Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Information Management and Systems
Clarify What Christians Believe About the Sanctity of Life and Especially Their Responsibility Essay Every single Christian conviction, have confidence in the holiness of life. This implies life is consecrated as God has given us life. Be that as it may, huge numbers of the distinctive Christian religions have various perspectives in transit the two Abortions and Euthanasia ought to be dealt with. Catholics accept that life starts right now of origination. However, from a statement from Jeremiah 1:5 ‘Before I shaped you in the belly I knew you’. This shows God has just given the kid there uncommon characters and gifts even before they are conceived. This statement frames the base of the Vatican’s Stance on contraception. They totally can't help contradicting condoms, ‘The Pill’ and some other types of contraception. They are additionally absolutely against the possibility of Abortion. This is appeared in the Humane Vitae. Mother Teresa is absolutely against Abortion as from this statement we can tell that she feels that it is a transgression. ‘Any nation that acknowledges Abortion, isn't showing its kin to adore, yet to utilize any brutality to get what it wants’. This shows she backs up the perspectives on the Roman Catholic that Abortion is a shocking sin. In any case, the Church of England and numerous different religions, for example, Quakers and Lutheran accept that Abortion is worthy to have an Abortion in specific conditions, for example, assault or when mental or physical harm cause be delivered on the mother or/and youngster. They can't help contradicting the convictions of the Roman Catholic as we as a whole have unrestrained choice and having Abortion is in the privileges of through and through freedom. Likewise there is no statement the good book that obviously expresses that Abortion isn't right. At the opposite finish of the existence scale Euthanasia is likewise another dubious issue. All Christians accept that we as human are completely made by God. This is appeared in Psalm 139:16 ‘You saw my unborn body’. This shows when David sung the song he was telling the individuals that God knew you before you were conceived, indicating that as our bodies a personalities are interesting we as a whole should approach our brains with deference as else we will submit a transgression against God. Because of the way that Jesus was human and he was the individual who spared us from unique sin then Euthanasia is a transgression against God. Under no close to home or social conditions would ever, can now, or will ever, should Euthanasia ever render such a demonstration legitimate in itself. Pope John Paul II obviously states in this statement made in 1989 that he is absolutely against the possibility of contraception. In the book of scriptures it expresses that God is the main individual who can end a real existence. This shows the Roman Catholics are all against the possibility of Euthanasia, making it a human sin. Where as the Church of England and the Society of Friends would contend that on the off chance that the individual is probably going to bite the dust very soon, at that point utilizing through and through freedom they ought to be permitted to utilize willful extermination as they no that they are going to bite the dust any way. Likewise they accept that somebody ought not be taken care of promptly, however they can quit taking the drug that is keeping them alive to accelerate the passing. Be that as it may, this can raise the law ruckus as should be obvious totally what has occurred. In the law it is unlawful to have willful extermination performed on you. In the event that you were seen as blameworthy you would need to deal with indictments of man butcher. In the it says that demise isn't the stopping point just the finish of the initial segment.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The essay talks of a woman Essay Example for Free
The exposition discusses a lady Essay The main article discusses a lady who cherished and loved her better half even in death. It discusses a widow who was hitched in Ephesus. The paper features her as being lovely. It was a culture to grieve your significant other by beating the bare bosom before the group and pulling off one’s hair. Be that as it may, this widow proceeded to follow the dead into his tomb where he grieved for five days. (Heinemann, 1913, p. 229-235). It is amusing that whoever could reassure her to quit grieving her late spouse was an officer who was guarding the assemblages of certain thefts that had been executed after her companions and family members couldn't do it. It’s likewise amusing that a dead body was taken as the fighter was supporting a widow who was additionally grieving over a dead body. Its likewise amusing the dead body that made the lady grieves for five days without food or water is the one that was utilized to supplant the lost dead body of the burglar. ( Heinemann ,1913, p. 229-235) The subsequent story discusses a man who adored his significant other so much that he relinquished all what he had and offered it to engage his better half. It is amusing that he sold all the extravagances that gave him joy just staying with a bird of prey just to please or rather purchase the adoration for his significant other but stay a poor man an incredible remainder. Federigo cherished his significant other with the end goal that he even offered to butcher his solitary outstanding resource the bird of prey which he even adored more than any of his better half so as to serve it to the guests of her better half. (Kaplan, 2006, p. 2 - 3) It is too amusing that he offered everything to satisfy his significant other and stay poor and toward the end his better half didn't acknowledge him. It is additionally amusing that that at his withering second, the kid requested the bird of prey and it needed, he passed on. Incongruity is likewise observed when Giovanna as opposed to adoring his significant other when he was rich and having a great deal to offer, he cherished him most when he was poor and had nothing to offer. (Kaplan ,2006, p. 2 - 3,) Both stories identify with disavowal for adoration for someone else. In the main exposition we see the widow has a lot of adoration for her late spouse however picks to give his body to supplant the taken thief’s body and not see another man whom he cherishes pass on. It is simply interesting how cherishes both them yet in addition shrewd of her penance the dead so as to spare the living. (Heinemann ,1913, p. 229-235) The subsequent paper selected to be poor by offering everything to show his significant other love. Toward the finish of the paper the spouse values his husbands love and consequently responds it by declining to be re-hitched to well off vendors. This adoration is seen even in death where both Federigo and Giovanna share a similar tomb. (Kaplan, 2003, p. 2 - 3). End, According to my assessment of the two stories, I think the subsequent story is increasingly viable on how it utilizes its portrayal abilities and how it depicts the entire occasion of adoration and destiny. In spite of the fact that the story is terrible it end in comic manner where there is happiness after we note that a while later the couple adored each other even in death dissimilar to in the principal story where the lady was conflicted between two loves and is the reason he needed to surrender one and take in the other. Rundown of Reference: Heinemann W; (1913) Petronius, Satyricon, The Macmillan Company, 1913, ch. 111-112, pp. 229-235 Kaplan H. L . (2006). Federigo Alberighi and Monna Giovanna SOCAN Available at http://www. thrinberry-frog. com Accessed on June 30, 2008.
Monday, August 3, 2020
Our friends
Our friends When you think of people at MIT, maybe you think of Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the World Wide Web, or perhaps you think of President Susan Hockfield. You probably think of the Nobel winners, such as Prof. Wolfgang Ketterle, Prof. Phil Sharp and their brethren. Maybe you think of students, like Reid Barton or Laurel Yong-Hwa Lee. But you probably dont think about the other people at MIT who shape the lives in our community: the nightwatchmen, the janitors, the food service workers, the administrative assistants Recently, two such people who influenced my generation of MIT students passed away. James E. Roberts Sr. was known as Big Jimmy to students across campus. He was the nightwatchman at two dorms, East Campus and Senior House. Big Jimmy was a legendary figure, someone I only met briefly but who many of my friends counted as a confidant and friend. I asked my very good friend Jen Frank if she could share some of her Big Jimmy memories. Two stories come to mind to exemplify what Big Jimmy meant to me. The first was freshman year. I had a crush on a sophomore on my hall, and Jimmy was always joking that Michael and I should get together. One day he overheard us discussing how we both loved a good Reuben sandwich. A few days later, Jimmy brought me a bag of the nicest corned beef I think I have ever had and told me to go make sandwiches for myself and Michael. The second was senior year again with the crush. Only this time, it was my 21st birthday and I was just getting back from a night out with the guy I liked. I willed myself up a bit and tried to kiss him, and he said he didnt think of me that way. We are still friends to this day, but that night I ran upstairs ready to cry. No one was awake, but as I was getting ready for bed I heard the sound I will forever associate with Jimmy aluminum cans in a plastic bag, clanking away. I cried on Jimmys shoulder that night. Jen with Big Jimmy, from In Memory of Big Jimmy. Some years ago, Big Jimmy was awarded MITs prestigious James N. Murphy award, for MIT employees whose contributions to the Institute community have endeared them to students. His Murphy Award citation read: Big Jimmy serves as protector, physician, counselor and parent to MIT students in their hours of greatest need. He has saved lives directly through his cool and courageous actions and he may have saved lives indirectly through his kind words and deeds. Big Jimmy passed away a week ago today. My friend Satwik gave me the sad news this week that Howard Brown (another winner of the James N. Murphy Award), the custodian for the MIT Student Center for many years, passed away recently. Howard befriended many students during his late-night rounds, especially on the 4th floor of the Student Center, home to student activity offices including The Tech (the student newspaper), Technique (the yearbook), the Undergraduate Association (student government), and the Science Fiction Society. The Tech wrote about the retirement party students threw in his honor. On June 7 The Tech held a retirement party for Howard. Howard was there on time. There were goodies on the table, and a cluster of admiring faces had gathered around. After a few moments of silence, Howard told us about his time at MIT, how he worked at Lobdell [Food Court], then Baker House, then the Student Center. He reminisced on the generations of students hed befriended. And then there was a pause once more. And when I die, I want my ashes to be scattered on the oval outside. Thats what I want to be looking at: the Student Center. Another silence, then it was time to give Howard his gift the lovingly-prepared plaque and a pile of CDs, to provide more music for his retirement. Oh Man! Holy Toledo, said an amazed Howard. You know what my roommate told me. Youd better stay at home because theyre going to make you cry. And you know what he was right! Excuse me. Ill be back. Ive got to go out in the hallway and cry. Howard Brown with his James N. Murphy Award, from Donna Coveney, MIT News Office. Its not just about Nobel Laureates and Rhodes Scholars here. Many people at MIT have touched my life, and I hope in some small way I might have touched theirs. Our friends When you think of people at MIT, maybe you think of Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the World Wide Web, or perhaps you think of President Susan Hockfield. You probably think of the Nobel winners, such as Prof. Wolfgang Ketterle, Prof. Phil Sharp and their brethren. Maybe you think of students, like Reid Barton or Laurel Yong-Hwa Lee. But you probably dont think about the other people at MIT who shape the lives in our community: the nightwatchmen, the janitors, the food service workers, the administrative assistants Recently, two such people who influenced my generation of MIT students passed away. James E. Roberts Sr. was known as Big Jimmy to students across campus. He was the nightwatchman at two dorms, East Campus and Senior House. Big Jimmy was a legendary figure, someone I only met briefly but who many of my friends counted as a confidant and friend. I asked my very good friend Jen Frank if she could share some of her Big Jimmy memories. Two stories come to mind to exemplify what Big Jimmy meant to me. The first was freshman year. I had a crush on a sophomore on my hall, and Jimmy was always joking that Michael and I should get together. One day he overheard us discussing how we both loved a good Reuben sandwich. A few days later, Jimmy brought me a bag of the nicest corned beef I think I have ever had and told me to go make sandwiches for myself and Michael. The second was senior year again with the crush. Only this time, it was my 21st birthday and I was just getting back from a night out with the guy I liked. I willed myself up a bit and tried to kiss him, and he said he didnt think of me that way. We are still friends to this day, but that night I ran upstairs ready to cry. No one was awake, but as I was getting ready for bed I heard the sound I will forever associate with Jimmy aluminum cans in a plastic bag, clanking away. I cried on Jimmys shoulder that night. Jen with Big Jimmy, from In Memory of Big Jimmy. Some years ago, Big Jimmy was awarded MITs prestigious James N. Murphy award, for MIT employees whose contributions to the Institute community have endeared them to students. His Murphy Award citation read: Big Jimmy serves as protector, physician, counselor and parent to MIT students in their hours of greatest need. He has saved lives directly through his cool and courageous actions and he may have saved lives indirectly through his kind words and deeds. Big Jimmy passed away a week ago today. My friend Satwik gave me the sad news this week that Howard Brown (another winner of the James N. Murphy Award), the custodian for the MIT Student Center for many years, passed away recently. Howard befriended many students during his late-night rounds, especially on the 4th floor of the Student Center, home to student activity offices including The Tech (the student newspaper), Technique (the yearbook), the Undergraduate Association (student government), and the Science Fiction Society. The Tech wrote about the retirement party students threw in his honor. On June 7 The Tech held a retirement party for Howard. Howard was there on time. There were goodies on the table, and a cluster of admiring faces had gathered around. After a few moments of silence, Howard told us about his time at MIT, how he worked at Lobdell [Food Court], then Baker House, then the Student Center. He reminisced on the generations of students hed befriended. And then there was a pause once more. And when I die, I want my ashes to be scattered on the oval outside. Thats what I want to be looking at: the Student Center. Another silence, then it was time to give Howard his gift the lovingly-prepared plaque and a pile of CDs, to provide more music for his retirement. Oh Man! Holy Toledo, said an amazed Howard. You know what my roommate told me. Youd better stay at home because theyre going to make you cry. And you know what he was right! Excuse me. Ill be back. Ive got to go out in the hallway and cry. Howard Brown with his James N. Murphy Award, from Donna Coveney, MIT News Office. Its not just about Nobel Laureates and Rhodes Scholars here. Many people at MIT have touched my life, and I hope in some small way I might have touched theirs. Our friends When you think of people at MIT, maybe you think of Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the World Wide Web, or perhaps you think of President Susan Hockfield. You probably think of the Nobel winners, such as Prof. Wolfgang Ketterle, Prof. Phil Sharp and their brethren. Maybe you think of students, like Reid Barton or Laurel Yong-Hwa Lee. But you probably dont think about the other people at MIT who shape the lives in our community: the nightwatchmen, the janitors, the food service workers, the administrative assistants Recently, two such people who influenced my generation of MIT students passed away. James E. Roberts Sr. was known as Big Jimmy to students across campus. He was the nightwatchman at two dorms, East Campus and Senior House. Big Jimmy was a legendary figure, someone I only met briefly but who many of my friends counted as a confidant and friend. I asked my very good friend Jen Frank if she could share some of her Big Jimmy memories. Two stories come to mind to exemplify what Big Jimmy meant to me. The first was freshman year. I had a crush on a sophomore on my hall, and Jimmy was always joking that Michael and I should get together. One day he overheard us discussing how we both loved a good Reuben sandwich. A few days later, Jimmy brought me a bag of the nicest corned beef I think I have ever had and told me to go make sandwiches for myself and Michael. The second was senior year again with the crush. Only this time, it was my 21st birthday and I was just getting back from a night out with the guy I liked. I willed myself up a bit and tried to kiss him, and he said he didnt think of me that way. We are still friends to this day, but that night I ran upstairs ready to cry. No one was awake, but as I was getting ready for bed I heard the sound I will forever associate with Jimmy aluminum cans in a plastic bag, clanking away. I cried on Jimmys shoulder that night. Jen with Big Jimmy, from In Memory of Big Jimmy. Some years ago, Big Jimmy was awarded MITs prestigious James N. Murphy award, for MIT employees whose contributions to the Institute community have endeared them to students. His Murphy Award citation read: Big Jimmy serves as protector, physician, counselor and parent to MIT students in their hours of greatest need. He has saved lives directly through his cool and courageous actions and he may have saved lives indirectly through his kind words and deeds. Big Jimmy passed away a week ago today. My friend Satwik gave me the sad news this week that Howard Brown (another winner of the James N. Murphy Award), the custodian for the MIT Student Center for many years, passed away recently. Howard befriended many students during his late-night rounds, especially on the 4th floor of the Student Center, home to student activity offices including The Tech (the student newspaper), Technique (the yearbook), the Undergraduate Association (student government), and the Science Fiction Society. The Tech wrote about the retirement party students threw in his honor. On June 7 The Tech held a retirement party for Howard. Howard was there on time. There were goodies on the table, and a cluster of admiring faces had gathered around. After a few moments of silence, Howard told us about his time at MIT, how he worked at Lobdell [Food Court], then Baker House, then the Student Center. He reminisced on the generations of students hed befriended. And then there was a pause once more. And when I die, I want my ashes to be scattered on the oval outside. Thats what I want to be looking at: the Student Center. Another silence, then it was time to give Howard his gift the lovingly-prepared plaque and a pile of CDs, to provide more music for his retirement. Oh Man! Holy Toledo, said an amazed Howard. You know what my roommate told me. Youd better stay at home because theyre going to make you cry. And you know what he was right! Excuse me. Ill be back. Ive got to go out in the hallway and cry. Howard Brown with his James N. Murphy Award, from Donna Coveney, MIT News Office. Its not just about Nobel Laureates and Rhodes Scholars here. Many people at MIT have touched my life, and I hope in some small way I might have touched theirs. Our friends When you think of people at MIT, maybe you think of Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the World Wide Web, or perhaps you think of President Susan Hockfield. You probably think of the Nobel winners, such as Prof. Wolfgang Ketterle, Prof. Phil Sharp and their brethren. Maybe you think of students, like Reid Barton or Laurel Yong-Hwa Lee. But you probably dont think about the other people at MIT who shape the lives in our community: the nightwatchmen, the janitors, the food service workers, the administrative assistants Recently, two such people who influenced my generation of MIT students passed away. James E. Roberts Sr. was known as Big Jimmy to students across campus. He was the nightwatchman at two dorms, East Campus and Senior House. Big Jimmy was a legendary figure, someone I only met briefly but who many of my friends counted as a confidant and friend. I asked my very good friend Jen Frank if she could share some of her Big Jimmy memories. Two stories come to mind to exemplify what Big Jimmy meant to me. The first was freshman year. I had a crush on a sophomore on my hall, and Jimmy was always joking that Michael and I should get together. One day he overheard us discussing how we both loved a good Reuben sandwich. A few days later, Jimmy brought me a bag of the nicest corned beef I think I have ever had and told me to go make sandwiches for myself and Michael. The second was senior year again with the crush. Only this time, it was my 21st birthday and I was just getting back from a night out with the guy I liked. I willed myself up a bit and tried to kiss him, and he said he didnt think of me that way. We are still friends to this day, but that night I ran upstairs ready to cry. No one was awake, but as I was getting ready for bed I heard the sound I will forever associate with Jimmy aluminum cans in a plastic bag, clanking away. I cried on Jimmys shoulder that night. Jen with Big Jimmy, from In Memory of Big Jimmy. Some years ago, Big Jimmy was awarded MITs prestigious James N. Murphy award, for MIT employees whose contributions to the Institute community have endeared them to students. His Murphy Award citation read: Big Jimmy serves as protector, physician, counselor and parent to MIT students in their hours of greatest need. He has saved lives directly through his cool and courageous actions and he may have saved lives indirectly through his kind words and deeds. Big Jimmy passed away a week ago today. My friend Satwik gave me the sad news this week that Howard Brown (another winner of the James N. Murphy Award), the custodian for the MIT Student Center for many years, passed away recently. Howard befriended many students during his late-night rounds, especially on the 4th floor of the Student Center, home to student activity offices including The Tech (the student newspaper), Technique (the yearbook), the Undergraduate Association (student government), and the Science Fiction Society. The Tech wrote about the retirement party students threw in his honor. On June 7 The Tech held a retirement party for Howard. Howard was there on time. There were goodies on the table, and a cluster of admiring faces had gathered around. After a few moments of silence, Howard told us about his time at MIT, how he worked at Lobdell [Food Court], then Baker House, then the Student Center. He reminisced on the generations of students hed befriended. And then there was a pause once more. And when I die, I want my ashes to be scattered on the oval outside. Thats what I want to be looking at: the Student Center. Another silence, then it was time to give Howard his gift the lovingly-prepared plaque and a pile of CDs, to provide more music for his retirement. Oh Man! Holy Toledo, said an amazed Howard. You know what my roommate told me. Youd better stay at home because theyre going to make you cry. And you know what he was right! Excuse me. Ill be back. Ive got to go out in the hallway and cry. Howard Brown with his James N. Murphy Award, from Donna Coveney, MIT News Office. Its not just about Nobel Laureates and Rhodes Scholars here. Many people at MIT have touched my life, and I hope in some small way I might have touched theirs. Our friends When you think of people at MIT, maybe you think of Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the World Wide Web, or perhaps you think of President Susan Hockfield. You probably think of the Nobel winners, such as Prof. Wolfgang Ketterle, Prof. Phil Sharp and their brethren. Maybe you think of students, like Reid Barton or Laurel Yong-Hwa Lee. But you probably dont think about the other people at MIT who shape the lives in our community: the nightwatchmen, the janitors, the food service workers, the administrative assistants Recently, two such people who influenced my generation of MIT students passed away. James E. Roberts Sr. was known as Big Jimmy to students across campus. He was the nightwatchman at two dorms, East Campus and Senior House. Big Jimmy was a legendary figure, someone I only met briefly but who many of my friends counted as a confidant and friend. I asked my very good friend Jen Frank if she could share some of her Big Jimmy memories. Two stories come to mind to exemplify what Big Jimmy meant to me. The first was freshman year. I had a crush on a sophomore on my hall, and Jimmy was always joking that Michael and I should get together. One day he overheard us discussing how we both loved a good Reuben sandwich. A few days later, Jimmy brought me a bag of the nicest corned beef I think I have ever had and told me to go make sandwiches for myself and Michael. The second was senior year again with the crush. Only this time, it was my 21st birthday and I was just getting back from a night out with the guy I liked. I willed myself up a bit and tried to kiss him, and he said he didnt think of me that way. We are still friends to this day, but that night I ran upstairs ready to cry. No one was awake, but as I was getting ready for bed I heard the sound I will forever associate with Jimmy aluminum cans in a plastic bag, clanking away. I cried on Jimmys shoulder that night. Jen with Big Jimmy, from In Memory of Big Jimmy. Some years ago, Big Jimmy was awarded MITs prestigious James N. Murphy award, for MIT employees whose contributions to the Institute community have endeared them to students. His Murphy Award citation read: Big Jimmy serves as protector, physician, counselor and parent to MIT students in their hours of greatest need. He has saved lives directly through his cool and courageous actions and he may have saved lives indirectly through his kind words and deeds. Big Jimmy passed away a week ago today. My friend Satwik gave me the sad news this week that Howard Brown (another winner of the James N. Murphy Award), the custodian for the MIT Student Center for many years, passed away recently. Howard befriended many students during his late-night rounds, especially on the 4th floor of the Student Center, home to student activity offices including The Tech (the student newspaper), Technique (the yearbook), the Undergraduate Association (student government), and the Science Fiction Society. The Tech wrote about the retirement party students threw in his honor. On June 7 The Tech held a retirement party for Howard. Howard was there on time. There were goodies on the table, and a cluster of admiring faces had gathered around. After a few moments of silence, Howard told us about his time at MIT, how he worked at Lobdell [Food Court], then Baker House, then the Student Center. He reminisced on the generations of students hed befriended. And then there was a pause once more. And when I die, I want my ashes to be scattered on the oval outside. Thats what I want to be looking at: the Student Center. Another silence, then it was time to give Howard his gift the lovingly-prepared plaque and a pile of CDs, to provide more music for his retirement. Oh Man! Holy Toledo, said an amazed Howard. You know what my roommate told me. Youd better stay at home because theyre going to make you cry. And you know what he was right! Excuse me. Ill be back. Ive got to go out in the hallway and cry. Howard Brown with his James N. Murphy Award, from Donna Coveney, MIT News Office. Its not just about Nobel Laureates and Rhodes Scholars here. Many people at MIT have touched my life, and I hope in some small way I might have touched theirs.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Globalization And Its Effect On Society - 1546 Words
Joona A. Pang Ant 126 The term globalization is so saturated with conclusive idealism that such economic philosophy can only appear to intend principles of fairness or freedom. Before the 18th century, the belief was that societies were in a state of decline amongst ancient civilizations. However, during the Enlightenment period, the notion of progress became pervasive, which eventually prompted sociological and cultural revolution, the Western stage theories of progress. In the course, we have so far discussed the emergence of developmental thinking from its conception to its prevailing influence on modern society. The teleology that it has established is that progress is innate and that we are on the same trajectory to the state of betterment: an economic freedom. However, I would like to discuss the adverse effects and consequences of such fixation on progress and development, illustrated by the state of globalization and the imposition of rational order throughout the world. The enthusiasm for ration and technology to govern the human and natural world encourages entities to attempt developmental projects or create solutions that only benefit the sovereign or force developing countries into a Western framework. According to lectures, stage theories represent an attempt by enlightenment thinkers to classify and delineate progress into naturalized steps based on ration. This view fully embraces reason and science while creating a negative view of the past,Show MoreRelatedGlobalization And Its Effects On Society939 Words  | 4 Pages Globalization can be described as the interaction and integration among the people, companies, and governments of different nations (http://www.globalization101.org/what-is-globalization/). For the past century, there have been countless debates over whether the effects of globalization are positive or negative. The topic of globalization is seen as one of the most debatable topics in our current society and is often discussed during political debates before elections. This paper will focus on theRead MoreGlobalization And Its Effects On Society1011 Words  | 5 Pagescalled globalization. Globalization has reformed almost every industry and affects billions of lives whether you realize it or not. Around the world, people view international trade as a good thing but this is hindered by concerns about its side effects. To find the balance between pros and cons associated with globalization, citizens everywhere need to know how globalization works. This includes its effects on the e nvironment, culture, political systems, and overall the wellbeing of societies aroundRead MoreGlobalization And Its Effect On Society Essay2301 Words  | 10 PagesGlobalization is the process in which economic, political, social, and cultural differences are lessened by the exchange of goods and ideas across national boundaries. Greater interactions among countries eliminate the barriers created by distance. The speed and scope of globalization led to differing opinions about the positive or negative impacts on society. Proponents of globalization argue that free trade and free movement of labor allows more variety of consumer goods, allocation of skilledRead MoreGlobalization And Its Effects On Society Essay1076 Words  | 5 PagesIn modern societies, globalisation has become an issue having various impacts on many nations around the world. The issue can be described as â€Å"a process in which physical, political, economic, and cultural barriers separating different region s of the world are reduced or removed, thereby stimulating exchanges in goods, services, money, and people.†(Hamilton Webster, 2015, p.5). On the one hand, globalisation has numerous good effects on the development of countries, such as diminishing trade barriersRead MoreGlobalization And Its Effect On Society1240 Words  | 5 PagesGlobalization and the use of new technologies and how it strengthens or weakens global inequalities Globalization is a very important force in the new world and it continues to impact the lives of individuals as well as groups world over. The role and affect of globalization has broadened over time. It has resulted in the lessening of trade barriers, integration of the economy of the world, increase in opportunities for groups and individuals alike and an increase in the economic well being andRead MoreGlobalization And Its Effects On Society844 Words  | 4 Pagestextbook on globalization for example opened my eyes to I am truly affected by globalization, from the clothes I have on my body to the laptop, books and cell phone I have at my fingertips. Companies are able to make the most profit and keep prices reasonable if they globalize. Even though globalization is shown to be a positive advantage for the core countries that are industrialized commercialism versus the developing countries that rely on labor given to them. In doing so, globalization has causedRead MoreGlobaliz ation And Its Effects On Society Essay1780 Words  | 8 PagesSociety has proven time after time to have the inherent tendency of turning a blind eye upon its flaws, particularly when putting people benefiting from privilege and power in jeopardy of being questioned. Peeling back the reasons which justify the way cultural expectations and behaviors of our society are normalized unveils fundamental issues rooting from discrimination towards race, gender, social class, and age. Globalization has been coined with a face of a positive, bright, progressive futureRead MoreGlobalization : Positive And Negative Effects On Todays Society1582 Words  | 7 Pagesbeing more globalized. Globalization is the process of interaction amongst people, businesses, governments of different countries and nations, and is driven and or influenced by international trade and international business. Technology has been one of the largest contributing factors to the reason why the world is becoming mor e globalized. Globalization has both positive and negative effects on the environment, societies, as well as today’s cultures. Cultural globalization refers to the processRead MoreThe Effects of Globalization on US Society and Economy Essay1359 Words  | 6 Pagesetc. The effects of the changes are not so clear, since it is hard to predict how each sector would affect the other and how society will be affected. However, analyzing past and present occurrences provides some information for experts to interpret society’s reaction in the future to different transformations. Globalization can be seen as a process in which societies around the world come together and expand through the combination of different forces. This paper will explore the effects of globalizationRead MoreGlobalization: Its Effects on our Society Today A Brief History1435 Words  | 6 PagesWhat Is â€Å"Globalization†? Globalization is the growth, expansion and integration of different systems such as economics, culture and politics on a global scale. Western countries went to third world countries and persuaded their citizens by blaming their economical and social problems on their technological backwardness rather than the exploitative nature of their political system. By accomplishing this, the western countries gain entry into the nations and trade technology for resources and labour
Monday, May 11, 2020
Building Relationships With Our Inner City Youth - 924 Words
With all the incidents happening here in America involving officers making them seem like the bad guys I decided to come up with the non-profit organization of P.O.L.I.C.E to show they are really here for us and our protection. There is no positive outlook on police and nobody thinks of building relationships with them especially today’s youth. In many communities in America our inner city youth does not trust and is more scared of officers than they are more dependant on them. Which has created many issues and even riots in some cities. P.O.L.I.C.E is a program done by police officers in communities that are struggling with troubled youth to help and provide guidance for them and also help build relationships in the community back up again. In order for this organization to work we will need many officers to step up and want to be part of this program, and if they care about protecting the people like they should than they will want to be apart of it. Getting these volunteer s will be the first step. The next step to fall behind that is getting a little money for certain activities for these mentors and the kids. I’ve researched many federal grants that are out there that this program could apply for. According to grants.gov Pathways to Justice Careers for Youth is one that is available (GRANTS.GOV). There is also a charity program called Cops For Kids which gives out money for programs such as this (Grant Guidelines). Many donations could also be given to the program.Show MoreRelatedEssay On Each One Teach One In Cincinnatirotc1492 Words  | 6 PagesThis paper is about a program called Each One Teach One of Cincinnati, EOTOC. This program is for High School Students in the inner city who are from low income, drug abuse homes. We are partnering with Cincinnati Public Schools to get the students and will service their needs. The services we provide include uniforms, haircuts, drug intervention, drug education, family bonding. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
100 Years Free Essays
100 years from now, many dimensions of human life will change dramatically. Science, medicine, and government will certainly change, and confidently for the better. The Homo sapiens species will advance and how things are now will be ancient history only to be taught through text in school, with many details of previous life long forgotten. We will write a custom essay sample on 100 Years or any similar topic only for you Order Now The United Nations will develop a way to eradicate war and dispute through a full proof â€Å"Universal Problem Resolution Plan†. Therefore the world will finally be at peace, work as one, and the once poverty-stricken will flourish and starvation will lie in the individuals will to eat, not the â€Å"cards they’re dealt†. With war and fighting in the past the world will place all the dollars once used in military and armed forces into healthcare research and education. Doctors will have fashioned and perfected organ growth and the diseases we now fear such as A. I. D. S and Cancer will be thought of as a common cold due to easily accessible vaccines and remedies. Life will be different, but my outlook and attitude towards life will remain the same. I would wake up every morning happy that God gave me another day with my family and friends. I would wake up ready to make a difference and play my part in this world. I would not be raised from sleep by an alarm clock, but rather a microchip implanted behind my ear that told my brains receptors it was time to get up. The chip would also have my itinerary for the day and any important events I had planned. Prior to going to bed I would fill out what I wanted the chip to remind me on my phone and simply hold the phone beside my head so the chip could scan the information, store it, and later activate at the given time. Phones would still be referred to as phones but the technology that followed them would be phenomenal. To answer a call, you simply say â€Å"answer†or whatever you have programmed as your command to connect. The phone would then bring up a holographic display of the caller so interaction as well as speaking would take place. By the time I was awake and teeth had been cleaned to spec, I would go to my virtual wardrobe selector (VWS) and decide what to wear. The touch screen display allows me to choose what I would like to wear and delivers it to me with a solar powered track system. At this point 95% of the worlds power supply is solar and wind derived. Upon leaving the house, I would scan my thumb and the house would be locked and secure until I returned with virtually no way for trespassing or criminal mischief. Once I got in my car and turned on the ignition, powered by voice activation, along with everything else, I could drive to work myself (manually) or have the car drive itself there. The vehicle would be able to do this using satellite navigation, traffic and pedestrian observation sensors, and lightweight magnets in the body and the road. Traffic accidents and deaths would reduce by 200% after this technology was perfected. Although everyday life would be much easier, work would be intense as ever and the demand for good jobs would be outrageous. As a well renowned and highly sought after attorney I would have no problem with work, but still worked hard to keep my clients and those within my firm satisfied and content. Life would definitely be different, but still crazy. To keep from losing my sanity in the â€Å"once crazy, and still crazy†world I would surround myself with the ones who love me and love them just as much. I would continue to have faith in the Lord throughout my life and place nothing above him and his word. Technology would be great and the safety that came with it would allow most humans to live past 100 years old. In fact, I am 118. How to cite 100 Years, Papers
Thursday, April 30, 2020
Stop Motion free essay sample
Stop motion animation has a long history in film. It was often used to show objects moving as if by magic. The first instance of the stop motion technique can be credited to Albert E. Smith and J. Stuart Blackton for The Humpty Dumpty Circus (1897), in which a toy circus of acrobats and animals comes to life. In 1902, the film Fun in a Bakery Shop used the stop-trick technique in the lightning sculpting sequence. French trick film maestro Georges Melies used true stop-motion to produce moving title-card letters for one of his short films, but never exploited the process for any of his other films[dubious – discuss].The Haunted Hotel (1907) is another stop motion film by J. Stuart Blackton, and was a resounding success when released. Segundo de Chomon (1871–1929), from Spain, released El Hotel Electrico later that same year, and used similar techniques as the Blackton film. In 1908, A Sculptors Welsh Rarebit Nightmare was released, as was The Sculptors Nightmare, a film by Billy Bitzer. We will write a custom essay sample on Stop Motion or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Italian animator Romeo Bossetti impressed audiences with his object animation tour-de-force, The Automatic Moving Company in 1912. The great European stop motion pioneer was Wladyslaw Starewicz (1892–1965), who animated The Beautiful Lukanida (1910), The Battle of the Stag Beetles (1910), The Ant and the Grasshopper (1911). One of the earliest clay animation films was Modelling Extraordinary, which dazzled audiences in 1912. December 1916 brought the first of Willie Hopkins 54 episodes of Miracles in Mud to the big screen. Also in December 1916, the first woman animator, Helena Smith Dayton, began experimenting with clay stop motion.She would release her first film in 1917, an adaptation of William Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet. In the turn of the century, there was another well known animator known as Willis O Brien (known by others as Obie). His work on The Lost World from 1925 is known, but he is most admired for his work on King Kong, a milestone of his films made possible by stop motion animation. [edit] 1960s and 1970s In the 1960s and 1970s, independent clay animator Eliot Noyes Jr. efined the technique of free-form clay animation with his Oscar-nominated 1965 film Clay or the Origin of Species. Noyes also used stop motion to animate sand laying on glass for his musical animated film Sandman (1975). Sand-coated puppet animation was used in the Oscar-winning 1977 film The Sand Castle, produced by Dutch-Canadian animator Co Hoedeman. Hoedeman was one of dozens of animators sheltered by the National Film Board of Canada, a Canadian government film arts agency that had supported animators for decades.A pioneer of refined multiple stop motion films under the NFB banner was Norman McLaren, who brought in many other animators to create their own creatively controlled films. Notable among these are the pinscreen animation films of Jacques Drouin, Alexeiff Parker, and Gaston Sarault such as Mindscape (1976). Italian stop motion films include Quaq Quao (1978), by Francesco Misseri, which was stop motion with origami, The Red and the Blue and the clay animation kittens Mio and Mao.Other European productions included a stop motion-animated series of Tove Janssons The Moomins (from 1979, often referred to as The Fuzzy Felt Moomins), produced by Film Polski and Jupiter Films. Marc Paul Chinoy directed a puppet animation feature-length film based on the famous Pogo comic strip in 1980. Titled I go Pogo, it was aired a few times on American cable channels but, has yet to be commercially released. [citation needed] One of the main British Animation teams, John Hardwick and Bob Bura, were the main animators in many early British TV shows, and are famous for their work on the Trumptonshire trilogy.Disney experimented with several stop motion techniques by hiring independent animator-director Mike Jittlov to do the first stop motion animation of Mickey Mouse toys ever produced for a short sequence called Mouse Mania, part of a TV special commemorating Mickey Mouses 50th Anniversary called Mickeys 50th in 1978. Jittlov again produced some impressive multi-technique stop motion animation a year later for a 1979 Disney special promoting their release of the feature film The Black Hole. Titled Major Effects, Jittlovs work stood out as the best part of the special. Jittlov released his footage the following year to 16mm film collectors as a short film titled The Wizard of Speed and Time, along with four of his other short multi-technique animated films, most of which eventually evolved into his own feature-length film of the same title. Effectively demonstrating almost all animation techniques, as well as how he produced them, the film was released to theaters in 1987 and to video in 1989.
Saturday, March 21, 2020
Description Of Truk Island Essays - Chuuk Lagoon, Chuuk State
Description Of Truk Island Essays - Chuuk Lagoon, Chuuk State Description Of Truk Island The island of Truk was 800 square miles of sheltered lagoons and strong defensive capabilities. (1) In 1944 the island became vulnerable to allied attacks.(2) All of the warships were subsequently moved away from the island leaving all the forces on the island without warship protection. Truk was still considered one of Japans greatest naval bases. Vice Adm. Chuichi Hara was in command of the forces on the island. At this point in the war the allied forces were just moping up the Japanese as they proceeded to mainland Japan. There was no point in an amphibious assault on an island that had no military significance. Especially when you could just bomb the island form afar. The allied forces were not out to crush every Japanese stronghold. They were making the move towards Japan. It was not necessary to stop at every island and waste lives. Truk was to be neutralized. Carrier aircraft from task force 58 attacked Truk. And shot down everything that was thrown at them. And when they had nothing left to throw at them it was a duck shoot. They pounded the island. 31 ships were sunk(3). 270 aircraft destroyed(4). The forces on the island were reduced to nothing in a few short months. Of the forces that were left instead of fighting the allies they were fighting starvation and disease. 2,000 died of starvation(5) Bibliography Work Cited Hagen, Jerome, War in the Pacific (Ohio: Book Masters, Inc. 1988) 270 Hagen, Jerome, War in the Pacific (Ohio: Book Masters, Inc. 1988) 270 Hagen, Jerome, War in the Pacific (Ohio: Book Masters, Inc. 1988) 270 Hagen, Jerome, War in the Pacific (Ohio: Book Masters, Inc. 1988) 270 Hagen, Jerome, War in the Pacific (Ohio: Book Masters, Inc. 1988) 271
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Best TV Shows About College Life
Best TV Shows About College Life If not for television, would we know how it feels to have the experience of raising 8 kids? Would we understand the thrill and rush that comes with learning to express yourself in high school through song and dance? What about the strength, bravery, and courage of a woman trapped in a religious theocracy that is simply doing what she can to survive and get herself out? While the plots for shows mentioned above may take their liberties with emotion and drama to create visually stunning programming and ratings producing statistics, something is to be said for those shows that create a more realistic window into the everyday lives of people. One of the most important of those experiences being, of course, college life. Television has, over the decades, created a wide range of shows that are meant to represent college life. Some take a more whimsical approach to the topic, like when Sabrina went to college and learned that life with magic isnt just hard in high school. Others take a more simple approach, choosing to pick and pull sugar coated lessons from college meant to entertain, rather than provide thoughtful insight into a character or experience like when Saved by The Bell took it to the College Years.. However, not all shows are designed to just be purely for entertainment. Some of the best tv shows about college put the focus on the characters and their complicated and sometimes tragic backstories, the political realness that comes with being different in a place where you have a voice to express it, and the all to familiar sense of falling in and out of love with the person you are becoming. Throw in a bit of bad cooking, take-out, deadlines, and romance, and you have the makings of a truly great tv show about college life. Here is our list of the Best TV Shows About College Life! Dear White People This critically acclaimed show about college life comes from Justin Simien. Dear White People focuses on a group of African American students at an Ivy League school that is trying to balance their school life with the â€Å"post-racial†society we are currently in. While sometimes misguided, their actions put them in situations that give voice to current social and political issues facing minority college students today. What makes Dear White People so great, is that it is for everyone. The show doesnt just focus on stereotypical â€Å"black-anger†or â€Å"white-guilt†, instead, it shows us what life is like learning to interact with people on both sides who just dont know better than what they have been raised to believe. With an intelligent script and a standout cast, this is one college life tv show that you are sure to binge watch! Grown-Ish Something about college show spin-offs always tends to do well and Grown-ish is no exception. A spin-off of ABC’s blackish follows their eldest daughter as she traverses her way between what the series creator calls â€Å"that in-between place where you are not quite an adult but facing grown world problems for the first time.†What we love about this show is its very real ability to show how the character struggles with not always getting what she wants. Too often we go to college assuming that we have finally made it, only to realize that we are only just beginning the first steps into adulthood. This show provides an excellent view of what this can make us feel like, and more importantly, the do’s and donts of how to react to it. Veronica Mars Veronica Mars follows the story of a girl who had everything in high school, and, after a series of personal events, finds herself an outcast in her school and neighborhood. Turning lemons into lemonade, she begins her journey of healing and self-discovery working as a private detective for her father. While the first 2 seasons of this show put Veronica in high school, the final third season explores her transition into college life. The confidence, bravery, and cunningness needed to survive those harsh high school years are just enough to help her keep a hold on things as they turn upside down in college. What we love about Veronica Mars and her college years is watching what type of greatness can be achieved out of tragedy. No story is better for watching someone who fell from grace so to speak, rise up to be better, smarter, and more capable than they had ever dreamed of being. Different World This Cosby Show spin-off follows the life of Denise Huxtable as she journeys through her college life at a historically black college. What makes this so real is that it represented life for African Americans in a way that hadnt been done on TV at the time. Fully diving into the social and political challenges that people of color were facing at the time was highly instrumental in teaching and motivating African American students to enroll in university and find an outlet to be the type of change they wished to see in the world. Mixed into the all-star cast, and the strong storylines was also a lot of fun, laughs, pranks, and hilarious misunderstandings. Truly one of the best television shows about college ever created! Community This NBC sitcom features a ragtag bunch of students that get together, initially, to form a study group. As time continues, they form a rather unique, bond that pulls them through the ups and downs of life at a community college. What makes Community great is that the setting isnt your typical university where everyone is bright eyed and bushy tailed with a long and exciting future ahead of them. With it being a community college, the age of the characters widens,providing a unique perspective into the world of people when they think that they have done everything right and it all turns out so wrong. The best part about this college life tv show is that it uses humor and hijinks to prove a lesson that most are looking for in college just be yourself, because nobody knows what they are doing! Felicity Felicity followed a small town girl who thought she would follow a small town boy to the Big Apple to win him over. While Felicity led a sheltered existence, she soon learns that life doesnt always go as planned and that finishing the day off as the same person you started it isnt always possible. What makes Felicity so great is the fact that it best represents what happens when we thought we had a plan, and even something better comes along. The endless possibilities that hit us in our college years provide the foundation that we build all future decisions on and the story of Felicity’s journey is a moving and inspiring one that is sure to connect with anyone who wanted to follow their heart to a better life. The Magicians The Magicians comes from a book of the same name and follows a group of students doing a postgraduate program at Brakebills a school for magic. Often described as a darker and more adult version of Harry Potter, this show, in reality, is so much more. What makes this show so great is the fact that the magic aspect isnt a huge deal in the show. Or at least it is just as important as showing the characters leveling up of their emotional and mental prowess in addition to their magical one. Love, betrayal, stress, and anxiety all fold together beautifully to show a college experience that has everyone constantly stressed and worried if they are going to make it to the next day. That is surely something that everyone can relate to. And while the extra sci-fi touch to it may be a bit much for some, we are confident that it is just enough to keep you on the edge of your seat wanting more! Whether we love watching them because the stories are more relatable, or because the characters are more believable, (no teenager is ever that clever in real lifeever), one thing is for certain, they are the shows that touched our hearts and got us through some of the best and worst times in that wonderful time we call college life. Image credit: IMDB
Monday, February 17, 2020
The Vietnam War Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 2
The Vietnam War - Essay Example The Vietnam People’s Army, on the other hand, practiced conventional warfare (Henriksen 16). The US and South Vietnamese forces typically relied on air superiority, as well as superior firepower for searching and destroying communistic operations through airstrikes, artillery and ground forces. It is undeniable that the upheaval in Vietnam during the 1960s had serious repercussions as both sides suffered immense losses of both lives and funds. This paper will examine the conditions in Vietnam that precipitated such upheaval, focusing on the social, economic and political conditions in Vietnam during the 1950s. The 1950s in Vietnam were critical years to the war. Political Conditions The most notable causes of the Vietnamese upheaval of the 1960s were largely political-based. One of the most critical situations that precipitated the upheaval in the 1960s was the involvement of the US government in the affairs of South Vietnam. The US had initially backed France in its pursuit t o take over Vietnam. However, upon the defeat of France, the nation (Vietnam) split into two; North and South (Henriksen 38). The US government sought involvement in the war with a view to deter a communist takeover of South Vietnam. The US was quite weary of the insurgency of communism in South Vietnam, and thus engaged a containment strategy or counterinsurgency to deter South Vietnam’s takeover. All this occurred from 1950 when the US sent its military advisors to the then French Indochina. The US government was adamant that the North intended to convert the South into a communistic state, thus warned the Southern political elite of the same. This precipitated animosity between the North and Southern leaders and in turn increased tension between the two states resulting in massive upheaval.  After France acceded defeat by the Vietnamese, the US government, under the administration of President Dwight Eisenhower, embarked on building a state from the South Vietnamese political entity by fabricating government there. The US overtook the governance of South Vietnam through controlling the local government. This allowed the US to attain its mission, i.e. war against the communists to deter South Vietnam’s takeover. Furthermore, in addition to the US sending its military advisers to South Vietnam, it also dispatched the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to engage in psychological warfare with the North. The involvement of the US only angered the North who reciprocated through guerilla tactics against the South. In addition to helping South Vietnam to deter communist takeover, another key political reason for the Vietnamese upheaval in the 1960s was the US’ guarantee to support capitalistic South Vietnam to deter the reoccurrence of the Chinese takeover by communists. The US government throughout the administrations of Truman, Eisenhower, and Kennedy all guaranteed South Vietnam of their undying support. The US had rather selfish reason s for backing South Vietnam. According to the US government, under the administration of the aforementioned presidents, if the US deserted South Vietnam, its word would thus be considered as unreliable by other governments, both friendly and unfriendly. Therefore, because its credibility was at stake, the US advocated the war against South Vietnam. Social
Monday, February 3, 2020
Effects of technology and innovation on Pret a manager Essay
Effects of technology and innovation on Pret a manager - Essay Example Information technology plays an essential role in the unprecedented growth of retail restaurant industry. A retail restaurant industry is a segment of the business which comprises of individuals and organisation whose are mainly engaged with the selling of ready foods to the consumers. Pret a manger is one such organisation which belongs to this particular segment. The report will highlight on the areas such as the role of information technology in the retail restaurant industry as well as more specifically to the company pret a manger. Apart from this the project will also highlight on the different approaches of pret a manger in the context of sustainable development, use of IT and innovations. The report also proposes to highlight the benefits offered by information technology for different elements. Role of Information Technology in Restaurant industry In this sector the functions of Information technology and innovation is significant as it helps in the process of research and d evelopment, financial segment, product development, pricing, distribution and promotion. In other words information technology helps all the 4p’s of marketing mix. The industry plays an important role in the growth of the economy. It is one of the largest growing food types and intended for immediate consumption. The restaurant industry has some distinguishing factor within itself. The point of difference lies where some restaurants have their dedicated kitchens in their outlets while some other restaurants outlets get supply of the ready food from the factory. The industry includes members such as refreshment stands, fast food restaurants, full service restaurants, caterers and institutional food providers. Large fast food chain majorly contributes to the restaurant industry. In a recent study conducted, where it has been found that there were approximately 10 million retail restaurants available across the world. Among them most of the outlets were owned by individuals and single entities. But there are around 350 restaurants involved in chain business. The big names within this category are McDonalds, Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC), Pizza hut, Dominos, Subway, Fingers and Del Taco, pret a manger among various other players. The noticeable foodstuffs includes pizzas, burgers, sandwiches, French fries, soups, chicken roasts, baguettes ice creams to the traditional Asian fast foods like noodles, fried rice and soups among the others. Franchise operation acts as the most vital component of this industry but some companies go for direct operation as well. The market shares of different companies are illustrated through a diagram:- Figure 1 (Source: pugetsoundoff, n.d.). Presently information technology is widely used in restaurant industry. The companies get hugely benefited through the proper execution of information system. The primary advantage of using information technology retail restaurant industry is that it gives a competitive advantage to the orga nization. The other advantage of using information technology in business lies in its capability to transmit data around the world within very less time. The industry is focusing more on IT to take advantage from it. The
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Overview of the Imclone case
Overview of the Imclone case The ImClone case is about insider trading. Here is the background information regarding the case. Sam and Harlan Waksal started ImClone in 1984. From there, in 1993, the brothers purchased the rights to the molecule C225. The molecule was discovered by Dr. John Mendelsohn at the University of California San Diego. C225 is an anti-cancer drug that can distinguish between cancerous cells and healthy cells. C225 would be able to shrink cancer to a surgically removable size. C225 would later be given the brand name Erbitux. In May of 2000, Sam Waksal presents the case of Shannon Kellum at the American Society of Clinical Oncology. It was demonstrated that grapefruit sized tumors would be shrunk to the size of peas and then surgically removed. A year later in September 2001, Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. agrees to buy a 20 percent stake in the company and for the rights to sell the cancer drug Erbitux in the U.S. and Canada. The tender offer valued ImClone at $70.00 per share. On December 12 of 2001 ImClone and Bristol-Meyers meet with FDA on Erbitux, their last meeting with regulators before receiving official news the FDA would not review Erbitux. The FDA had concerns about Erbitux. December 26, 2001 Waksal received a tip from his brother Harlan, that the FDA would reject the Erbitux application and the tried to sell 79,797 shares of ImClone. He was unable to complete the sale due to two different brokerages refusing to issue sale orders. The next day family and close friends of Sam Waksal sell almost $3 million worth of stock, including Sams daughter Aliza and home style guru Martha Stewart, a friend of Sam Waksal. The stock closes at $58.30. On December 28, 2001, ImClone announces that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration reject the application for Erbitux, saying the drug did not satisfy requirements. The stock begins a precipitous decline taking it down to the high teens. On Jan 25, 2002, the U.S. Securities and Exchange commission and the Justice Department launch probe into ImClone and Waksal. Feb 14, 2002 Waksal notifies the Securities and Exchange Commission for the first time of 50 trades he made in ImClone stock going back as far as 1992. These transactions should have been reported within months. A few months later, Sam Waksal is arrested on charges he illegally acted on insider information in selling ImClone and by telling family members to do the same. By August Sam Waksal, already charged with insider trading, is indicted for obstruction of justice and bank fraud in a case that has rocked investors confidence. Waksal is accused of pledging ImClone securities he no longer owned to secure a $44 million loan and forging the signature of ImClones general counsel to fool the bank into believing he still owned the securities. By August 14, 2002, ImClone sued Sam Waksal, claiming Waksal ordered the destruction of documents that may be important in a government investigation into the company. The Imclone scandal is one of many scandals that show what can happen to a company if wrong and unlawful decisions are made. In this paper I will identify and define the ethical problems violated by certain employees at Imclone, which in part led to the scandal and imprisonment of several people. The first ethical problem and most obvious one to identify in this scandal is insider trading. Illegal insider trading involves, â€Å"trading in a security (buying or selling a stock) based on material information that is not available to the general public†(Reh, 2010). This specifically means having certain information that the general public does not have either from inside sources or by being an insider. This would give people privileged information in order to help them make a financial decision. It is prohibited by the Security Exchange Commission because, â€Å"it is unfair and would destroy the securities markets by destroying investor confidence†(Reh, 2010). The stock market is driven by fair practices and confidence that the â€Å"man on the street†can have access to the same public information a corporate analyst has access to. The following examples describe instances of insider trading that have been reported to the SEC: â€Å"Corporate officers, directors, and employees who traded the corporations securities after learning of significant, confidential corporate developments†(Astarita, 2010). â€Å"Friends, business associates, family members, and other tippers of such officers, directors, and employees, who traded the securities after receiving such information†(Astarita, 2010). â€Å"Other persons who misappropriated, and took advantage of, confidential information from their employers†(Astaria, 2010). These are just a few examples of illegal insider trading and similarly describe what took place at Imclone with CEO, Sam Waksal. Sam discovered inside information that would lead to a drop in the companys stock. Now, knowing and acting are two different things when it comes to insider trading. It is understood that certain people inside a company will know valuable information as regards to its stock going up or down. The criminal and unethical behavior comes when that person tells his friends and family members about that information. This is exactly what Sam Waksal did and this is what got him and the company into some major trouble. Most public companies will limit the number of people who have access to the inside information. This is done to decrease the likelihood of insider trading. However, even if you have a small number of people on the inside, it will ultimately come down to the individual and the ethical standards to which they live their life by. It only took one man to start the insider trading scandal, and thats not even all he did. Two other ethical problems that were indirectly related to Imclone involved Sam Waksal and his own personal ethics. His attempts at forgery and tax fraud did not hurt the company per sea, but helped confirm the type of unethical CEO that he was. Forgery can be defined as, â€Å"the act or legal offense of imitating or counterfeiting documents, signatures, works of art, etc. to deceive†(Websters, 2009). This basically means falsifying something with the intent of misleading others so that you may appear to have done something truthful. With regards to ImClones CEO, it was reported that Sam Waksal forged a signature of the companys general counsel, John Landes, in a statement pledging ImClone stocks in order to obtain money in loans from Bank of America. This was†¦. Fraud can be defined as, â€Å"something said or done to deceive†(Websters, 2009). Another definition, and one that more closely identifies personal ethics defines fraud as a, â€Å"person who deceives or who is not what he or she pretends to be; a cheat†(Websters 2009). Regarding Sam Waksals personal morality, he failed to pay sixty million dollars in personal income taxes on certain stock grants given to him by ImClone. He pretended for a long time to have paid these, when in reality he had not. It was only a matter of time until his fraudulent actions finally caught up with him. As you can see, any one of the previous ethical problems can bring companies to scandalous ruin. What we see in all three of the problems is one man who decided to behave unethically. That is all it takes and that is why ethics is so important; especially for the men at the top. Imclone employees and associates are clearly in violation of numerous laws and multiple ethical principles. One would think that a scandal involving accounting fraud and insider trading would not only damage a company initially, but result in long term detriment to the organization. There is a significant and gradual decline in the â€Å"shame on you†perception of the general public, as is evidenced by the most recent financial transactions of the company. Even with the barrage of media attention to the Imclone scandal, ethical attitudes appear to change over time. Martha Stewart, the homemaker tycoon, was charged with and convicted of insider trading involving Imclone. She held numerous shares of Imclone stock and sold all holdings the day before the announcement from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced that they would not approve Imclones drug, Erbitux, for cancer treatment. Predictably, shares of Imclone stock dropped significantly the day of the announcement. Martha Stewart sold all shares at fifty eight dollars per share and saved a predicted $40,000 by selling all holdings before the fall. Stewart claimed that she had a â€Å"verbal order†to sell all holdings if the stock dropped below $60 per share. However, one day before the announcement from the FDA, while she was traveling on her charted jet to Mexico for vacation, Stewart placed a phone call that lasted approximately eleven minutes to her stockbroker. Shortly thereafter, he sold all of her holdings. The next day the announcement was made and the rest as they say is history. Martha Stewart, not Imclone, seems to be the one who received the most lasting negative impact from this scandal. MSO stock traded at a high of about $16 per share prior to the insider trading scandal. Once Martha Stewart was indicted and later convicted, MSO stock dropped to less than $8 per share. Currently, MSO stock is trading around $5 per share. In 2002, Imclone shares fell as low as $5.85 per share. Imclones drug Erbitux was eventually approved and posted sales of 1.3 billion in 2007. In 2008, Bristol-Myers Squibb Company tendered an offer to purchase Imclone for $60 per share. Ironically, this is almost the same price point where Martha Stewart dumped her stock before the fall in 2001. Eli Lilly tendered an offer in 2009 for $70 per share, which totaled approximately $6.5 billion. The offer was approved and Eli Lilly purchased Imclone. Multiple players crossed ethical boundaries during the Imclone scandal. These include individual investors (Stewart), Imclone senior leadership and stockbrokers. They knew what they were doing before they did it and they got caught. Martha Stewart is one of the principal reasons that this case got so much media attention. The Imclone scandal alone was not really that newsworthy nor was it much different than the multitude of other financial scandals during the early years after 2000. We have Mrs. Stewart to thank for bringing this to the forefront of America. For the business world, and the American Public in particular, the Imclone ordeal serves as an example of deceit, greed, insider trading and scandal. It also proves that if you knowingly choose to break the law, and if you get caught, the government will prosecute and you could serve time in prison. If you do not think it could happen to you, just ask Martha Stewart.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Case study Essay
This paper addresses the principles of Choice Theory with the origin of Classical Theory, as well as the Trait Theory which originated from the Positivist Theory. It establishes the differences between the two criminological theories. The defining characteristics are addressed to help the reader understand the relation between the two as well. The distinctions and descriptions are supported by various scholarly authors, and will be listed below. The ideas of the Choice Theory originated from the principles and ideas of the Classical Theory. Back in the late 1700’s it was the understanding of the criminologist, that criminals would typically assess the possible benefits of conscious and rational choice before committing a crime. Choice theory establishes a mindset focused on the benefits they will render by becoming involved in a criminal act over the possibilities of punishment or rather conviction of the crime in question. Classical Theory was developed by Cesare Beccaria, an Italian social thinkers as stated in the text (pg. 84) after which, about a hundred years later the idea of Positivist Theory was developed and became the focus of the criminologist. Although the Positivist Theory made an appearance within the study, not much longer after they shifted back to the original thoughts of Cesare Beccaria. As the years went on Beccaria original idea of Choice Theory developed into something greater and more advanced in its description. According to one article â€Å"Rational Choice Theory, Crime Control Policy, and Criminological Relevance†states it is matured into a more comprehensive perspective that ultimately appreciates the complexity of the nature of criminal behavior. Within this crime theory, suggest that criminals are typically not fearfully of breaking the law because the excitement and thrill of the crime is far too enjoyable for these criminals. However if the criminal believe the punishment was too severe they will not engage in or every think to repeat their criminal offense. The notion that physical and mental traits distinguish a criminal from another is the principles of the Trait Theory. These criminals commit crime based on environmental effects as well the diet or food in which they may consume. It originated from the Positivist Theory that rejects the idea that the criminal makes a conscious and/or rational choice to commit a crime; but rather their character differences is what constitutes their criminal behavior. These differences suggest the criminologist conclusion of deviant member within society and helps them identify them as such. The idea of this theory suggest that criminals have a distinct characteristics that causes them to commit a crime but it is in fact an unconscious act because it a personal trait in which only few possess. It is easy to distinguish the difference between the Choice theory of Classical criminology and the Trait Theory of Positivist criminology. These differences include the free will of the classical criminology philosophy where the criminal calculates or determines if the crime is worth the risk of being convicted, whereas positivist criminology philosophy indicates the criminal is subject to external forces causing them to commit a crime. Choice theory suggest that the solution to this philosophy is any form of deterrence. And the solution for Positivist criminals is also some form of intervention. Classical criminology places importance on the idea of agency verses positivist places it concern on structure. Classical criminals must be punished whereas positivist criminals need rehabilitation. The similarities include they are both criminals act that need to be addressed to prevent them from occurring. Whatever form to therapy, rehab or intervention that needs to take place has to occur. Another similarity is the time it was founded. Both theories were established around the same time era.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Russia Essay Topics Guide
Russia Essay Topics Guide Where to Find Russia Essay Topics You should first ascertain the reason behind your essay, before you may write persuasive content about it. Clearly, you shouldn't purposely select a topic that will bore your audience. You're an actual topic enthusiast! When picking out persuasive essay topics to write about, it would be better to stick to your very own personal opinions so you are going to have a definite idea on what things to put in it. Most issues can have essays on all the aforementioned questions. Qualities of an excellent persuasive essay topic The topic ought to be specific. It's important to understand that essay topics are just basic ideas that leave you pondering an idea that might be a huge deal to another person. Possessing no thought of the persuasive essay topics, you just do not understand what to write about. Persuasive essay topics don't always must be of a significant nature, you can write about things that are related in your life. Argumentative essay topics are so important since they are debatableand it's critical to at all times be critically contemplating the world around us. Russia Essay Topics Secrets There are some basic guidelines to follow as a way to be in a position to compose a very good persuasive essay. So far as essay structure goes, a 4 or 5 paragraph essay based on the number of points you might want to argue is a superb start. There are just a few things that define whether an essay you're working on is going to be a good one. Just stick to the guidelines stated above, and you'll be well on your way to writing a gre at persuasive essay. Such essays shall have a good deal of quotations, based just on facts and laws, and show no more than the actual picture of the circumstance. Persuasive essay is also called the argument essay. Persuasive essays share a good deal of resemblance with argumentative essays. Every argumentative essay ought to have an opposing view which can help you to prove you're right. Whatever They Told You About Russia Essay Topics Is Dead Wrong...And Here's Why Schools should eliminate class projects since they're useless. Parents must be at fault for providing a wholesome diet. Students ought to be permitted to pray in school. They always go online when they need to find something. The Do's and Don'ts of Russia Essay Topics To begin with, if you're arranging a persuasive speech, you ought to think about a topic that could create mental pictures in the minds of your audience. Our life is about words. It is preferable to search online since it will save yourself a plenty of time. All peo ple ought to be allowed to receive free high education. Utilize your opportunity to persuade the reader your way of thinking is the sole right one. Next, you must think about the method on how you wish to relay it to your readers. In most instances, you want to think of a topic that will enable other people to understand your perspective, and telling them to feel that what you write is true. You may trust us to offer expert aid for many of your academic writing needs. A Secret Weapon for Russia Essay Topics You may find there's a compelling argument for learning another language after all! To choose which subject you're likely to discuss, it's crucial to see the complete collection of good persuasive speech topics from the special area of study. You should make sure that you're very interested in the topic before it is possible to persuade others about it. Therefore, you've got to discover enough substantial evidence for the specific topic. Students need to be careful about posting on social networking. They are used to the fact that their professors give them the assignment's topic. In such a situation, a student must pick an acceptable topic to write about. Unfortunately, not all students can find with excellent suggestions for their projects. Details of Russia Essay Topics Year round school isn't a good idea. The range of body paragraphs will mostly be based on the amount of your paper. Also, utilize all the scratch paper you demand. How to earn a research paper interesting.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Into the World There Came a Soul Called Ida - 1000 Words
The painting, Into the World There Came a Soul Called Ida was painted by Ivan Albright in 1929-1930. Albright gave the painting to the Chicago Art Institute as a gift in 1977. The painting depicts the sadness of a once young and vibrant woman, facing the realities of getting old. Even though she is beautiful in her own way, the sadness on her face and aging body portrays a grim and depressed woman. The painting is a large painting it is almost five feet tall and four feet wide. It is an oil painting on traditional canvass. The color choice is very dark and gloomy. It serves the purpose of putting the viewer in a somber mood. From the first glance you can tell that this is a sad setting. To some viewers Ida might bring a feeling of†¦show more content†¦The two most obvious things to me that stand out in this work are the texture, and the strong meaning behind the subject matter. Albright was known to be very meticulous in his detail. He was known to have used hundreds of different brushes for a project, some with as little as one hair on them for the finest details, such as the hair strands on Idas comb. This is all evident in the texture of everything depicted in the painting, but particularly in the detail he paid to Idas skin. The bulging shape of her legs and face depict far more than the effects of aging alone. They show the decay of one’s body that is pre pared to accept death. Albright was so deliberate in his painting, for example he would paint for roughly five hours a day, in that time he would only cover one half of a square inch. Once satisfied he would never return to that spot and make any changes (Hubbard). While everything else in the painting seems to signify death, or doom, the choice of lighting is interesting. It seems to be coming from above from the heavens giving her image a certain aura about her which might signify the possibility of redemption or salvation. The lighting also draws Ida out towards the viewer letting the viewer know that this is the main subject (Donnell). Albright was so attracted to the great painters of Northern Europe; he tried to emulate their work habits in every possible way. For exampleShow MoreRelatedHenry David Thoreau1567 Words  | 6 PagesInto the World There Came an Artist Named Ivan. In the words of Henry David Thoreau, â€Å"This world is but a canvas to our imagination†. This statement speaks to all of mankind, in that, art can be traced back to thousands of years ago. For centuries people have put their whole lives into creating art, hoping that they would pass on their views while still creating something different, interesting, and unique. Generating from these ideas was as artist named Ivan Albright. Though his pieces appearedRead MoreThe Night - Original Writing1391 Words  | 6 Pagesmasked the girl’s sporadic sighs. 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