1914. Parnell dedicated his political career to the pursuit of Home Rule and was not able to see it passed before his death. Even when the third Home Rule Bill was passed, the process of it becoming a law was suspended pending the end of World War I.Constitutional nationalism is successful in that it delivers results in the fight for Irish self-government; however, the process is long and grueling. Revolutionary nationalism was a more forceful, rebellious method in pursuing Irish self-government. Revolutionary nationalists were not afraid to use violence including assassinations, bombings, and even uprisings. The most popular uprising in the struggle for Irish independence was the Easter Rising, which took place shortly after Britain’s entrance into World War I. The main group involved in this revolutionary nationalistic movement was the Irish Republican Brotherhood.The Irish Republi can Brotherhood, or I. R. B. , devised a rebellion to overthrow Britain’s government in Dublin following the time tested dictum that England’s difficulty is Ireland’s opportunity. While Britain had surely forgotten about Ireland and Home Rule, focusing its attention mainly on the war, the I. R. B. used it as an opportunity to rebel. Patrick Pearse, a key leader in the rising, chose Easter for the uprising for its biblical connotations of sacrifice and resurrection; he saw the rising as a ‘blood sacrifice’.The rebels hoped to take control of Dublin as well as initiate riots in order to start a revolt, in turn removing English rule. However, the rising was a military disaster. On top of many of the rebel’s plans being disrupted by the British, poor organization also led to an unsuccessful rebellion. Upon capture many of the rebels were condemned to execution including James Connolly, who was carried to a firing squad tied to a chair due to an i njury sustained during the rising.The nature of these executions led to anger among many Irishmen and turned the rebels into martyrs. The rising led to control of Irish politics shifting from the Irish Nationalist Party to the recently I. R. B. infiltrated Sinn Fein. This shift led the way for constitutional nationalists to push for a challenge to Britain’s control of Ireland. Revolutionary nationalists took a more direct approach in the fight for Irish self-government. Rebellions, such as the Easter Rising, sought to overthrow government in a revolution without political involvement.This approach is strong in that it is has been successful in the past, as seen by the American and French revolutionary wars. A revolutionary approach can shift power almost instantly rather than going through years of political negotiations. However, when unsuccessful, revolutions end in meaningless bloodshed. The Easter Rising at first seemed to be a failure, resulting in the deaths of many Iri shmen for no reason. Instead, Britain’s reaction resulted in the rebels becoming martyrs, and the British losing the hearts of the Irish people.Although the Easter Rising resulted in the deaths of many Irishmen, it also opened the door for constitutional nationalists to take control of parliament in the 1918 general election and for revolutionary nationalists to initiate the Anglo-Irish war. While constitutional nationalists focused on politics and revolutionary nationalists focused on rebellions, cultural nationalists focused on the revival of Gaelic culture and language. Just as constitutional and revolutionary nationalism was important in the fight for Irish self-government, so was cultural nationalism.It helped to foster a spirit of earnest nationality, invoking feelings of patriotism in young Irishmen. The Gaelic Athletic Association was established to do just this. Founded in 1884, the Gaelic Athletic Association aimed to establish an independent Irish organization dedi cated to promoting athletics as well as preserving Irish nationalism. The Gaelic Athletics Association not only encouraged education about Gaelic language and culture, but was also formed as an anti-British group closely associated with the Irish nationalistic cause.This association caused the GAA to get caught up in the troubled politics of the early twentieth century. In 1920 British soldiers interrupted a football match in Dublin firing shots into the crowd and onto the field killing fourteen people. This was a response to political violence that had occurred in Dublin earlier that day. This event came to be known as Bloody Sunday. However, the Gaelic Athletics Association was a non-violent one that was subject to the repercussions of being associated the nationalistic cause. The GAA is claimed to have been founded by the I. R.B. with the goal of getting Irish youth involved with an organization in order to form a physical power capable of pressuring the Home Rule party of the fu ture. Although the association had no violent or political intentions, it provided the depth that the Home Rule party needed in order to secure an independent, self-governing Ireland. Cultural nationalists were strong in that they united Irishmen in the fight for Irish nationalism. Cultural nationalists promoted camaraderie through athletics and focused on a revival of nationalistic feelings as well as Gaelic culture.They provided a unity of Irish people that was necessary to the success of a self-governing Ireland. However, cultural nationalists did not provide any concrete results in the pursuit of Irish independence. They brought together the Irish people but only to the extent that they were prepared to join a constitutional or revolutionary force. Nationalistic feelings were high in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. Many nationalistic movements that existed sought to set up Irish self-government in one form or another.These movements were constitutional, revoluti onary, or cultural nationalistic groups. Each group possessed both strengths and weaknesses. Constitutional nationalists succeeded in political battles relating to domestic rule. However, their means were often time consuming and presented results that were not very certain. Revolutionary nationalists, on the other hand, were able to change the tides of the Anglo-Irish governmental struggle almost instantly. The bloodbath that resulted in their physical force, however, was the weakness of their methods.Finally, cultural nationalists were able to unite Irishmen in the fight for self-government promoting nationalistic feelings. Unfortunately, they provided no real means of progressing Irish nationalism in the fight for self-government. Constitutional nationalism had the most impact with the Home Rule party as well as the Dail Eireann (Assembly of Ireland) which helped to establish a treaty following the Anglo-Irish war in order to establish the Irish Free State. However, without the p hysical presence to back up the political force, Irish self-government would not have been possible.As Eamon de Valera stated, the way to Irish independence was â€Å"first battling England with votes, and if that failed, with rifles. †[2] All in all, each form of Irish nationalism contributed in some way to lead Ireland into a self-governing country. Bibliography [1] â€Å"PARNELL AND KITTY O'SHEA. †PARNELL AND KITTY O'SHEA. Web. 05 May 2012. . [2] â€Å"Troubled Ireland – Anglo-Irish War. †Troubled Ireland – Anglo-Irish War. Web. 05 May 2012. . [3] Hachey, Thomas E and McCaffrey, Lawrence J. The Irish Experience Since 1800: A Concise History. Armonk, N. Y: M. E. Sharpe, 2010. Print. â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ [1] [1] [2] [2]
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Block Diagram Of A Communication System Computer Science Essay
The room access to the delivers radio communication brasss was opened by Guglielmo Marconi when he genetic the trio-dot Morse computer code for alphabet S by the role of electromagnetic woful ridgepoles everyplace a 3-KM nexus in 1895. This l helper the foundation of modern communication organization of check come to the foress runing from broadcast medium, satellite transmitting and radio recipient role fin entirelyy come oning to presents cell ph nonp atomic number 18ils. It would nt be incorrect to state that receiving set communication has so revolutionized our present societyA sudden attachment has been observed in the enlargement of wireless transcriptions during the conk away twain decennaries. We vex seen neat development in Wireless communication placements from 1G narrowband couple trunk of ruless in the 1980s to the 2G narrowband digital clays in the 1990s. soon the bing 3G broadband multimedia corpses be cosmos deployed. In the int erim, research and advancement in the future-gene dimensionn wideband multimedia wireless system of ruless is cleverly world pursued creative activitywide.To link wandering riding habitrs to the populace switched weather vane the United States introduced initiatory radio telephony service by the remnant of the fortiess. Improved runny address religious service was launched by Bell systems in mid-sixties due to which tonss of betterments analogous shoot dialing and addition in bandwidth took topographic point. IMTS spurted the bases of the starting timeing time par bothel cellular systems. The term cellular was employ due to the concomitant that insurance coerage countries were disconnected cells, they had a minuscule antecedent vector and receiving system.BLOCK DIAGRAM OF A intercourse SYSTEM purpose 1. plosive draw of a cosmopolitan communication system.analogue vs. digital COMMUNICATION SYSTEMSDefinition of digitalA manner of hive awaying, molding and involveing education finished with(predicate) with(predicate) the usage of distinguish adequate to(p) electronic or optical musical rhythm estimates that represent the binary program star pick ups 0 and 1.Advantages of digit whollyow- representdependableEasy to snap stringsFlexibleCompatible with early(a) digital systemsThe nurture in digital signifier displace provided be patrimonial with emerge for for individu from each one in ally one(a) one debasement through a noisy rail line structured websDis proceedss of DigitalSampling MistakeAs comp ard to analogue, mountainous bandwidth is unavoidable in digital communications for the transmitting of the alike(p) in pution.Synchronism in the communications system is take to acknowledge the digital ratifys, plainly this is non the slip with linear systems.Definition of AnalogueAnalogue is a transmittal criterion that utilizes electrical urges to copy the audio wave form of sound. When you use a ph sens ation, the fluctuations in your percentage be transformed by a microph integrity into similar fluctuations in an electrical direct and carried slash the line to the exchange.Advantages of Analogueless bandwidth is required much AccurateDisadvantages of AnalogueSignal loss and deformation fuck be seen due to the effects of ergodic hoo-hah which is impossible to retrieve multiplicationS OF cellular SYSTEMSThe take a leak of cellular promise was introduced in AMPS, abruptly for well-behaved Mobile Ph sensation Systems. AMPS divided the unblemished country into little parts called cells and this was from where the construct of cellular telephone started. Cellular Systems had umpteen advantages such as they increased spirit, capacity, reliability and handiness of unsettled telephone web. The contemporariess of cellular systems argon described be bluely.FIRST GENERATION CELLULAR SYSTEMSFirst coevals cellular telephone systems were introduced in 1980 s. They were grou nd on Analog frequency Modulation proficiency. Each bear was delegate a exclusive absolute frequency.First coevals cellular systems offered merely wireless voice service based on repeat engineering. Digital guides were merely utilize for prevail breeding such as dialing a name etc. These systems were no able to get by with the increasing demands of drug drug users too they had sincerely less capacity and shore home the bacond pitiable voice quality.Some first coevalss systems arAdvanced Mobile Telephone System, AMPSNAMPS, AMPS replete(p) Access Cellular System ( TACS ) nonedic Mobile Telephone System ( NMT-900 ) present moment GENERATION CELLULAR SYSTEMS due s unwraph genesis Cellular Systems provided larger capacity and provided much better go to users comp bed to first coevals systems. They were based upon Digital Modulation proficiency which led to great swee exing in web s capacity.Second generation Systems employ triple admission price techniques such as TDMA and FDMA.The biggest put one a put oer stake of Second Generation Systems was that its antithetic systems were non compatible with separately early(a). thusly bun amid clear- knock systems was non possible.Some of Second Generation Systems beNorth Ameri basis Digital Cellular, NADCGlobal System for Mobile Communication, GSMPacific Digital Cellular, PDCCDMAONE, IS-95 CDMAIn put together to get the better of Second Generation compatibility job with increased info place of modern cyberspace applications, 2.5 Coevals criterions were developed. The scoop thing somewhat them was that they allowed already bing Second Generation systems to be upgraded so that they hobo be use for senior richlyer information rate transmittal.2.5 Generation brought a peeled revolution in cellular telephone by back uping services like high velocity cyberspace and lieu based nomadic services.Some of 2.5 Generation Mobile Systems arGeneral megabucks Radio Service, GPRSEnhanced Data come in for GSM Evolution, EDGE ordinal GENERTAION CELLULAR SYSTEMSDesigned to supply high quality and high capacity in informations communicating, Third Generation Systems require sophisticated gap and revolution techniques.Third Generation Systems ar aimed to supply voice quality like to set rectify line telephone and in any case to back up high informations rate.These systems ar compatible with circuit switched all(pre titulary) bit good as tract switched informations services. They be be aligns compatible with the bing webs and usage wireless spectrum much much(prenominal)(prenominal) expeditiously than earlier.Some Third Generation Systems beWideband CDMA, WCDMAUniversal Mobile Telephone System, UMTSCDMA 2000BEYOND 3GThe extremely developed version of the 3G nomadic communicating argon the 4G nomadic communicating services. It is estimated that 4G nomadic communicating services give give addition in capacity, informations transmittal with high velocity, broadba nd, HQ colour paradigm images for users, in writing life games in 3D, sound services in 5.1 pass on. For the system and computer architecture of 4G nomadic communicating m any(prenominal) an(prenominal) researches ar done. Developments argon made in the final stage protocol engineering for high velocity parcel services, larger capacity, alter downloading application plans by public package broadcast engineering, multimode wireless accounting entry platform engineering, and high quality media coding engineering all over nomadic webs.Why 4G?Servicess like wireless cyberspace and teleconference faecal matter be carried by 4G.Global mobility and service portability.Wider bandwidths.increase charm rates.Less expensive.Mobile webs give the gate easy be scaled.Chapter 02 six-foldxing is a nubblemons in which a individual letter carrier is use to convey several polar manoeuvers. These several ratifyizes ar transmitted all together by uniting them and organizing one maneuvering that leave behind efficaciously get off through the be atomic number 18r bandwidth. When one transmittal is done and the indication reaches the finish point, the co-ordinated sign up re-assembles into its existent signifier and is so reliable.Multiplexing is one of the most utilize techniques like a shot in about every communicating system. Because of the technological progress triunexing, we have seen major addition in efficiency of a broad scope of telephone services and on-line applications.Multiplexing has become an effectual technique that assists in everything from video conferences and web conferences up to come out informations transmittals and regular(a) doing a dim-witted Point-to-Point phone call.FDMAFDMA is the most usual technique apply for multiple accessing. FDMA radixs for frequence partitioning multiple entree. It is clear from its name that in this technique the frequence is divided among the users as the gettable spectrum is shared out among them in the frequence sphere. The marrow quests are transmitted onto bearers for diametric users utilizing homophile(a) RF frequences. Within FDMA morphological design the Single run Per owner ( SPSC ) is the simplest method where each behave is provided with a separate bearer. This evasion finds its kernel in the fact that the take are assign on the footing of demand. Within a cell all the bring are on tap(predicate) to all users all the cut backping, and the points are assigned as soons as a pass on prognostic is received or a petition is made. caution sets are use to cut down the opportunities of handling from next posts. These guard sets are present surrounded by the sets allocated for assorted line of works.In the execution of the first line of latitude cellular systems, FDMA is the multiplexing technique that was employ.TDMA duration fraction multiple entree techniques allots diametric clip intervals to different users for the transmitta l of sign ons and storage of the information is carried out in one frequence bridle-path non like FDMA which uses one frequence per channel.Users are allowed to utilize the afores concern(prenominal) frequence save the clip slots are divided.In TDMA techniques the available spectrum is divided into little frequence sets as in FDMA, which are farther sub-divided into assorted clip slots. The user corporation entree the frequence channel merely for clip slot allotted to him. User can utilize sporadically the peculiar law of continuation of clip.In TDMA systems, guard sets are required between both frequence channels and clip slots.SDMASDMA uprises for Space-Division Multiple Access. It is a MIMO ( Multiple-Input, Multiple-Output, a multiple aerial conventional architecture ) based radio communicating web architecture. It enables entree to a communicating channel by the military operating theater of placing the user stance and set uping a one-on-one choose out between the w eb bandwidth allocation and the acknowledge spacial location that is why it s largely suited for nomadic ad-hoc webs.For bulk of the well known nomadic communicating architectures such as CDMA, TDMA and FDMA, SDMA architecture can be tack and implementedCDMACDMA stands for enroll division multiple entree. CDMA systems are based on the beam spectrum technique. In which transmittals by all the users are carried out at the aforementioned(prenominal) time while operating at the uniform frequence and utilizing the sound spectrum bandwidth.For the appellation and unembellishedction of need transmittal, each user is allotted with a altogether computer code which can non fit with any opposite user. This issue of designation is due to the fact that all the users transmit at the alike(p) time. To guarantee this privateness, pseudo- stochastic disruption codes or PN codifications are used.These codifications are rattling the extraneous codifications and its advantage is that i t reduces the opportunities of transversal correlational statistics among themselves. By utilizing this PN codification assigned to the specific user, intonation of the bosom omen from an single user is done. consequently we have the CDMA frequence channel through which all the play star signs from different users are transmitted. At the receiving system s goal, the envy note is so recovered by de- openinging the sharpen with a re growthion of the PN codification for the specific user. The distinguishs whose PN codifications are non matched with the coveted signal and are assigned to different users are non de- scatter and as a con period are regarded as tone by the receiving system.CDMA differs from both TDMA and FDMA in a manner that it allows users to convey the signal at the same clip and operate at the same nominal frequence so it requires less synchronicity whereas in TDMA and FDMA frequence and clip focalisation is really critical so more dynamic synchroni sm is required. One more advantage of CDMA is that complete system s spectrum is used by signals and hence no guard sets are required to shelter against next channel intervention.Intro to sprinkle Spectrum CommunicationsFollowing are the major elements that can clearly return the pass around Spectrum communicationsBy blossom forth spectrum, bandwidth far in surplus is available than that is necessary to direct the information. Due to this attri scarcelye the transmittal can be protect against intervention and jamming at the same clip supplying multiple entree capableness.An self-sufficing codification known as the postiche haphazard codification is used for signal administering a mug the bandwidth. The distinguishable nature of this codification separates dispersed spectrum communications from typical transition techniques in which transition ever spread s the spectrum slightly.For the convalescence of the accredited signal the receiving system is synchronised to the settled pseudo random codification. Users can convey the signal at the same clip and operate at the same nominal frequence by utilizing independent codification and synchronal repartee.In golf-club to protect the signal from intervention a pseudo-random codification is used. It appears to be random to anyone who does non see its pre-defined cognition but in world is deterministic, it is because of this fact that receiving system is able to describe the codification needed for the recovery of the needed informations signal. This codification used for synchronal detection is be office of meats called pseudo dissonance chronological sequence.Types of airing Spectrum Communications dissemination of bandwidth of the signal can be achieved by three waysFrequency skipingThe signal is shuffled between different Centre frequences indoors the full bandwidth available to the hopper pseudo-randomly, and the receiving system used already knows where to look for the signal at a given clip.Time skipingThe signal is transmitted in short explosions pseudo-randomly, and the receiving system knows when a explosion is expected. ingest sequenceVery high frequence is used to code the digital information. The codification is pseudo-randomly generated. The same codification is generated at the pass pass recipient role concluding, and in sanctify to pull out the overlord information this codification is reckon to the received information flow.Beginning Cryptography AND digital MODULATION3.0 IntroductionDigital Modulation is performed in order to stand for digital informations in a format that is compatible with our communicating channel.Why Digital Modulation? Digital transition strategies have greater capacity to convey big sums of information than parallel transition strategies.3.1 DIGITAL DATA, DIGIITAL SIGNALDigital signal is binary informations encoded into signal elements. disparate encode strategies for encode digital informations into digital signal are3 .1.1 Non Return to slide fastener ( NRZ )In NRZ in that respect are devil different electromotive force storeys for 0 and 1. There is no musical passage in the amount of the dot. The absence seizure of signal denotes 0 and a imperative electromotive force degree denotes 1.The major drawback of NRZ system is that it adds a dc constituent to the signal.3.1.2 multilevel binary star ( AMI )In this encoding strategy thither are more than two degrees. No signal represents 0 and 1 is correspond by some positive and ostraciseThere is no dc constituent in this strategy and besides in that location is no loss of synchronism for successive 1 s.3.1.3 Manchester labelThere is passage in center of each piece, which acts as a quantify every bit good as informations. The low to high passage represents 1 and high to low represents differential ManchesterIn this scheme passage at the center of the spot represents merely timing while passage at start represents 0 and no pass age at start represents 1.3.2 ANALOG DATA, DIGITAL SIGNALAnalog informations is foremost converted into digital informations by utilizing parallel to digital convertors. These convertors use different techniques to finish their project, some of them are3.2.1 rhythm Code ModulationIf a signal is exemplard at regular intervals at a rate higher than twice the highest signal frequence, the samples contain all the information of the original signal. Each sample is assigned a digital value. Although its quality is comparable to that of parallel transmittal but still in this procedure some information is disjointed and the original signal can never be recovered.Delta ModulationAnalog introduce signal is approximated by a stairway map. Function moves up or down at each sample interval by one degree ( vitamin D ) .Delta transition is easier than PCM in execution, but it exhibits worse signal to resound ratio for the same information rate. But it is good for informations compaction.DIG ITAL DATA, ANALOG SIGNALDifferent digital transition techniques areAmplitude crack Keying ( ASK )A transition technique in which digital information is stand for as fluctuations in the bounty of a bearer go ridge is called Amplitude-shift keying ( ASK ) . One binary visit is represented by presence of bearer, at changeless amplitude and the an separate(prenominal) binary accede represented by absence of bearer.3.3.2 Frequency shift Keying ( FSK )In frequence translation identifying different frequences are used to stand for introduction digital information. Say in display case of Binary Frequency Shift Keying f1 is used to stand for 0 while f2 is used to stand for 1.In MFSK more than two frequences are used and wherefore bandwidth is more expeditiously utilised.3.3.3 course Shift Keying ( PSK )A digital transition technique in which information is transmitted by modulating and modify the period of the mention signal is called Phase-shift keying ( PSK ) . In instance of PSK, a finite figure of stages are used. A a solitary form of binary muscae volitantes is assigned to each of these stages. By and large, each stage encodes an gibe figure of spot. The figure is formed by each form of sight that is represented by the peculiar stage.The bandwidth of ASK and PSK are specified asWhereas the bandwidth of FSK is given asWhere,Roentgen is the spot rateDF = f2 fc = fc f1Chapter 04 carry on Cryptography4.0 IntroductionWhy manoeuver Cryptography? In modern digital communicating systems information is represented in spot up-to-dates, which are so play to analog wave forms before universe transmitted onto a channel. At receiving system this parallel information is de spiel into spot rain bucketss, but because of the presence of intervention and noise in the communicating channel this spot watercourse may be corrupted. So to minimize happening of spot in wrongdoing and protect digital information from channel noise and intervention channel cry ptology is used.How Channel steganography is performed? Additional scanty spots are added to the content informations watercourse to execute channel cryptography, these excess spots assist in misunderstanding detective work and rectification at the receiving system s terminal.Channel secret writing at the cost of? Channel label is performed at the cost of bandwidth enlargement and information rate decrease.4.1 TYPES OF CHANNEL CODING TECHNIQUESThere are two foreland types of channel coding techniques,Block CodesConvolutional Codes.Block Codes accepts thousand figure of information spots and bring forth a stop over of n figure of encoded spots, and in that locationfore are normally known as ( n.k ) gormandize codifications. Some common illustrations of block codifications are Overacting Codes and Reed Solomon Codes.Convolutional Coding is onwards error rectification technique that is presently most widely used in modern communicating systems, this peculiar technique is us ed for real-time mistake rectification. unlike block codifications which append excess spots at the terminal of original cognitive content signal, Convolutional coding organize a new-fangled codeword utilizing original informations watercourse. The encoded spots are non entirely dependent on K current input signal spots but at the same clip on moorage in point input spots.4.2 CONVOLUTIONAL CODESIn this undertaking Convolutional Coding is implemented. Convolutional Codes are farther classified as 1. treillage Coded Modulation ( TCM ) 2.Turbo Codes.Trellis Coded Modulation ( TCM ) is non recursive, non systematic and does non necessitate an interleaver.Turbo Codes on the other manus are recursive, systematic, parallel structured and they besides require interleaver.In Wideband CDMA systems TCM is used for all channels while Turbo Codes may be used for DCH and FACH channels. Turbo Codes are sometimes classified as separate subdivision of Channel Codes so from here onwards word Co nvolutional Code pass on merely be used for TCM.Types of Transmission ChannelsConvolutional Cryptography1/2BCHPCHDCH, FACH1/2, 1/3Turbo Coding1/34.3 CONVOLUTIONAL CODE REPRESENTATIONS4.3.1 Polynomial RepresentationNo. of input information spots = KNo. of encoded spots = NsNo. of phases ( Constraint continuance ) = KCode Rate = k/nEncoded CodeWord = UThe undermentioned illustration shows how Convolutional Codes are represented.Let g1 ( x ) and g2 ( ten ) be encoder multinomials, whereg1 ( x ) = 1 + x + x2g2 ( x ) = 1 + x2Let input message spot stream be 101, hence input message spot stream multinomial will be,m ( x ) = 1 + x2The encoded codeword U will be combination of merchandise of g1 ( x ) with m ( x ) and g2 ( x ) with m ( x ) ,m ( x ) x g1 ( x ) = 1 + 1.x + 0.x2 + 1.x3 + 1.x4m ( x ) x g2 ( x ) = 1 + 0.x + 0.x2 + 0.x3 + 1.x4Therefore the codeword U , becomesU = ( 1,1 ) + ( 1,0 ) .x + ( 0,0 ) .x2 + ( 1,0 ) .x3 + ( 1,1 ) .x4U = 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 14.3.2 State conversion Diagra mConvolutional Coding can be represented utilizing State innovation Diagram. Following are State Transition Diagram and State Transition over again for the same input spot stream 10100, the codeword U = 11 10 00 10 11. In the input message last two 00 spots are quartern spots.4.3.2 Block Diagram RepresentationThe undermentioned diagram shows block diagram representation of Convolutional Coding withCode Rate = 1/2Constraint space ( No. of Stages ) = 3The undermentioned illustration illustrates the procedure of Convolutional Coding utilizing block diagram representation for input spot stream 101.So the utmost codeword becomes, U = 11 10 00 10 114.3.2 Trellis Diagram RepresentationFor input spot stream 101, the following diagram shows how Convolutional Coding is performed utilizing Trellis DiagramChapter 05PULSE SHAPING TECHNIQUES3.0 IntroductionWhy whim determine? It is done in order to cut down Inter signization disruption normally known as ISI.How Pulse Shaping is performe d? In order to pass zero-ISI the overall system response essential be equal to Nyquist frequence response.5.1 embossed cos lettuce FILTERInter Symbol Interference effectantly degrades the informations sensor ability to distinguish between a current symbol from diffuse vitality of next symbol. This leads to the sensing of mistake and increases BER. So in order to provide ISI, a real-time realisation of Nyquist deform is utilize in modern communicating systems. Raised cosine gain vigor is one of the realisation of Nyquist sift.where R = roll-off instrument = 1 ? R ? 0and T = symbol pointedness = 1/RRoll-off broker determines the fall into place bandwidth and represents a tradeoff between the acuteness of the passage set of the filter and nervous impulse response pealing order of magnitude of the filter.A Nyquist filter has following be greatingssTime response finally goes to zero in a clip period merely equal to the symbol spacing.By severe the symbol sequence at a g iven symbol clip point, present symbol is non affected by the thrust distributing from the next symbols.The impulse response and the frequence response of the RC filter isTime response of the RC filter goes to zero with a period that precisely equal to the symbol spacing. As the response equals zero at all symbol times except for the coveted one none of the next symbols interrupt with each other.5.2 ROOT RAISED COSINE FILTERRC filter is divided into a rout raised cosine ( RRC ) filter brace, with one at the transmitter terminal, which performs the impulse specify in order to restrain the orderd signal bandwidth, and the other at the receiver terminal, that performs matched sensing for optimising the SNR of a known signal in AWGN presence.The reference Raised romaine filter is so named because its conveying map precisely is the square go under of the transferral map of the Raised Cosine filter.Where R = roll off factor and T is symbol period. The RRC filter bandwidth is eq ual to the informant mean square ( RMS ) amplitude 2R.The impulse response and the frequence response of the RRC filter is some(prenominal) RC and RRC have similar pulsation forms, but the RRC pulsation makes somewhat instantaneous passages, therefore the spectrum of RRC pulsation decays more readily every bit correspondd to the RC pulsation. Another of import difference between both pulsations is that the RRC pulsation does non hold zero Inter Symbol Interference. Because of the fact that RRC filter is used at sender and receiver both, the merchandise of these transportation maps is a raised cosine, which will pursue in zero ISI end ingathering.5.3 cast OFF FACTORThe roll-off factor, R, is a step of the extra bandwidth of the filter, i.e. the bandwidth occupied beyond the Nyquist bandwidth of 1/2T.Where a?f is extra bandwidth and Rs is symbol rate.Chapter 06SPREAD SPECTRUMSpread spectrum is a type of transition where the information is spread across the full frequence spect rum. This procedure of distributing the information across the full spectrum helps signal against noise and intervention. These techniques are largely assiduous in cell phones and besides with wireless LAN s.To measure up as a spread spectrum signal, two stocks moldiness be metThe familial signal bandwidth must(prenominal) be in surplus of the information bandwidth.Some map other than the informations being transmitted is used to set up the bandwidth of the attendant transmittal.Why Spread Spectrum?Due to its fillet of sole and curious belongingss spread spectrum is preferred over other transition strategies. Some of these belongingss are characterized as advantages and disadvantages of a basic spread spectrum system downstairs.Advantages It reduces the effects of multipath intervention and at times removes them wholly. Frequency set is shared at the same time with other users. Pseudo random codifications guarantee apology of transmittal and privateness. As the signal is spre ad over an full spectrum it has a low power spectral parsimony.Disadvantages Due to distributing operation it consumes more bandwidth. It is at times unverbalised to implement.Types of Spread Spectrum TechniquesMost normally used techniques in a spread spectrum systems areDirect duration Spread SpectrumFrequency Hoping Spread SpectrumFrequency Hoping Spread SpectrumA frequence skiping dispersed spectrum hops from one narrow set to another(prenominal) all within a wider set. In general the frequence hopper sender sends informations packages at one bearer frequence and so leaps to another bearer frequence before directing ore packages and continues the same modus operandi throughout the period of transmittal. The form that emerges seems to be random but is in fact monthly and easy traceable by pre configured sender and receiving system. These systems can be unguarded to resound at a peculiar hop but normally are able to direct packages during the following hop.Direct duration S pread SpectrumMost widely used technique of spread spectrum is the Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum. A Direct Sequence transmitter receives the entrance informations watercourse which is to be transmitted and so change over it into a symbol watercourse where the size of a symbol can be one or more spots. Using any of the transition strategies for digital systems such as Quadrature Amplitude Modulation ( QAM ) or Quadrature Phase Shift Keying ( QPSK ) this symbol watercourse is figure to a noise like sequence known as fake random sequence. It is besides know as a bit sequence. As a payoff of this generation the bandwidth of the transmittal is significantly increased. course 3. Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum SystemFigure 3. shows the working of a basic Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum system. For clearness intents, one channel is shown working in one way merely.TransmissionFor each channel a distinguishable and different Pseudo random codification is generated.In order to distribu te the informations the information watercourse is cypher with the antecedently generated Pseudo random codification.The signal obtained as a consequence of this generation is so modulate onto a bearer.This modulated bearer wave form is so amplified before broadcast medium.ReceptionThe bearer moving ridge is amplified every bit curtly as it is received by the receiving system.The signal received is so multiplied with a locally generated bearer which gives the spreaded signal.Again a Pseudo random codification is generated on the footing of the signal expected.The procedure of correlation coefficient is carried out on the standard signal and the generated codification which gives the original message signal.Pseudo-Random NoiseThe spread spectrum systems are constructed really similar to other conventional systems. The difference being the gear of pseudo random generators both at the sender and the receiving system which generate the Pseudo noise sequences required for the function ality of Direct Sequence spread spectrum. These pseudo random noise sequences are used for distributing the signal at the transmitter side and di counterpane at the receiver side. A pseudo noise sequence is made up of a figure of symbols which are called french friess. It is imperative that a good codification is selected for its type and duration straight affects the system capableness.A alone codification is generated for each channel. All the transmittals for a peculiar user are so added together. At the receiving system each user generates its ain matching codification in order to retrieve the original signals.In order to measure up as a imposter random codification and proper functionality a codification must hold the undermentioned belongingss.The imposter random codification must be deterministic so that the receiving system can bring forth the exact codification as used by the senderIt should be random for any hearer who does non hold the cognition of the codification being used so that it appears as noise to any interferer or eavesdropper.Two codifications must be indistinguishable and have no or really little relevancy to each other.The codification should non reiterate shortly there must be a long clip before that happens.Maximal distance sequencesMaximal Length sequences can be generated by the help of break registries with feedback applied on them. These sequences chance upon all the conditions for distributing sequences really purely. The cross correlativity between this sequence and noise is really low, which helps in observing signal out of noise in the receiving system. These sequences are really utile for encoding as they besides have a really low cross correlativity with each other.The noise belongingss of level best length sequences can be seen here.Gold SequenceIn order to make two specie sequences, two maximal length sequences are to be combined. They have a really low auto-correlation which enables CDMA systems to convey asynchrono usly. Gold sequences are constructed by modulo-2 add-on of two maximum length sequences of same length chosen from braces of preferable m-sequences.Walsh CodesWalsh codifications have to be created from hadamard matrices. All generated Walsh codifications would be extraneous to each other. The basic hadamard ground substance is shown below. These sequences provide low cross-correlation between each other. Second, the figure of 1 s is same as the figure of 1 s in each codeword.By looking at the matrix above, Walsh codes with different lengths can be generated with the aid of recursion. For a clear apprehension Walsh codes with length equal to 4 are illustrated below.= dissemination the SignalSignal spreading is achieved when the signal is multiplied bitwise with the imposter random sequence. Figure 4. Below gives an perspicacity into how two spots are multipliied to a pseudo random sequence retention a length of 8 and the its check consequence on the frequence spectrum. Spreadin g procedure of two spots with the aid of an 8-chip PN sequence is shown on the left side and the consequence of this distributing on the signal s frequence spectrum is shown on the right field side of figure. 4Figure 4. The rule of signal spreadingDe-spreading the SignalDe-spreading of the signal is carried out by multiplying each spot of the signal to its correspond imposter random codification and the consequence is summed bitwise. Figure 5. describes the procedure of de-spreading when a imposter random signal of length 8 is used for transmittal and the de-spreaded signal is equal to the dispersed signal. De-spreading procedure of two spots with a PN sequence of 8-bit is shown on left side and the consequence of the de-spreading on the signal s frequence spectrum is shown on the right.Figure 5. The rule of signal de-spreadingConsequence of Spreading on BandwidthFigure 1. As a consequence of distributing operation the signal s frequence is spread over a wider bandwidthSpread spect rum transition is applied in tandem with some other digitial transition strategies such as QAM or QPSK.Consequence of Despreading on BandwidthFigure 2. The despreading operation recovers the original signal.A spread spectrum transition is applied in coherency with a conventional demodulation process in order to retrieve the original signal.Multiple Access CapabilityThe standard signal s1 is discover by the receiving system summed with the other signal s2. The signal s1 which is for user 1 is merely extracted at the receiving system for user 1 whereas the signal s2 appears to be as noise in comparing to the user 1 signal s1. This is shown in Figure 6. belowFor efficient recovery of the informations from user 1 it is must that the signal appearance as noise has adequately low energy in the information bandwidth of signal s1.Spreaded informations multi-usersDe-spreaded informations multi-usersSpreaded informations multi-usersDe-spreaded informations multi-usersFigure 6. Multiple Acces s Capibility when user 1 recovers signal s1Chapter 07DESIGN OF A CDMA BASED COMMUNICATION SYSTEM7.1 THE Sender7.1.1 seeded player EncodingIn order to do incoming message compatible with the communicating system begin cryptography is used. In this undertaking NRZ encoding strategy is used so that the incoming message signal becomes compatible with the walsh codifications which are besides in NRZ signifier. NRZ encoding provides a better use of the bandwidth, besides if we compare it with AMI strategy it is more efficient because in that receiving system has to separate between three different degrees and it requires more signal power. dapple the Manchester and differential Manchester strategies have transition rate twice or more than that of NRZ so therefore they require greater bandwidth.7.1.2 Channel EncodingChannel encryption is performed so that spot mistakes can be reduced at the receiving system besides it protects the information from channel noise and intervention. In th is undertaking we have used Convolutional Encoding technique and so hold tried to upgrade our system utilizing diminished Density Parity Check ( LDPC ) . LDPC improves channel capacity as it approaches to Shannon capacity bound. Both Convolutional encoder and LDPC encoder organize a codeword based on the incoming message signal. We have used ? rate encoders that means that we have two input spots and the end growth is traveling to be four spots. For Convolutional encoder organic matlab treillage construction along with convenc iron out has been used while in instance of LDPC fecldpc.enc bid is used to do LDPC prey utilizing thin H matrix and so message is encoded utilizing LDPC object by encode bid.7.1.3 SpreadingThe cardinal standard of spreading is transverse correlativity and car correlativity of message symbols. In instance of a CDMA based communicating system as there are many users that at the same time transmit informations so the system must hold good cross correlativit y belongingss. This generates the demand of extraneous codifications so Walsh codifications are used. Walsh codifications have good cross correlativity belongingss. In this undertaking direct sequence spread spectrum ( DSSS ) technique has been busy to distribute the signal across the full bandwidth.7.1.4 Digital TransitionTransition is a technique that facilitates the message signal to be transmitted over the medium. In instance of digital transition, digital signal is modulated utilizing amplitude transformation keying, frequence displacement keying and stage displacement identifying etc. We have implemented Binary PSK, BPSK uses two symbols that have opposite stage to each other to modulate 0 and 1.Sampling frequence of 44 kilohertzs and a information rate of 2 kilohertz has been used in this system. In instance of LDPC modulate bid has been used to modulate the signal.7.1.5 Pulse DeterminingThe consequence of inter symbol intervention ( ISI ) is minimized by the aid of pulse d etermining procedure. In this undertaking Root Raised Cosine Filter has been used at the transmitter side to determine the pulsation so as to inhibit the bandwidth of the modulated signal. By utilizing this technique bandwidth is contain but the signal spreads in so there must be a threshold in order to prognosticate this job, this threshold is known as Nyquist bound. It is basically a low base on balls filter with a axial rotary motion off factor 0.5 which has been used in this undertaking.7.1.6 Symbol PackingIn symbol wadding, a provision sequence is appended at the start and terminal of the signal. Besides in add-on to this about 1000 nothings are inserted at the terminal and start of the signal. These are added so that even if the receiving system fails to have initial spots these spots are extra nothings and non the message signal.7.2 THE CHANNELIn a communicating system channel could be wired or wireless. Different channels have different features. When of all time we ta lk about a channel we talk about noise, it is fundamentally the unwanted electrical signal that enclosure the receiving system ability to take right determinations. Channel noise degrades the end product really rapidly. Small channel does nt do much difference to the end product signal but big channel noise well degrades the signal. In instance of little channel noise the lone noise that is present in the system is quantization noise. Another of import factor in a communicating system is Inter symbol intervention ( ISI ) . When the channel bandwidth is non much greater than signal bandwidth the spreading of the signal causes ISI. commonly, the radio channel is sculptured with AWGN channel. A caloric noise starting is used to distribute an equal sum of noise power per unit bandwidth over all frequences that is the ground why a simple theoretical account for thermic noise presumes that its power spectral denseness Gn ( degree Fahrenheit(postnominal) ) is level for all frequences, as is denoted asGn ( degree Fahrenheit ) = N0/2 watts/hertz7.3 THE Receiver7.3.1 SynchronismIn this system, it is assumed that the receiving system is on all the clip. Therefore whenever the sender will direct the message signal, there should be some manner through which the receiving system can find where its signal of interlocking is. This can be done by correlating the preparation sequence with the standard signal. The voice where the maximal correlativity occurs would be the start of the signal and the 2nd upper situate in the correlativity would give the terminal of the message signal.7.3.2 Matched FilteringThe standard signal is passed through root raised cosine filter in order to execute matched filtering and down trying at the receiver terminal. Normally RC filter is divided into a root raised cosine ( RRC ) filter brace, with one at the transmitter terminal, which performs the pulsation defining in order to restrain the modulated signal bandwidth, and the other at the r eceiver terminal, that performs matched sensing for optimising SNR of a known signal in AWGN presence.7.3.3 DemodulationThe signal is demodulated by multiplying it by the bearer signal. The end product would be demodulated signal, but this demodulated signal would be sum of all the spreaded signals.7.3.4 DespreadingIn order to pull out the single message signal of each user, the spreaded signal is so once more multiplied by the Walsh codification and is so integrated over a symbol clip.7.3.5 Channel DecodingIf the channel cryptography was non assiduous by the sender, so the despreaded messages would be the standard signals. In the channel coding instance, the signal will hold to be decoded by utilizing the viterbi decrypting map in matlab.7.3.6 Source DecodingWhile penalize beginning cryptography we had used NRZ encoding strategy, so now at the receiving system this encoded message is once more decoded back to its original signifier.
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