Sunday, October 6, 2019

Chose one of them Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Chose one of them - Article Example In writing this, the author has ended up comparing apples to oranges to form a path of discovery. Later in the passage, the author admits to the limitations offered by stone tools in order to discover more about human origins. There the author relates that our pens, markers and personal digital assistants would be able to reveal little about us except that we write. In stating this, he is absolutely right. Stone tools can only indicate that human beings were using tools to achieve certain ends. Further down the line, the author has expressed sentimentally that recent investigation proves that stone tools can offer only limited insight into human evolution. However, the author seems disappointed in such an argument because he holds initially that stone tools offer sizable insight into human evolution. Given that this text is an academic investigation, it hardly makes any sense for the author to display his personal sentiments in order to deliver a point of view held by certain profess ionals. This text is also differentiated because the author has modified an excerpt from C. S. Lewis’ novella The Screwtape Letters. The modified text is satirical and has been used rather injudiciously to criticise fellow archaeologists and their unsound professional practices.

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