Monday, May 11, 2020
Building Relationships With Our Inner City Youth - 924 Words
With all the incidents happening here in America involving officers making them seem like the bad guys I decided to come up with the non-profit organization of P.O.L.I.C.E to show they are really here for us and our protection. There is no positive outlook on police and nobody thinks of building relationships with them especially today’s youth. In many communities in America our inner city youth does not trust and is more scared of officers than they are more dependant on them. Which has created many issues and even riots in some cities. P.O.L.I.C.E is a program done by police officers in communities that are struggling with troubled youth to help and provide guidance for them and also help build relationships in the community back up again. In order for this organization to work we will need many officers to step up and want to be part of this program, and if they care about protecting the people like they should than they will want to be apart of it. Getting these volunteer s will be the first step. The next step to fall behind that is getting a little money for certain activities for these mentors and the kids. I’ve researched many federal grants that are out there that this program could apply for. According to Pathways to Justice Careers for Youth is one that is available (GRANTS.GOV). There is also a charity program called Cops For Kids which gives out money for programs such as this (Grant Guidelines). Many donations could also be given to the program.Show MoreRelatedEssay On Each One Teach One In Cincinnatirotc1492 Words  | 6 PagesThis paper is about a program called Each One Teach One of Cincinnati, EOTOC. This program is for High School Students in the inner city who are from low income, drug abuse homes. We are partnering with Cincinnati Public Schools to get the students and will service their needs. The services we provide include uniforms, haircuts, drug intervention, drug education, family bonding. 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